Facebook's Frolics

by geral Monday, Feb. 29, 2016 at 12:21 PM
gsosbee@gmail.com na usa

Facebook's Frolics

Facebook's Frolics :

I appreciate the opportunity and privilege to post on Facebook.
Recently Facebook sends me menacing messages after every post that they (at Facebook) stalk me and then notify me of their game by visiting my site at www.sosbeevfbi.com. Here is an example of Facebook's backdoor, subliminal and cowardly message to me:
Domain Name   (Unknown)
IP Address   69.63.188.# (Thefacebook.com)
ISP   Thefacebook.com
Continent  :  North America
Country  :  United States  (Facts)
State  :  California
City  :  Palo Alto
Lat/Long  :  37.4429, -122.1514 (Map)
Distance  :  1,596 miles
facebookexternalhit/1.1 ( http://www.facebook.com/externalhit_uatext.php)
Time of Visit   Feb 28 2016 4:45:20 pm

If Facebook means to befriend me, then Facebook should say so. Otherwise,  I am not in the mood for sustaining stalking other than  from fbi assassins.