Palestinians Suffer Horrifically Ahead of Israeli Elections

by Stephen Lendman Saturday, Mar. 14, 2015 at 6:41 PM


Palestinians Suffer Horrifically Ahead of Israeli Elections

by Stephen Lendman

Western and Israeli media report ad nauseam on upcoming March 17 elections. Not a word about daily Palestinian pain and suffering.

Nothing about Israeli persecution, institutionalized racism, apartheid worse than South Africa's, denial of virtually all rights imaginable, and Western leaders able to help supporting Israel's worst crimes.

No explanation about whoever wins next Tuesday, Palestinians lose. No ruling coalition in Israeli history treated them equitably.

All Israeli governments consider them subhumans. Expect nothing different this time. Expect nothing improving their lives and futures.

Expect business as usual like always. Gaza's blockade won't end. Nor its humanitarian crisis.

Nor multiple daily lawless pre-dawn West Bank raids. Terrorizing families. Traumatizing children.

Leaving no one safe. Palestine is a war zone. One of the world's most powerful militaries brutalizes defenseless Palestinian men, women, children, infants, the elderly and infirm.

Israeli high crimes go unpunished. In the last week alone, its goon squads conducted West Bank terror raids against 32 Hamas members.

Lawless arrests followed. Targeted individuals committed no crimes. Israel considers anyone belonging to the wrong party a terrorist.

Israeli gunboats opened fire on Palestinian fishermen. On March 7, Sa'id Abu Rayala was shot and killed in Gazan waters.

The same day, two other Palestinian fishermen were arrested. Their vessels were confiscated.

Two days earlier, two Gazan fishermen were attacked at sea. They and four others were arrested for fishing in their own waters.

The following day, four more fishermen were attacked the same way. On March 14, additional attacks occurred.

The Palestinian News Network (PNN) reported intense gunfire on unarmed Gazan fishermen in their own waters. Their boats sustained heavy damage.

PNN said these type incidents occur almost daily. Operation Protective Edge ceasefire terms Israel agreed to are ignored.

Its word isn't worth the paper it's written on. Israel doesn't negotiate. It demands, bullies and commits high crimes with impunity.

On Saturday, Israeli soldiers near Khan Younis in southern Gaza opened fire indiscriminately.

A similar incident happened the previous day. No injuries were reported.

Palestinian sources say Israel repeatedly uses live fire in border areas regularly since promising to end conflict last August.

During a Friday Nabi Saleh village protest, Israeli goon squads shot one Palestinian, brutalized 10 others, and arrested three nonviolent activists - two Arabs and an Israeli.

The area popular resistance committee said Israeli soldiers "directly attacked" peaceful marchers.

They used tear gas, stun grenades and live fire. Seven other activists were assaulted with rifle butts - including three children.

Nabi Saleh residents protest weekly against Israel confiscating their land. They demand it be returned.

On Friday, Israeli soldiers attacked hundreds of weekly Palestinian, Israeli and international Bil'in nonviolent protesters - on the sixth anniversary of American peace activist Tristan Anderson's maiming by Israeli gunfire.

He remains a quadriplegic blind in one eye. He requires daily 24-hour care.

He was targeted at point blank range - struck by a high-velocity tear gas canister in his forehead.

He suffered severe brain damage. He's paralyzed. He endures chronic pain.

His parents are suing to have Israel provide care he needs to survive. On March 23, court proceedings are scheduled to conclude.

Bil'in's Popular Committee against the Wall and Settlements said soldiers fired dozens of tear gas canisters and rubber-coated steel bullet at peaceful protesters.

They attacked homes of village residents. Women and children were targeted.

Protesters carried photos of Anderson and Rachel Corrie - crushed to death by an Israeli army bulldozer driver in March 2003.

She was heroically trying to protect Palestinian homes from demolition. She was murdered in cold blood.

Longstanding Israeli high crimes remain unpunished. More are committed daily - entirely ignored by Western and Israeli media.

Every day, Israeli goon squads attack defenseless Palestinian men, women and children. Deaths, injuries and arrests follow.

The pattern repeats with disturbing regularity. Justice for Palestinians is systematically denied.

Brutalizing them is standard practice. On March 17, Israelis will elect 120 20th Knesset members - some new, others reelected. Most are fascist hardliners.

A ruling coalition will follow. Perhaps a new prime minister. For Israelis, everything will change but stay the same.

Nothing ever changes for Palestinians. It bears repeating. Whoever wins next Tuesday, they lose.

It's been this way throughout decades of brutalizing occupation.

Expect brutalizing business as usual post-election. Expect Western and Israeli media to remain silent.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

Visit his blog site at

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Original: Palestinians Suffer Horrifically Ahead of Israeli Elections