Video: The long dark shadows of plutocracy - the NYC housing crisis

by Wednesday, Dec. 10, 2014 at 12:49 AM

Housing as a human right is subverted by the right of speculation, said Arnold Kunzli, emeritus Swiss professor, in 1990. (

to watch the 23-minute video

"The long, dark shadows of plutocracy - the NYC housing crisis" aired on the Bill Moyers Report November 30, 2014, click on

Some people say inequality doesn’t matter. They are wrong. All we have to do to see its effects is to realize that all across America millions of people of ordinary means can’t afford decent housing.

As wealthy investors and buyers drive up real estate values, the middle class is being squeezed further and the working poor are being shoved deeper into squalor — in places as disparate as Silicon Valley and New York City.

This week Bill points to the changing skyline of Manhattan as the physical embodiment of how money and power impact the lives and neighborhoods of every day people. Soaring towers being built at the south end of Central Park, climbing higher than ever with apartments selling from million to million, are beginning to block the light on the park below. Many of the apartments are being sold at those sky high prices to the international super rich, many of whom will only live in Manhattan part-time – if at all — and often pay little or no city income or property taxes, thanks to the political clout of real estate developers.

“The real estate industry here in New York City is like the oil industry in Texas,” affordable housing advocate Jaron Benjamin says, “They outspend everybody… They often have a much better relationship with elected officials than everyday New Yorkers do.” Meanwhile, fewer and fewer middle and working class people can afford to live in New York City. As Benjamin puts it, “Forget about the Statue of Liberty. Forget about Ellis Island. Forget about the idea of everybody being welcome here in New York City. This will be a city only for rich people.”

At the end of the show Bill says: “Tell us if you’ve seen some of these forces eroding the common ground where you live. Perhaps, like some of the people in our story, you’re making your own voice heard. Share these experiences at our website,”

Here is my comment (nr 610) on,

What are market failures and what are state failures? What are motors, models and myths today and in the future? What are myths, fairy-tales, half-truths and fish stories? How can a state defend public interest and resist everything being turned into a profit-center (e.g. education, housing, health care, and airwaves)? Wouldn't a basic income or community centers be a re-balancing allowing everyone to participate? Wasn't Bloomberg deluded when he predicted an economic boon for NYC although the renters on the 90th floor pay no state or city taxes?

Original: Video: The long dark shadows of plutocracy - the NYC housing crisis