Nuclear Bomb Pacific 1983 and Recollections of the Quartermaster USS Reid FFG 30

by Kurt Brown -- Saint Ram Bone Sunday, Jul. 06, 2014 at 10:14 AM

My website Mobile Audit Club details in daily foreword notes the recollections of a nuclear bomb viewable from Los Angeles in 1983 and surrounding events. The website is misfiring so I posted the historical information here. Kurt Brown former Quartermaster USS Reid FFG 30

that wars can be won or lost and most would not know who was in charge until key fundamental changes occur, where the innocent are killed and robbed and maimed while the guilty are rewarded.

In the USA Navy the people started playing games towards the end of the Falklands Islands War in 1983 that was reminiscent of war. Our ship had a party where all were ordered to attend at the end of the war. I had seen a nuclear incident from shore and had a washdown at sea afterward when I went to see it. It was not the USA's war. During the war or at the end and near the time of the nuclear incident a British vessel was at Long Beach, CA Naval Station. AT the party to celebrate the end of the war and all sailors of the USS Reid FFG 30 were ordered to attend, a man was sitting in a chair. I asked one of the sailors where was the captain.

He pointed to an English or Argentinian or some other person in the chair. It did not look like the captain. I left. Afterward years later I began to think of ways to alter facial appearance. A hologram effect of another persons face as your face with imbedded strata and some surgery to bring about change, including fingerprint replacement if possible. I never saw the Spanish bastard again or the English Bastard or whatever he was. He was not the captain and thrust his groin at me. At first I was insulted, but now I think he was telling me our nuts had been cooked at sea during the nuclear voyage. I have a radiation claim pending in 2014. The other federal bastards knocked me into a stroke in 2001 or 2004.

I often try to believe in God although at times I would rather just die like the animals of no consequence. I can be deceived. I have been robbed of many things, many things before birth. The use of nuclear war is absurd because it is a bullet that shoots through many generations to come if the radiation impacts the testicles or the ovaries in humans. I think God draws the line as to how close you can get to the divine ones and he does so by imparting knowledge to a select group or species to see what occurs. If you do not past the test you are just part of the machine I suppose.

Daily Foreword June 28, 2014: Recently I was offered a chance to meet a Chinese emperor I was told, his yacht there and his concubine leading the way. I think it was a rouge with a guy in a boat, Doc Fang. Bank Of China can contact me at I may soon borrow a Chinese phone book converted to English and pair names for quasi mechanical mathematical contraptions like Yu Zhendong, a weapon capable of detonating CHA units and moving data bits like magnetic Chinese checkers. Yu Zhendong equals Xu Chaofan plus Xu Guojun. It was the explosion I witnessed on December 7, 2004 in Oklahoma. It was likely the second nuclear explosion I have witnessed, if it was nuclear. The first was viewable from Los Angeles in 1983. We were like Riders On The Nuclear Storm.

How long was I asleep Captain? I thought we were out for 17 days but it was likely over a month. Was I strung up while out like a Dier Fag while others were being executed or lost at sea on their little rubber raft. "Karlson is lost", that was the exclamation on the bridge in 1983. Suddenly the signalman was found and now he has MS. Psych Ops, its a flashlight up your butt that blows your brains out after it shuts the power off aboard the Dier Fag WW 03 aka USS Reid FFG 30. In the movie Catch 22 the man who is lost is Snowden. For a moment I thought Karlson was dead, but I did not know we were both being shot to pieces, microscopically. I drank coffee that glowed radiation obviously as I am now have tin goiter or malleable neck. The captain once alluded that the real war was above and he pointed one finger to space on a falsely lit but bright sky. My Italian girlfriends words to convince me not to go to work after she witnessed the blast, "It looks like y'all lost." A movie scene in present, Beverly Hilton hotel, girlfriend in room with coffee, "Karlson is in the lost and found" "Ketchikan or catching the can." She replies, "Ketchikan karlson facebook".

