Partially Examined Life - Kierkegaard on the Self, 32 min

Partially Examined Life - Kierkegaard on the Self, 32 min

by marc Monday, Apr. 06, 2015 at 1:18 AM

A highly skilled rhetorician, Kierkegaard preferred the indirect approach, deploying irony, ridicule, parody and satire in a paradoxical search for individual authenticity within a European culture he saw as beset by self-important puffery and unthinking mass movements.

Discussing Soren Kierkegaard’s “The Sickness Unto Death” (1849).

This is a 32-minute preview of our vintage 1 hr, 56-minute episode which you can buy at or get for free with PEL Citizenship (see

Search for “Partially Kierkegaard” and look under “Albums.”

What is the self? For K. we are a tension between opposites: necessity and possibility, the finite and the infinite, soul and body. He thinks we’re all in despair, whether we know it or not, because we wrongly think we’re something we’re not, or we reject what we are, or we just don’t pay attention to this dynamic at all: we just go along with the crowd. So we need to keep self-examining and (he thinks) ultimately embrace our subservience to God.

Joined by guest podcaster/Kiekegaard’s lawyer Daniel Horne, we consider K.’s 3-step self-help program and whether there’s anything to be gotten here if you don’t subscribe to K’s Christianity.

Read the text free online or buy the book.We also devote some discussion to Fear and Trembling.

End song: “John T. Flibber,” from Happy Songs Will Bring You Down by the MayTricks (1994). Get the whole album free.

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