Necessary Medicine about Muslim Brotherhood: Gaza Strip and West Bank from Dict.of MidEas

by Dilip Hiro abbreviated Wednesday, Jan. 06, 2016 at 12:42 PM

The muslim Brotherhood is a religious group started in Palestine by visits between 1942 and 1945 by Hassan Banna who set up branches in towns.

The war in 1948-1949 involving Israel and more eastern Palestine resulted in the Gaza Strip going under Egyptian authority while the West Bank west under Jordanian aurhority.. In 1973 Israel issued a lisence to Shaikh Ahmad Yasin, the Brotherhood leader in the Occupied territories to set up an Islamic Centre as a charity to run social, religious and welfare institutions. It encouraged the Islamic Centre organized by Muslim Brotherhood which was founded by contributions from private and official sources in Kuwat, United Arab Emirates and Dubai.

Hamas is part of the Muslim Brotherhood as well as other countries have Muslim Brotherhoods such nas Syria,Saudi Arabia,Jordan as well as Eygpt

First edition of Dictionary of the Middle east in 1996 St. Martins Press 367 pages

Text includes Suez canal history as well as Kurdih Autonomous Region as well as Coptic Church. Other paragraphs are Lebanese Civil War as well as Cairo Agreement between Lebanon and PLO in 1969 both fielding military fighting groups.