Step Up As LAPD Chief Charlie Beck Steps Down

by police state idVer:bc9f413dbebdd193db83c3ea2e Wednesday, Feb. 14, 2018 at 10:44 PM

Step Up As LAPD Chief Charlie Beck Steps Down

Step Up As LAPD Chief Charlie Beck Steps Down

By Cheryl Dorsey

February 8, 2018

About Cheryl Dorsey

Cheryl Dorsey is a retired LAPD sergeant who is a much sought after police expert and social advocate.As such, she is a frequent commentator on CNN, HLN, Fox News. She provides candid, honest and unique perspective on issues making national news with a level of credibility that is effective, relevant and irrefutable. Sgt. Dorsey exposes social and institutional disparities and abuses, while introducing strategies and commentary on how to systematically attack those injustices, and empower audiences with a broad and unique perspective on how to navigate within that system, when necessary, and help change that system, when possible. For more visit and follow Twitter @sgtcheryldorsey

Original: Step Up As LAPD Chief Charlie Beck Steps Down