Putin's Righteous Mission

by Stephen Lendman Saturday, Oct. 10, 2015 at 3:46 PM


Putin’s Righteous Mission

by Stephen Lendman

The US/UK/Israeli axis is the greatest threat to world peace, Putin its best chance to restore it, to save humanity from the scourge of another global war, a nuclear one if waged too horrible to imagine.

Stopping lunatics in Washington, London and Tel Aviv is crucial. Putin’s mission in Syria directly challenges America’s hegemonic Middle East agenda. His campaign against terrorism hugely disrupts it, a potentially game-changing initiative.

Not according to The New York Times. It’s anti-Putin propaganda is relentless. Its latest edition has it backwards - headlining “ISIS Makes Gains in Syria Territory Bombed by Russia.” More on its Big Lie below.

First, the latest on Russia’s devastating air campaign. In 10 days, it shifted the balance of power dramatically, changed things on the ground, reinvigorated Syria’s army. It’s on the offensive regaining lost territory.

On Saturday, Russia’s Aerospace Forces Major General Igor Konashenkov said its aircraft flew 64 sorties in the last 24 hours, striking 55 ISIS targets.

Since operations began on September 30, its infrastructure was “considerably degraded,” he said. Initial strikes “destroyed the biggest and most important supply hubs of ISIL.”

On Friday, Russian air power “destroyed two command centres of the militants, an ammunition depot in the Hama Province, 29 field camps, 23 fortified stations and positions with ammunition and equipment.”

Radio intercepts revealed ISIS now faces a shortage of fuel, weapons, ammunition and increasingly the will to fight in the face of an onslaught against which they’re defenseless.

Thousands “are demoralized and are actively leaving the battle zone, moving in eastern and northeastern directions,” Konashenkov explained.

Areas targeted in the last 24 hours included Raqqa (the main ISIS stronghold), Hama, Idlib, the Damascus countryside and Aleppo.

Satellite images located a hidden Idlib province command center. “After analysis of pictures from space and after air reconnaissance by drones,” Russian air strikes destroyed it.

The New York Times wants readers to believe the opposite of what’s happening on the ground - publishing Pentagon press release rubbish, propaganda, willful lies, ludicrously claiming “(t)he Islamic State registered significant gains on Friday in the area of northwestern Syria that Russian warplanes have been bombing, taking six villages near Aleppo and threatening to cut off an important route north to the Turkish border.”

Ten days of powerful Russia airstrikes have ISIS terrorists reeling, devastated, on the run, unable to fight back. The Times repeated the Pentagon Big Lie about Moscow concentrating on nonexistent “groups aligned against President Assad…like the Free Syrian Army.” There is none.

“…ISIS or Daesh, is taking advantage,” claimed The Times. It’s “threatening a strategic area north of Aleppo…”

You can’t make this stuff up. A reader might ask: What country is The Times talking about? Certainly not Syria where ISIS fighters are being smashed?

For the first time, Obama’s hegemonic Middle East agenda is being effectively challenged, and ISIS forces are retreating - battered, bewildered, discouraged, totally outmatched by formidable Russian airpower, the decisive factor so far in ongoing fighting, Washington at a loss how to counter it.

Bravo Vladimir! Freedom-loving people everywhere support your righteous mission.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

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Original: Putin's Righteous Mission