More about KPFK via Pacifica turmoils

by kpfk loyal volunteer Tuesday, Aug. 05, 2014 at 6:29 PM

as Updates appear, they are being excerpted here reposted for LOCALS to also follow if anyone is interested. To all appearances, the conflicts continue as unresolved as nations within nations do, without the physical bullets and rockets but with the same intents and results it seems. Some are not going to seek out information so this seems to be a site where some PACIFICA and it’s local affiliate KPFK doings and undoings are being revealed. Not because it is appreciated or can be ‘helped’ but because at least, it is said, “it is good to know..even if….” yes, there are a few "other" views/ sides/ opponents and different ways the stories are being told too. See elsewhere for those.

Reposting here excerpts of interst. See URL for more and other writings before these revelations.
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At the Pacifica National Board’s July 31st meeting, noticed by chair Wilkinson as a “special meeting” due to “urgent business” and “a report being prepared by CFO Salvador”, the rogue board majority pushed through a massive change in the executive director job description.

The rewrite by board member Lydia Brazon, who has been a fixture in Pacifica’s dysfunctional personnel processes for the last 15 years, claimed to prioritize fundraising, but actually removed supervisory authority over the CFO and all accounting and financial staff from the executive director. The old and new job descriptions can be found here and here. …..<

Members objecting to the board majority’s chaotic actions over the past six months, which will lead to the network’s dissolution, can sign a petition here.

A pending complaint to the CA Attorney General Registry of Charitable Trusts can be found here (in a slightly updated version). Pacifica members concerned about the direction of the network can send a note to the AG here. …….…..<

Music royalty payment protection plan agreements sponsored by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting will expire in 2015, and the five Pacifica stations will have to pay digital music rights for every Internet stream containing 30 seconds or more of copyrighted music, by song and by each individual listener, if unable to restore CPB funding.

The sound of Don Maclean’s song American Pie (The Day The Music Died) was heard briefly in the background of the long board meeting call last Thursday night……………..<

At the board meeting, some board members asked whether Pacifica Radio “owned” Uprising, the daily syndicated program out of Los Angeles hosted by Sonali Kolhatkar that recently replaced the Morning Mix, and is beginning syndication on Free Speech Television.

The surprising answer from IED Wilkinson and CFO Salvador was “I dunno”.

Berkeley-based satirical sound collage Twit-Wit Radio, a 3-minute collaborative spoken word collage produced by noted theatrical director George Coates, continued to spoof the board-induced craziness on July 27th, with snippets of audio drawn from Pacifica’s actual board meetings. " …..<
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There are no open-public-transparent solutions or revelations of what else is taking place with our $$$ pledges and long-time efforts to support KPFK and it's affiliates.

The tidbits available should be known by all who are part of the Non-Profit [non-fiscally-audited or reliable either, apparently] radio station we would like to have continue to exist, in any manner, even if diminished in what have been dissident programs unhearable elsewhere.

To know that there may be a death and later a dissection - when no one can do more than wonder why we, the listener-payer-public of KPFK and it's maintenance - of what we assumed could survive in it's essential prior form, may be a big mis-assumption. least let some of the information that can be gleaned and shared here be made openly known, to be researched further.

And all other 'sides' in the fractionalized [sic] broken dysfunctional Pacific family of money-losing stations and their staffs can be found by searching out that information elsewhere.

Find all that can be known out and PUT IT OUT here and elsewhere, so everyone can read and write comments and wonder and worry and stop paying for what is falling apart - without a physical earthquake, as it is a human-quake deliberately done by those who want to claim more power and positions.

So it seems. Learn and Share more,
dont just criticize this sharing.