Largest bank robbery robs ussr and California and regional FDIC

by Kurt brown -- Saint ram bone Thursday, Feb. 25, 2016 at 5:30 AM USA

Stunning weapons leave the ussr a broken up nation and likely robbed. The same thing happened at the FDIC in 1999. Murder mayhem advanced warfare from space and the ground. Desperado seeks wife to impregnate before his death.

Largest bank robbery...
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A new wave of struggle hit California and now Alabama. Crime for profit. Hate crimes fostered against gays and various religious groups.

In 1999 bank robbers were called either stupid or crazy mother f'ers

I was being stunned in the CEO chair of the FDIC office in 1999. Like the breakup of the Soviet Union and the plundering of assets in the former ussr, the breakdown of the FDIC in 1992 fdicia and fsma 1999 left many people dead or injured.

Now in California a new wave of race hate based on religion and open gay bashing verbally has lead to murder and mayhem with Sacramento having increased exponentially in crime

I am treated like a mad man or a saint in my native city of mobile.

I call pseudo Catolica the anti gay anti Christ Of course if you read the Ten Commandments in reverse it is ok to bear false witness and lie and murder and dishonor your parents and worship other gods and do the Devils deeds and claim to be Catolica

I was in a walking coma for 32 years with memory loss. I was in covered up nuclear incidents at sea with psych ops weapons damage in 1983 and in 1999 I was Inthe largest covered up banking heist in history. Told to sit in the CEO chair and then we FDIC bank examiners were stunned.

Your local mob like mobile police in 1994 are from out of town. They allow large wills to be stolen amid attacks against heirs. I am Kurt brown half brother to Kurt cobain per dad Bruce brown.

The FDIC was robbed in 1999 at the Sacramento FDIC office in Roseville California on November 12, 1999 on banking deregulation day,

I was in the CEO chair in Roseville FDIC. The prior regional director was murdered in San Francisco in 1991 before the FDIC improvement act of 1992.

The ussr had fallen in 1991. Global war and conquest from space likely

At the fdic in 1999 it was like the fall of the ussr in 1991. Pilferage of assets.

I suspect trillions of dollars stolen and assets. Also the computers were compromised so the thievery has likely been occurring since 1999 at the FDIC.


YouTube Kurt brown saintrambone uploads

Mobile audit club.

I was maimed during the robbery and terminated five months later I want to be ard FDIC roaming and foaming

Mu father said mobile went to hell when the Catholics moved in the 1970s

Pseudo Catolica sounds like a suit to lick cows but it is the anti Christ by another name In the photo with this article is Kurt brown wearing his brothers hair Kurt cobain of nirvana. In my saddest moments since awakening from a 32 year memory loss coma on three hostile and technological attacks, I like to make a joke. My first joke was a sadist joke against murdering sects globally and too sadistic. This one is Kurt wearing Kurts thinking cap

Why am I here. Here in what venue of consciousness Was I ever really. Am I dead. Some say I came back. Perhaps the man with a safe cow. In the vault of banks and in the vault of genetic code. That's my specialization

I am seeking a wife to imptegnate before I die. Perhaps a Jehovah's Witness. They always know what to do. Other volunteering grouos who want to be touched by Kurts