8 Reasons Why Congress Should Vote No on Training and Funding Syrian Rebels

by Dennis J. Kucinich Monday, Sep. 29, 2014 at 11:27 AM

Dennis J. Kucinich is a former 16-year member of the US Congress and two-time US presidential candidate

to read Dennis J. Kucinich's article published on 9/17/14, click on


8. Congress has it backwards.

Congress should not vote to fund a war it has not declared. The Congress must first vote for war before it votes to provide money for a war.

This is the moment when Congress must redefine our national security and take a stand to preserve, protect and defend the United States Constitution. Congress must put an end to the administration's illegal interventions and misuse of the war power. Stop funding interventions and the overthrow of governments. Congress must put an end to perpetual war before the financial and social cost destroys our own nation. Congress can start today by denying funds and weapons to any and all groups or nations who have been or are in league with ISIS, its its predecessors or its successors.

These are just some of the reasons Americans need to contact their member of Congress today to urge them to vote against the McKeon Amendment.

Original: 8 Reasons Why Congress Should Vote No on Training and Funding Syrian Rebels