Daily Foreword June 28, 2014: As I grow older I now see the USA as a large lie, especially to those such as myself who are native to the nation and who have sacrificed themselves in various occupations. Due to the criminal activities of those at top, I now see military ranks in families and communities in the occupied areas as being more fruitful than working for the USA military. I encourage no abortions among our people also. In the imperfect world, it does not exist. Mankind is a predator by nature. Predatory capitalism does not need to exist. I would support a military dictator to right us to the cosmos. I would rather welcome global war and extinction than genetic degradation and torture and maiming when seeking healthcare and abusive dictator who has paid gorillas of the predator capitalist sects. We are a maimed species.

Daily Foreword June 22, 2014: Having discovered that psych ops were being used in 1983 in a CIA Factbook report with reports of a close call to the Third World War allegedly with Russia. I was in the US Navy then and I now am having memory recall that others may not have. My brain is not right and is a growth sort that can withstand compression of some sorts. I was alleged abortion survivor so things are a little twisted, like a conch shell, large in one hemisphere and twisted and smaller on the other. Imagine the strength of the one arm in the one arm man, imagine the weakness in the other arm, and you will see my brain and why I am reporting these things that may pertain to a hidden war, or just another attack on USN servicemen or the people of the Earth in general.

Some things are solid provable facts from the USA in the USN in 1983 and the FDIC and the USA between 1999 and 2001 at the FDIC where I worked and immediately afterward. I know on the USS Reid FFG 30 we were taken into a field of radiation at sea, or a smog bank of it if you want to call it that. However some parts are shaded, and could be from nightmares while being tortured after FDIC employment and investigating Sheriff Jack Tillman, thief. I remember being on the USS Reid FFG 30. They would not let us sleep. I only slept when subjected to radiation and then I am not sure if there were assassinations or war as I slept. I remember someone holding something up while I was in the pilot house and they told me to touch it and in a state of delusion I thought it was the ships balls and I thought it was a joke, wrapping my arms around it, but something was out of place. We may have been hit. The USS Eldridge and the Philadelphia Experiment do not match the other harsh realities of this nightmare. I want the entire FDIC management in San Francisco replaced, especially that cigar smoking clutch. Its your money stupid USA. You took the accountants out in "deregulation which really started with the FDICIA of 1992 and the Early Resolution Clause.". The USA walks through a crowd, their money on their clothes and they did not count at the start and at the end of the day they say they saved money by not hiring accountants and using proper accounting practices.

Daily Foreword June 20, 2014: I have contacted the Long Beach Press Telegram to warn them of the nuclear blast I witnessed and viewed from San Pedro, California at Los Angeles Harbor in California in the year 1983 during the time of the blast and the following week from the USS Reid FFG 30 also known as the USS Dier Fag WW 03. The children will be stupefied if they come in contact with what I call hot sand. The radiation shoots through the testicles like a shotgun causing deformities in the young of the young men and the women's fate is likely no better when ingested in fish. I have suspected this same calamity on the Gulf Coast of the USA for years due to genetic anomaly. From a psychology standpoint, the people of the USA live in denial of what I present and others witnessed. My memory was knocked out and tumors were ignored by military VA for some reason in the middle 1980s when they first started growing on my body. I suspect foul play and murder and deceit, and if nothing else, "Psych Ops" on large populations.

The effects of consumption of radiation include swollen glands in the throat and unusual thyroid related conditions. I drank the coffee while in the nuclear cloud on the surface of the ocean. The captain told me to quit if I recall. A drink to your death in 1983. When I was at the LA VA Westwood, the entire spectrum of people was there to prosecute and persecute me in 2001, and someone tried to hold the key for my release, but I had already been injected forcibly and my shoulders detoriorated. My memory was out on the radiation and the high school sea cadets who climbed on our guns and radar afterward in 1983 and I was admonished by a instructor who witnessed it for allowing them on the radiation. I asked them to lick the ships balls you D.C. Dicks, they weren't washed down.

I can't think of Long Beach without thinking about that little fag in Long Beach who called himself Marilyn uh Manson in 1983. He asked me to jump onboard his moving caravan and I chose not to. Take it from a Dier Fag, if you are in the USN and a drag queen is going to suck the Dicks socks to get you to the top, then you are above D.C, you are A.C. I like the Man That You Fear, his quote "you will see", now laughable but insane in money. So here i Mobscene.

