Fbi/police community is a threat to our people

by Geral Thursday, Oct. 20, 2016 at 11:24 PM
gsosbee@gmail.com NA United States

Most Indymedia groups block this and most of my other reports. I am grateful for all who publish my material which is intended to serve the interests of all.

Here is my report (alternate links) that all main street media would never publish, that https://disqus.com (an apparent de facto fbi operative) continues to block as they also ban me from ever posting a comment, that most Indymedia either block, trash, hide, delete, or in clever way place in their infamous 'compost file'. Most citizens also fear the truth that I always present.

So, these words continue to haunt the cowards and fools who stoop to lick  the boots of Gestapo fbi/police:

Krishnamurti:: "Think On These Things"

"That there is intelligence only when there is no fear, when you are willing to rebel, to go against the whole social structure in order to find out what God is, or to discover the truth of anything."



I will have more to share with the world as soon as I formulate my next theme which may relate to further evidence of fbi total subversion of all of our previously most valued and most respected institutions. Stay Tuned.

Meanwhile, may Providence protect and allow confort to men and women who are abused or tortured or killed by the fbi/police psychopaths all around us.