CEO Marissa Mayer Creates Problems For Yahoo

by Yahoo Client Monday, Feb. 02, 2015 at 8:12 AM

Many Yahoo clients are criticizing Yahoo's email, advertising and Yahoo Groups policies.

CEO Marissa Mayer Cr...
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Since Marissa Mayer became Yahoo's CEO, there are new problems with email, ads, and Yahoo groups
as well as employee relations.

1. Marissa Mayer has cancelled the work at home option for Yahoo employees including mothers of preschoolers, but
she herself has built a nursery next to her office.
2. Re Yahoo email
a. Some report they cannot open their email spam folders
to retrieve messages incorrectly sent there.
b. Others report difficulty in changing their passwords.
3. Re Yahoo Groups.... Mayer who considers herself a feminist is allowing sexist objectifying pictures of women
to accumulate on thousands of Yahoo groups.
a. New owners in some cases are randomly created for some Yahoo groups and old owners removed without notification to original owner.
b. In some cases Yahoo group posts are being truncated at 10,000 characters instead of 60,000
c.. Socialist, women's rights, animal rights, peace, environment, abolition and other Yahoo groups find their membership 'restricted' perhaps by hackers, but Yahoo's concierge team says they can do nothing to
switch back a group to 'public'. Groups with 30,000 or more messages are being hacked.
d. Pornography is accumlating on many sites while
owners and moderators of the sites find their deletion tools not working. The concierge team says they do not have the power to remove pornographic or other commercial spam.
e. Unlike many websites, Yahoo has not given a 'scroll' option to members which converts all posts into a single scroll.
The 'expand' function which converted 15 posts into 1 scroll has been eliminated.
f. Advertising has more than quadruled. An ad is inserted every 4th or 5th post on Yahoo groups and there are new ads on the top and right side of the page.
g. Spiritual groups are subjected to ads with virtually undressed models. Animal rights groups have animal flesh ads inserted etc.
h. Yahoo groups is no longer allowing forwarding of posts.
There is much less human contact with staff over problems.
5. Mayer requires managers to rate some of their employees in the bottom category.

The following is a link about a 2009 problem, but porn and spam have accelerated since Mayer took the CEO position.

Mayer has fired 2000 people says