The American work ethic

by wort runner and Foster Tuesday, May. 17, 2016 at 6:21 AM

Step it up there.

The American work ethic: if you're not in pain, you're not working hard enough.

And now a few words from Foster: as I was taking a break after I finished the lawn. I had a thought. As small and as fast as the humming birds are, if I put mountain dew in the feeders could I get them to break the sound barrier? I could see it now. We would have company sitting out on the swings and all of a suden there would be the sound of an M80 and a gush of wind sucking leaves and grass along and when the company bolted on shock they would say, " What the hell was that"?! and I would say," thet was just red and ringo, I have been putting jolt in the hummingbird feeder. See the three nice pretty red feeders that are full? those are the ones with the rugular nectar. See the dingy dirty feeder that looks like a crack house and I can't keep it full. thats the one with the good shit"!
