KPFK may also be up on Chopping Block ? We need to get facts now !

by kpfk member-donor reporter Thursday, Nov. 17, 2016 at 2:11 PM

KPFA in Berkley is rumored to be For Sale= that means KPFK in Los Angeles goes out in same manner as Pacifica cannot survive without these 2 main radio stations. We, members, need to investigate and reveal what is KNOWN as facts, corroborated, or what sounds like ‘rumor’ but verifiable. Soon !

For full article, please see and for same article with More Comments see also.

A small part of the entire post is copied below, [with emphases done by this re-poster, that are not in original post] Comments can be made there at either site, after registering.

Because what happens to KPFA in Berkeley directly and immediately affects KPFK in Los Angeles, this story is urgent, important and needs further investigation and verification – by anyone, any how and shared further.

Any reader here who has donated/ contributed $$$ this past year, or volunteer-worked >3 hrs is considered a Member.

And the KPFK organization Claims, anyhow, to be responsive and responsible to it’s members and thus 'stakeholders' [as are shareholders in more commercial companies].

You or anyone can call the radio station at KPFK at
818 985 2711 x 0
weekdays 9am- 5 pm
and ask questions or speak to the General Manager
or who ever is claiming to be In Charge,
or Authorized to reveal what IS HAPPENING
to ‘Our Radio Station” in LA.

A sale of 1 / 5th of Pacifica’s stations, and the 1 of the 2 main and still kinda viable entities are KPFK - which owns it’s own building property -

...and which has recently been ‘appraised’ for value but no open statement of bankruptcy or sale has been publicly stated -- and KPFA in Berkley, the older radio station with perhaps less property value [?] may be the first to go.Out.

But both are valuable as Businesses, as radio station properties with equipment, licenses, et al and thus this story needs to be exposed, explained and recognized = if true.

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Nov 17 2016 :

“A reliable anonymous source has indicated the Berkeley wing of the [ the conflicting segment-faction that has been taking power and refusing to relinquish their over-term-positions ] ...

," who refer to themselves as “Save KPFA”, intend to present an offer at the next KPFA [Berkeley] local station board meeting on November 19 to pay off Pacifica’s debts (last reported at $4-5 million dollars) --

"and in exchange get KPFA’s broadcasting license transferred to themselves.

"It is assumed the transfer would be to the “KPFA Foundation”, the 501(c) 3 established by board member and former Interim Exe Director Margy Wilkinson and [former?] corporate counsel Dan Siegel and headquartered at Siegel’s office.

"The founding articles of the “KPFA Foundation”, which steal the Pacifica mission statement …. Wilkinson is terming off KPFA’s local station board in December and apparently hopes to take KPFA’s broadcast license with her.

"While the details remain to be seen, and it isn’t clear if premature disclosure of the rumored offer will change the timeline, a few things can be said about what is rumored will occur.

"KPFA’s broadcast license, which is one of the two in the network that is commercially convertible, can confidently be stated to be worth a minimum of $50 million dollars…”

see more at original websites.
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Please: Find out more !

And Report it here, if anyone can access reality - that may still reside at KPFK and yet that hides behinds air-wave-only-Outward-broadcasts and allows no member or reporters IN.

And yet, those Inside station like the claim "free speech" as if this were their reality ? huh ?