A witch hunt society led by the witch (fbi)

by geral idVer:4865f8d79e65b812f2c3fc4d99a734f0c Sunday, May. 31, 2015 at 7:46 PM
gsosbee@gmail.com na usa

A corrupt government destroys society from within, even as the government wages phony wars around the world.

I wrote the following 4 reports because the cjs and the cjis are run by serial killers, mass murderers and pathological liars in the fbi; all inmates therefore deserve a new presumption of innocence

1) All prisoners are innocent:


2) A new perspective:


3) fbi As Criminal Sovereignty:


4)fbi creates an illegal quasi cjs using corrupt judges :


Additional evidence of fbi's crimes in 2 reports:

Fbi illegal efforts to silence ex fbi agent (counter intelligence specialist) by committing crimes and trying desperately to attribute same to their Target, Geral Sosbee, even as the fbi tortures and tries to kill him.

1) Fbi commits Sex crime:


2) Looking in the mirror may be useful for those persons enjoying fbi witch hunts and buying fraudulent criminal stings & perjurious testimony by fbi agents and operatives against innocent political Targets:


About me:

