Gross injustices before our eyes: USA police state

by geral idVer:4865f8d79e65b812f2c3fc4d99a734f0c Saturday, May. 02, 2015 at 12:00 PM na usa

See my report on the establishment of the police state, United States of America, by the very agencies (fbi,cia,police)sworn to preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the USA and the human & civil rights implied therein.

With the support of the general population, the fbi and all law enforcement in the USA (their agents / operatives & informants ) cause , enhance , benefit from and enjoy extreme human suffering that they by their employment and stated interests pursue 24/7/365 for all their careers and thereafter .

See my main website (and the following two links which represent a synopsis thereof) for compelling and uncontested evidence of my assertions.

The fbi as overlord of the USA:

fbi's illegal, quasi cjs as a tool of counterintelligence operations against our people:

As the people allow the police and the fbi to operate as independent cultures and unsupervised forces throughout the world, and as the ruling class benefits from the atrocities committed by the police state now formed, the underclass suffers mass imprisonment, torture, assassinations and gross injustices within their abandoned ranks .

Furthermore, at the National Academy, the fbi trains all law enforcement leaders in the nation and in many parts of the world * to kill, beat, imprison and torture the innocent suspect, while the SCOTUS authorizes the police to kill innocent suspects fleeing in their cars. So, most of the police/fbi brutality and killings of our people are the result of a macabre culture in all law enforcement as inculcated by your beloved
f b i.

The police and the fbi suggest the following notice to all suspects: