Assad Honors Syria's Army

by Stephen Lendman Sunday, Aug. 02, 2015 at 5:28 PM


Assad Honors Syria’s Army

by Stephen Lendman

It represents the land component of Syria’s armed forces - its dominant military branch engaged in a heroic struggle against US and Israeli imperialism.

Its origin dates from post-WW I - its modern incarnation since 1945. On July 31, Assad honored it on the 70th anniversary of its founding.

He expressed thanks for over four years of heroically defending the Syrian people and homeland against US recruited, armed, funded, trained and directed death squads sent cross-border to commit horrendous atrocities - to destabilize and topple his government, to continue endless violence and chaos.

“Because you embodied an example in defending the homeland and preserving the integrity of its people, the Syrian people have stood side by side with you to repulse the aggressors and to express their pride in you,” Assad said.

He paid tribute to soldiers lost in battle, defending their homeland. He noted “every single drop of blood spilled to protect precious Syria. For all you have given and continue to give, we salute you.”

Last week, Syrian UN envoy Bashar al-Jaafari called “fighting terrorism (a) necessary priority for Syria.” Damascus wants a “peaceful solution and settlement, to put an end to the terrorists flowing into Syria through controlling Syrian Turkish borders, and to pressure Israel to stop supporting terrorists on the Golan front.”

On Sunday, Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mikdad said no solution for his country is possible without combating and defeating terrorism - largely foreign imported elements causing immense hardships and misery for millions of Syrians.

Its military doesn’t fight its own people. It enjoys widespread popular support despite Western and regional claims otherwise.

It’s the glue holding the country together despite territory lost to terrorists benefitting from US, UK and Canadian air support. One soldier explained it this way, saying:

Syrians “love the army…And when we liberate them, they are very happy. They go out from their homes…Its just like standing in a stadium or something and you score a goal and everyone is cheering you…”

“Its so great and you feel great and honorable when people…come outside to cheer you…They throw flowers at you. They give you bread. They give you water.

They are poor people and still they give…That’s Syrian style. I want to tell you this. Every time the (so-called) ‘Free Army’ liberates someplace…no people cheer (them) on streets. They stay in their houses. They are afraid. They don’t go out.”

The battle for Syria’s soul continues. Washington wants its independent government replaced. Israel wants a regional rival removed, Iran kept isolated and its sovereignty eliminated by color revolution or war. Imperial ruthlessness works this way.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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Original: Assad Honors Syria's Army