Merrick Garland Opposed Guantanamo Prisoner Rights, Expanded Citizens United Theft

by Populist Thursday, Mar. 17, 2016 at 10:47 AM

Garland's decisions on Guantanamo, Citizens United, defendants etc. have helped only the military and the rich. He may have coveredup the CIA role in the bombing of the OKC

Merrick Garland Oppo...
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Merrick Garland

Merrick Garland received a 76 to 23 vote for the US Court of Appeals District of Columbia. That should be an immediate red flag. If he has done nothing to irritate the party of the militaristic rich why is Obama nominating him?

Garland was a partner for a while at Arnold and Porter, one of the largest law firms in the world.

OKC Bombing Coverup


DID Obama Nominee Merrick Garland Cover UP Role OF CIA IN Recruiting Timothy Mcveigh TO DO THE Oklahoma City Bombing?

McVeigh wrote that after washing out of the Rangers he was recruited by the CIA for a black op, the OKC bombing. They gave him 2 million dollars he said, but after arranging for his arrest, they stole back the money. Government agency conspirators pick presiding investigators who will cover up their crimes.

Like 911, the OKC bombing was a government black op.

2 Merrick Garland was chosen to prosecute the socalled unabomber, Ted Kaczynski

3 In 2003 Merrick Garland ruled that Guantanamo Bay detaineeds could not seek relief in civilian courts. al Odah v. United States slate dot com

4 Merrick Garland showed little mercy in deciding on defendant appeals

5 Garland in 2010 voted to end federal limits on contributions to independent political groups. He further expanded the ruling that money is speech and paved the way for greater buying of v. FEC in 2010

6 None of the 4 current Harvard Law graduates on the court nor Garland have publicly opposed Harvard's warmonger investments nor its underground laboratories torturing animals.

7 Garland has an authoritarian record and a high percentage of cases in which he backs up federal agencies.

8 Some of Garland's cases

. Amfac Resorts v. Department of Interior, 282 F.3d 818 (2002), vacated sub nom. National Park Hosp. Ass'n v. Department of Interior, 538 U.S. 803 (2003).

9 Judge Garland was on a a panel which ruled that the FCC's revocation of a license was subject to the restrictions of the Bankruptcy Code. The Supreme Court affirmed. NextWave Personal Comms. v. FCC, 253 F.3d 130 (2001), aff'd, 537 U.S. 293 (2003).

10 At present there are 5 Catholics and 3 Jews (4 if Garland is approved) on the Supreme Court. There are no Protestants, no Hindus, no Buddhists, no Muslims. Those backing Sri Srinivasan for the court had hoped he would be the first Hindu. The hurdles blocking Catholics, Jews, Latinos and women have already been overcome.

Decision of the court in giving torturers immunity:

Giving Immunity TO Caci, A Private Security Firm Which Tortured AT
ABU Ghraib

The US Appeals Court DC Used Their Gavels To Ratify Torture

Two of three members of the DC appeals court gave a green light goahead to torturing profiteer privateers of corporations such as Caci and Blackwater, which company became XE and was then bought by the Chinese. The DC appeals court ruled in a 2 to 1 decision that the Caci private contractors at Abu Ghraib could not be sued for their torture of Guantanamo prisoners. Merrick Garland, rumored to be Obama's Supreme Court justice nominee, was the dissenter.

The US Court of Appeals, District of Columbia has been a rubber stamper of violent illegal and immoral military and intelligence policy of the US government. For instance, Chief Justice John Roberts wrote a brief advocating torture when

on the DC Appeals Court. Caci is based in Arlington, Virginia

Merrick B. Garland, Chief Judge
Karen LeCraft Henderson
Judith W. Rogers
David S. Tatel
Janice Rogers Brown
Thomas B. Griffith
Brett M. Kavanaugh
Sri Srinivasan
Patricia A. Millett
Cornelia T.L. Pillard
Robert L. Wilkins
Harry T. Edwards
Laurence H. Silberman
Stephen F. Williams
Douglas H. Ginsburg
David B. Sentelle
A. Raymond Randolph

The Washington Post and other corporate media often do not give the names of the judges who quash the Bill of Rights…/28/us/politics/28garland.html…