Brain disorders, Public health and Major media in the United States

by M.D. U.S.A. #1 Tuesday, Sep. 15, 2015 at 1:33 PM

The mushrooming of armed citizens shooting individuals and groups has increased since the 1990's. The major media are quick to label people as sick while state governments cut billions from clinics and hotlines.CIT programs are scarce

A reasearcher looked into some of these debates named Otto Wahl. He looked at every televison show and film releasaed by Hollywoood for a full year.Of these shows released and aired on commercial television stations and in film theaters all except 1 had a discriminating view of brain disorders . This causes victims to not get help, to ignore symptoms and to promote defunding the safety net. By all estamates nationally and locally, 35# of homless individuals have a untreated brain disorder that expresses itself during the week. Most of these citizens are not violent, do not own or posses weapons and do not threaten anybody they are often victims of street violence by outside forces. Their are different allies in this debate, 1 800 959-6264 has investigated state mental hospitals to see if they are doing their job, also prisoners rights have been helped and new medicines most more effective are being used so that victims can hold jobs, live outside institutions and date.The has difficulty in some states although they maintain support groups in all 50 states for people and family to meet and talk about the good and the bad. They sometimes get involved in lost people with brain disorders.