Mad, Maleficent, Murderous Main Street Media

by geral Thursday, Aug. 14, 2014 at 7:17 PM na usa

See my comments with supporting evidence that the main street media is a murderous fraud on the world stage.

Mad, Maleficent, Murderous Main Street Media

See my comments with supporting evidence that the main street media is a murderous fraud on the world stage.


For almost two decades I have reported to, government officials, politicians, media, courts, etc. the multiple and ongoing felonies committed against me by the fbi/cia in their efforts to silence criticism of fbi atrocities. I have presented compelling scientific evidence and personal testimony supported by indisputable factual data that the fbi/cia/nsa are torturing me 24/7 with directed energy weaponry (microwave or ELF), and with chemical/biological and viral assaults even as the fbi/cia continue their 24/7 electronic and physical surveillance with psychological torture of me as a Target globally. Not a single main street media group has made the slightest effort to report on this phenomenon which threatens all the world’s population in one way or another.

Yet, great global, main street media news coverage is provided to the so-called NSA whistleblowers who run around the globe revealing only a fraction, peripherally, of the real substantive murderous corruption by fbi/cia/mossad,surete, and their friends Germany, Italy, Australia, etc., that I and others report. Perhaps the intelligence services use the NSA stories to deflect or distract from the real atrocities affecting millions globally. In any event the main street news representatives are mad, maleficent and murderous because they cover up the atrocities and crimes against humanity that I and others labor and suffer to bring to light { Note that each time I use the computer to send out my reports the fbi intensifies the DEW assaults which have the effect of incapacitating me as though I am imprisoned in my own body via sleep deprivation and other disturbing symptoms}.

Thus I hope that the world notices the complete fraud that is today’s main street news group and their so-called reporters in main street media may now be seen for what they truly are:

mad, maleficent, murderous

operatives of the evil thugs and assassins of the global intelligence apparatus that presently seek to control the minds of men and women everywhere and for all time.


Torture program:

My Story:


Political Persecution:

My Story:

Synthetic Telepathy:

USA intentions are gaged in the way the fbi/cia conduct affairs, foreign & domestic:

Collapse of USA:

Meaning of fbi efforts to silence me:

twenty years of my work:


Police State:


Eugenics (New Orleans Indy Media bans this report):

Original: Mad, Maleficent, Murderous Main Street Media