Sony and Hedbo

by auntieracist Wednesday, Jan. 14, 2015 at 1:59 PM

My apologies in advance for offending probably everyone.

You'll not catch me running out to buy a ticket to see THE INTERVIEW or a copy of Charlie Hedbo. To explain why not, let me construct a little scenario in more familiar terms.

I, an old white lady, have never really understood the terrible stigma of the word “nigger”. Just doesn't mean that much to me and I don't get the reaction. Nevertheless I can see that other people hate that word so I just don't use it. And I don't miss it. There is no big attitude on my part that not using that word is some sort of infringement on my right to free speech.

Now suppose I do decide to take an attitude and I walk up to some black man on the street, stick my face in his … and curl my lip a little, as that is part of the proper pronunciation as I recall … and call him a nigger. He nuts up, pulls a gun and shoots me.

He will go to jail. You don't shoot people for being rude jerks. You just don't. On the other hand I don't believe that the world would shower me with money and lionize me as a champion of free speech, either.

So why is it okay to make fun of the leader of another country and laugh at the idea of assassinating him? Why is it okay to deliberately insult a billion people of the Islam persuasion over something that you know very well they don't like.

Let the perpetrators of criminal acts pay for what they have done. But don't be making heroes of the people who deliberately provoke them. And don't pour money on them either, they are not heroes. Have some decency, people.


Original: Sony and Hedbo