Nature "Conservancy" Continues Mammal Murder And Environmental Destruction

by Truth9 Friday, Jun. 26, 2015 at 3:39 PM

A coup d'etat at Nature Conservancy has helped environment-raping big business execs take over NC land holdings

Nature "Conserv...
jim_rogers_duke_energy.jpg, image/jpeg, 340x255

Nature Conservancy was once a network of wilderness shrines supported by vegetarians Paul Newman and JoAnne Woodward and many other environmentalists. But when Henry Paulson, former CEO of Goldman Sachs and former Secretary of the Treasury maneuvered into its presidency, he turned many of their land holdings into mixed use cattle slaughter operations. On June 25th, CBS helped promote Nature Conservancy's bison slaughter in Franklin Grove, Illinois, publicizing their 'bringing bison back' but failing to mention that it was for mammal slaughter purposes.

James Rogers is vice chair of NC and retired CEO of Duke Energy, along with Smithfield the Carolinas' biggest polluter. His corporation was fined 102 million dollars for their environmental destruction, as Duke illegally dumped coal ash with its host of toxins into rivers.…/…/video/mMNhMyK3d3Qkaaq15NvLHMvP2rlEMv/…/duke-energy-fined-102-million-in-…/

Muneer Satter sits on NC's board. He is a retired partner of Goldman Sachs.…/muneer-a-satter/

Nature Conservancy portrays its operation as environmental though it is part of the prime cause of global warming: mammal slaughter. A UN environmental panel was coawarded the Nobel Prize with Al Gore for publicizing that mammal

slaughter causes more global heating than cars.

From in 2005

Thomas Stroock was G H W Bush's ambassador to Guatemala 1989-92, and supervised CIA death squad and torture operations.

This top secret CIA facility was run by Randy Capister, aka "Alexandro", working under Stroock out of the US Embassy in Guatemala City. Today Stroock is a professor at University of Wyoming, runs his own oil drilling company, and sits on the Board of Trustees of the Nature Conservancy

NC has thousands of properties around the world. In Pennsylvania alone, Nature Conservancy has 25 holdings.…/regions/northamerica/unitedstates/p/

Nature Conservancy supports drilling in Gulf of Mexico... misuse of lands gifted by the public…/governance/board-of-directors/…/surprise_im_re…/woodwardnewman…/upl…/2012/12/jim_rogers_duke_energy

Picture is of Jim Rogers former CEO of Duke Energy a

Original: Nature "Conservancy" Continues Mammal Murder And Environmental Destruction