Daily Foreword June 17, 2014: Any war the alleged USA regime wages is, "not our war". We are the outcast and the maimed in their predatory capitalist society. My memory is returning from chemically forced stroke after working in the USA military and at the FDIC and as an investigative journalist and invention discoveries ( Yu Zhendong and the other is the Betz Equation power assumptions and apparently timed and coordinated nuclear blasts.)

The USA is controlled by an external dictatorship to ourselves. I have a true joke. Recently in a military port city in California I saw some young marines running in formation in short sleeves and short pants and a large yellow belt around their abdomen. At first I thought it was a fashion statement like a true Dier Fag would wear. At Los Angeles County Jail the inmates who wear the yellow shirts are called the insane but not too dangerous bunch and many are given drugs during their stay. Those who kill in Sumer wear red. It is as foretelling as the wrinkle across God's hand. A cross triangulation translation by a Dier Fag Quartermaster Gargoyle and former FDIC bank examiner with two nuts, Barbie Kenny and Sweet Carol, a blonde and a brunette at the F-DIC.

As I watched the boys run in their tough yellow belt I heard Allah play a tune, "Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Old Oak Tree" Youtube music and catch the bus Gus. 50 Ways to Leave (Youtube music).

If those who block us from government and equal rights and safe healthcare are attacked, then hail to the victor, the bottom fell out. We are at war in the USA. Let us applaud the deaths of those who benefit from our being maimed and killed and jailed for their profits. Beware of government healthcare. It is used as a form of torture and labeling by the federal Mexican and Gestopo syndicates in Los Angeles and California and D.C. and Alabama government. I recommend a travel advisory around the California coast due to radiation and hostile local predators, just as Martin Woods of Hermes Forensic Solutions urged people not to travel to Mexico.

Imagine an invading international force on American soil and the chaos that would be created by some Americans and others from the other side who are employed by the invading force. Today I heard a joke that Iraqi's had stolen guns from a police station and American troops were sent in to kill those who stole them. AWOL G, C RAP, DIER FAG. Protect the Iraqi people from the radiation while you are there. Bring Geiger counters and warn the people if things are toxic from the war that has been waged recently.

Daily Foreword June 16, 2014: Below is an ode to the sailors like myself maimed and cast to the bottom. I make jokes because we are still alive for now, some of us, but for how long. Death is contagious on the USS Reid FFG-30 in the nuclear haze outside of LA in 1983. It is absurd to serve their military. I say if you plan on having children you should pick up a gun and blow your nuts or your head off before you join, because your children will be hurt as many of ours have been harmed by radiation or other weapons of war, radar, etc.

Ode to a dier fag, "Ode to a dier fag, your nuts cooked at sea in a bag, the FFG was faster but not as fast as a quick fried nut by a Dier Fag. Ode to a dier fag, the computer had a van gogh red listed as giving head and homosexual to the fed, so over the computers and guns gone went. The captain got mad cause the dier fag went mad, and the captain lost his favorite slut, his nuts cut off and his puss like a mutt. Ode to a dier Fag by the Quartermaster once with two nuts at the F-DIC. Ode to a dier Fag, half the crew's nuts gone, oh if you knew what I knew, half of the entire Fag brigade behind the nuclear screw. Oh dier Fag, Pacific Grieve. My Italian girlfriends words were in San Pedro California, after she witnessed the nuclear blast. "It looks like y'all lost that one. I don't want you to go to the base today". Ode to a dier fag, I should have listened. Tie me up, call me PARC GLOWA and I will reply " AWOL G, C RAP. Square head square hat, see you enmasse, PARC GLOWA DIER FAG".

Immediately after the nuclear voyage in 1983, some young sailors of the future, high school age, the Seaman Cadets, came onto our vessel and they were climbing around the guns and such. I remember an instructor coming up to me from the group afterward and he shook his head and said they had to stop the tours of the USN Vessels. Dier Fag material was always welcome by the captain.

