7 Rip-Offs that Corporations and the Wealthy Don't Want You to Know

by Paul Buchheit Monday, Aug. 04, 2014 at 6:10 AM

The US faces a revenue crisis and a war-spending crisis fueled by corporate tax evasion and an out-of-control empire-building foreign policy. As offense was and is called defense in Vietnam, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Iraq and Afghanistan, double speak triumphs in the US.

to read Paul Buchheit's article published on www.alternet.org December 15, 2013, click on


Corporations increasingly describe themselves as "non-profit organizations." While 26 percent of corporations paid no federal taxes in 1986, 69 percent paid no federal taxes in 2008.

more at www.freembtranslations.net, www.submedia.tv, www.worklessparty.org and www.nextnewdeal.net