Turkey Mobilized to Invade Syria?

by Stephen Lendman Monday, Jul. 06, 2015 at 9:58 AM


Turkey Mobilized to Invade Syria?

by Stephen Lendman

Syrians have suffered horrendously since Obama launched proxy war in early 2011 to replace Bashar al-Assad with a US-controlled stooge, eliminate an Israeli rival and isolate Iran with plans to topple its government ahead - perhaps the same way as against Syria or maybe by joint US/Israeli war.

Don't be fooled by ongoing nuclear talks no matter how they turn out. Washington and Israel want all regional independent governments ousted. Endless wars explain their imperial agendas.

On Monday, Press TV reported possible Turkish intervention in Syria. Thousands of troops and heavy armaments are mobilized along its border ready to invade if ordered.

The pretext is fighting ISIS. Ankara is one of its main supporters. The objective is establishing a so-called security zone (about 100 km long and up to 15 km wide), crushing Kurdish fighters to prevent their leaders from forming an independent state, and perhaps acting as a US proxy force against Assad.

Al-Monitor reported an unnamed source saying preparations for military operations will be ready "by the second week in July…despite all the challenges."

If invasion doesn't follow, "cautious" Turkish generals will have prevailed over aggressive ones and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan risking Turkey "getting caught in (the) Syrian quagmire."

Today's Zaman reported prominent Turkish academics, activists and journalists voicing concerns over possible Syrian intervention.

Activist writer Tatyos Bebek expressed deep concern on behalf of nearly 200 noted individuals, saying:

"...Erdogan's personal political interests could plunge Turkey into regional or international conflict, and we are deeply concerned over the president's moves in that regard. We need to immediately remove military intervention from the political agenda."

"Disguised as dealing with ISIL, the plan for military intervention will in reality, if it happens, probably target the cantonal system founded by (the Syrian) Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) in Rojava."

"This kind of military operation will reverse the gains of past two years during the peace process and the state will once again have declared a war against the Kurdish people," as well as intervening directly against Syria.

Turkey's June 7 general election showed its people want peace, not war. Erdogan's governments isn't known for being populist.

Hurriyet Daily News reported unnamed Turkish military sources saying reports of border mobilization for invading Syria "do not reflect reality."

Last week, Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said "no immediate plans" exist. Then why are top-level military commanders discussing the possibility? Why a belligerent show of force along the Turkish/Syrian border?

Al-Monitor compared a possible invasion to Israel earlier controlling southern Lebanon to the Litani River after its 1982 war without UN authorization - lawless aggression, the supreme crime against peace. It ended badly in 2000 forcing withdrawal.

An unnamed Turkish security source told Al-Monitor incursion "requires clear operational orders, a clear strategic goal, clear rules of engagement, clear definitions of friend and foe and a well-drawn-out calendar."

"At the moment all these are very unclear, even obscure. Under such uncertainty, how can you issue operational and tactical orders to your units?"

Erdogan apparently favors intervention - perhaps in collaboration with Obama's anti-Syrian bombing and ground war using ISIS and other takfiri terrorists as US proxy foot soldiers.

Whether Turkey's military shows restraint remains to be seen. Reports suggest its general staff is wary of involvement because of significant challenges and international ramifications. From what Al-Monitor reports, things could go either way. Key is what Washington has in mind.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

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