KPFK'S under Pacifica's Board- LAST CHANCE TO VOTE JAN 4

by a KPFK volunteer - donor Sunday, Jan. 03, 2016 at 10:59 AM

Now or never is the TIME TO VOTE for Pacifica's National Board, the Pacifica umbrella that reigns over KPFK, plus 4 other radio stations nationwide. Jan 4th - MONDAY is deadline.... Act now or watch any chance of having input diminished or maybe even removed...... owch !


"(If we don't change direction we'll end up the way we are headed)"

GO TO : <>
All ballots must be received on Monday, January 4th, 2016 in order to be counted in the Pacifica Local Station Board elections.

An elections supervisor will be at each station on the closing date in order to receive paper ballots and allow for eligible voters to vote online.
Voting by PAPER BALLOT on January 4th

If you are concerned your paper ballot will not arrive at the P.O. Box in Oregon before the election deadline, you may drop off your paper ballot at the station during the hours posted below.

No new paper ballots will be issued on January 4th at the station. Your ballot will be placed in a sealed box which will be sent with all received paper ballots to the election vendor.
Voting ONLINE on January 4th

Eligible voters may cast their vote online for the Local Station Board elections at the station 12:00 PM – 8:59 PM. Voters’ eligibility will be verified using the station membership list and will be issued their unique password to complete their vote on the computer kiosk.

Each voter will receive a receipt code to confirm their vote was accepted and can also be used to verify their vote was included in the final results.
Online voting is available 24/7 from any computer or smartphone until 11:59 PM eastern standard time by visiting here :
[note 3 hr difference for LA time - PST]<>
and using your unique password.

If you have lost or do not have your voting password,
click here below to complete a request for new PASSWORD <>.
KPFK Voting Hours

12:00 PM – 8:59 PM PST
For observer and volunteer information, please contact the
National Election Supervisor, L. Joy Williams at => or (347) 699-2914.
KPFK is located at: 3729 Cahuenga Blvd. West – N. Hollywood, CA 91604
  [unexpected new management made sudden program changes:]
Beginning Monday Night Jan 11, “Something’s Happening!” ...
[ = a program which for many years previously was on Mon-Thurs from
12 M to 6 am [with many varied topics, voices, educational and newly emerging speakers presented here , but now sudden reversals are mandated without any explanations from Gen'l Mgr and cohorts } .....
and so these programs now will be on 3 hours a night instead -
from 3 am to 6am.

The 12 M to -3am time slot will feature other new programmers with their selected music and comedy programs for 'a 13 week trial.'

[ anyone with comments questions and concerns can be Active, and express their own views on these sudden changes - these can be directed to : the current General Manager - Leslie Radford - or her deputies
at Tel. 818 985 2711 x 0,
or write to and locate the appropriate places emails are allowed or received there,
or anyone can visit the radio station directy in No Hollywood, all directions listed on their website, of course.]
KPFK can be heard streaming live online at and click on ‘Listen Live.’ Times are Pacific Time. Program times for “Something’s Happening!” are approximate but close and “Monday night” is legally Tuesday morning et seq.

We lost our webmaster and the audio archives is only carrying a few pre-selected programs, not including "Something's Happening!" We regret the loss of our archives audience. At this writing it is starting and stopping but starting again.

Any program information not included in the program guide – guests, websites, contact information, music and comedy breaks, etc. can be found later at and click on ‘what happened?’


The February fund drive will be held Feb 2 to 23rd with a possible goal of $750k. Then the Spring fund drive will be held May 2-22 with a goal of $630k and then July will have the Summer mini drive for $500,000
for 18 days. Progress can be measured by the lowering goals ....."

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NOTE: the above information and notice has been excerpted from a KPFK source that knows what is going on and has been have the 'rest of us'. Most of above is copied verbatim, with a few [in parenthesis] added comments and a few edited words for clarification.

This FINAL opportunity to contribute and help KPFK and Pacifica meet quorum so votes count and to present YOUR CHOICES will affect the future of failing and flailing organizations - that need your active VOTE and participation, with or without more $$$$ involved. NOW !