Covert assaults for hideous agendas

by geral idVer:4865f8d79e65b812f2c3fc4d99a734f0c Sunday, Jun. 28, 2015 at 5:31 PM na usa

The fbi uses various departments of government in unlawful assaults & ploys against whistleblowers.

In the fbi's crime spree ( in efforts to silence me) they often send police, DPS, et al to assault & provoke me and to document my responses. Occasionally, the torturers and assassins of the fbi join with DPS/HHS and send professional mental health officials to evaluate my mental state.

This type of fraud by the government is particularly disgusting because the operatives (who are often suave in their initial appearance) are repulsive in their discreet methods In approaching me for their Illegal agenda . They and the fbi seek to document my responses to the dialog and if appropriate submit same to the corrupt judge whom the fbi controls as another operative.

In other words the operatives are on assignment by the criminals in the fbi to engage in psychological assault on me for a completely illegal purpose.

This report is submitted for the record in order to show the insanity/criminality of the fbi, DPS,HHS, and their foolish and foul operatives who operate covertly and with evil intent in our society. I often refer to such dim wits as mental dwarfs. Even though such operatives may think that they serve the interests of society, they are in reality accessories to unconscionable crimes committed by their handlers.

Thank you.