VOTE on KPFK or else it may be a lost cause or sold away

by another KPFK paid up and fed up member Sunday, Dec. 20, 2015 at 10:29 AM

the urgency of to have a full QUORUM of voters before Jan 4, 2016 is being announced on Radio Station KPFK, 90.7 Fm in L.A. that has a broadcast reach past this county into San Diego, and Santa Barbara and is also sponsored by listeners on it’s website at There is a threat and signs of bankruptcy or assets being sold for maintainance money and some KPFA board and atty connivers set to take away-over all of Pacifica’s Foundation, by replicating similarly it’s name.

this is a repost from a warning received from someone who knows more than any ‘outside’ listener-sponsor or donor who has no access to what is actually HAPPENING inside the bowels of Our PAID FOR radio station.

Those who have been sustainers, payers and volunteers are given very little direct information of the turmoil, dangers, financial audit and Pacifica meeting it’s financial obligations [i.e. it’s loss of prior CPB $1,000,000/ per yr – not rec’d last 2 years due to not having audited Pacifica’s books in time ! and more ] :

------ reposted parts in "quotes" below -----------



"IMPORTANT ADVICE (even if you only vote for one person, your ballot will help make quorum)

"Our Board of Directors Election is ongoing until Jan. 4th, 2016. If enough voters don’t vote, the election will “fail” and KPFK will not have any duly elected Board Members at all! (just the same ones again and we will continue the same way we are headed, from "Pacifica Powerhouse" to "Need more fund drives")

"There are 2 opposing groups of 20-25 candidates each - one slate and one faction. They slates the “Committee to Strengthen KPFK” and the “Grassroots Community Radio Coalition”

"Unfortunately, a lot of eligible voters have not received their ballots.

"First, check for an email from “Pacifica Foundation”. Pacifica has many voter e-addresses & sent links to online voting October 22ndwhich some voters discarded.

"If you find no online ballot, go to

" and click the button titled “MISSING BALLOT?” which takes you to a ballot application form.

"The form allows for online or paper ballots. With Jan 4 looming, I suggest online.
Unless you have no computer, then ask for a paper ballot.

"BUT include the following information in the “Additional Notes” section.

"1.The check or credit card date AND the amount of your donation of $25 or more, BETWEEN Aug. 18, 2014 and Aug. 17, 2015. Only donations of $25 or more WITHIN THIS TIME PERIOD qualify a person to vote in the current election. A donation for a premium DOES qualify you.

"2. If $50 or more was donated jointly with a 2nd household member during this time period, that person is eligible to vote. Fill in the application with the 2nd household member’s information from their First Name to their Email Address.

"On the “Additional Notes” section of the application, state that the contribution was a joint donation from both of you, both your names, the date and the amount of your $50 or greater donation.

"If neither voter got a ballot, send an application for each person, again stating the joint donation nature for each person."

"3. If you think you donated during this period, but find no report of the donation date or amount, state that in the “Additional Notes” section and send in the application anyway.

"Tell & call your friends & inform those at every event you attend until Jan. 4th.

King Reilly, for any questions, 323-839-0985, More info at article

- - - -- - - - - - --" Program Scheduling and Website - - - -- - -

" SOMETHING’S HAPPENING! program - is available to be heard after broadcast times, but only on the website: KPFK can be heard streaming live online at and click on ‘Listen Live.’ Times are Pacific Time. “

WHAT HAPPENED : at the Mon-Thur Midnight-6am
show by Roy Tuckman ?
“Any program information not included in the program guide – guests, websites, contact information, music and comedy breaks, etc. can be found later at
and click on ‘what happened?’ ”


"KPFK’s Winter mini-drive with a hoped for goal of $500k will be held December 7 - (about) 22nd. The February fund drive will be held Feb 2 to Feb 23rd with a possible goal of $750k.

"Then the Spring fund drive will be held May 2- May 22 with a goal of $630k and then July will have the Summer mini drive for $500 k for 18 days.”

- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - [end of reposts]- - - - -- -- - - ---

About the prior “AUDIO ARCHIVES” that have deteriorated in last few months:

Unfortunately KPFK has lost it’s paid-staff webmaster and the archives is now limited to a few pre set programs, not including “Something’s Happening!” - that plays many self-help, spiritual, meditation, and earlier years Old Radio programs that many listeners also home-record for later listening.

The only way to hear the program is to listen during broadcast hours on the radio or the web.

See more re website problems noted on

And there have been web black out days due to lack of paying important bills and other discrepancies that were noted when attempting to search KPFK’s website recently.

The listener fall-out has reduced the audiences and the difficulties at Pacifica stations with factions in-fighting fiercely has further alienated those previously loyal to KPFK too.

The lack of KPFK voters interested or involved in this election brings the danger that all those whose prior positions on Boards remain long after their time has actually expired.

Which means that some of those retaining Power Positions and Influencing only their version of what is best for everyone else is being exploited and allowed.

That is not fair, just or as any rules or bylaws intend. Thus the spirit of any laws are to allow Updated Voting and changes, corrections and new members to help improve all that has gone awry.

One unusual problem that has not been elsewhere addressed is when a donor gives a large amount at one ‘fund $ drive’ request.

That is counted by KPFK as a 1-time ‘gift’ that counts only for that 1 year. While that donor may not be able or willing to make further donations and counts that amount to cover ‘future years as well’ and not just 1 of many donations made.

The ability to vote is lost or discounted after that 1 same year that this donation was given. Unfair ? yes.

I.e. One tithing donation was given for $6,000 a few years ago. At the usual $50/yr membership to KPFK rate, that would extend the membership and thus voting rights for many years forward. But no.

That membership is cleverly eliminated after the 1 yr and more is always demanded and expected again and again. That weariness and ‘compassion-exhaustion’ or even losing-loyalty takes place of wanting to contribute any more. Unfair calculations also lead to alienation.

But, those who have either volunteered at the radio station for 3 hrs/ this year or contributed $25 in donations should be eligible to VOTE NOW…for there may not be as many future elections if things continue to decay and diminish as they seem to be now.

Don’t let this radio outlet down or it will go ‘out’ and alternative views, voices, opinions and even strange / weird exhortations and attitudes will be silenced and hidden.

To learn about all possible versions of what is ‘reality’, or wanted politically, or is produced media but not well distributed,

KPFK still remains the local source for a broad, fuller expositional & educational media.