Daily Foreword June 14, 2014: I like to make a joke of suffering. As children, we children of the 1960's and before and after, have suffered under knowledge of an impending war of a nuclear sort. Picture this scene: the apocalyptic child of god who was born with one side of his brain crushed to the other in an alleged abortion attempt or a strike through unknown war is having a conversation with God. The Child says, "God I am scared of a nuclear war". God replies, "By the time you are old, you will welcome it." That child is speaking from within me Many of us have been tortured by those in power and maimed. Many have no mercy. I begged the government officials in control not to harm me several occasions and they enjoyed it and some made money from it, lots of money

The fall of the banking industry as we knew it in the 1990's and I believe we were hit in the USA in 1983 and I was exposed to radiation in the USN near Los Angeles in the Pacific and suffered severe consequences, unimaginable by most. It makes me pity the innocent who were among the Japanese nuclear survivors. The end of humanity is heinous but that is the end, lets hope, and not a whimpering lesser animal in the cosmos, a being that was higher up the food chain and higher up in divine thought. Radiation impacts both the parent and subsequent children.

We should applaud attacks on those in the South West USA governments and in healthcare who intentionally harm us with forced medical torture techniques and those in D.C. who call the shots or where ever they are located, and we should applaud attacks on those who beat us beat us away from our government in Alabama, working up the chain. Sometimes you are better off dead, remember that if the future war spills blood and disgust. You likely won't hear the final war coming and as a witness to radiation, it does not glow, you can not see it, it is as silent as death and shoots through you like microscopic cannon fire, cutting all future generations to come as well. The human genome is not a tin can. It can't handle it, we can't handle it, it rips, it tears. My entire life has been a background picture from Hell on Earth, from before birth, and in a sense the tradition continues. Mankind is a lesser animal and can be canned. In comedia, a lullaby like , "Sacricial Melodia, its the san Francisco treat". It can't be beat except by Sweet Carol's canned Kurt Meat. My question at the EDIE FDIC meeting should have been, 'can I be candid or is that can-dead with you man". My father, the anti-Christ, taught me to dump the trash where the sharks feed. The anti Christ was really the one who sent me there in the USN over radiation and cooked me and others and did not pay us. Da da sayed don't go.

Daily Foreword June 14, 2014: The USA coastal areas near California witnessed a nuclear blast in 1983 although it is unrecorded. I witnessed a flash like a camera flash over the horizon from Los Angeles and my girlfriend saw more of it directly, and later I saw the radiation area from a USN vessel, the USS Reid FFG 30.

The greatest mistake I have ever made was enlisting in the USA military in the early 1980's. I have suffered radiation sickness and tumors and have stopped reproduction due to exposure and knowing the effects. Other sailors exposed are in wheelchairs or dead and if they have children they are often deformed or retarded. The first warning for myself was tumors, the second was thyroid gland swelling, the third was rash, and the fourth was compromised offspring. The government never officially warned us lower enlisted men about it. We were like children led to be sacrificed. The USA has a CIA report saying that Russia was in a warning state for 1983 when missiles from the USA were detected but the silos were not firing on the satellite photos. The CIA report said nothing about nuclear submarines firing missiles or ships firing missiles, which we did with wild abandon on our new vessel that year of 1983. Those in power omit information for deception.

When I was young I drank beer and wine and vodka. I think it impacted my mind and made me insane and depressed enough to join the military. I encourage the young to avoid the traps set by our enemies in power. Do not drink booze. Do not join the military. I stopped drinking but I can not stop the damage of radiation. Our enemies are in power and they won a war long ago, likely before the Vietnam War for the USA. The best you can do is avoid their government in all facets including employment and welfare. It may kill you but you may be better off dead than consorting with the enemy.

If presented with the only option of employment and advancement in the USA military, I would recommend taking a short cut in the matter and save yourself and any future children any harm from radiation by picking up a gun and blowing your brains out. The people of the USA often hate the military or are indifferent. The government turns against you and walks away because they are controlled by international dictators who rule over nations like the USA. .

I was tortured and maimed and labeled many times when seeking government healthcare, VA and state hospitals in the South West USA, from 2001 to 2004, and they had permission from D.C. just like when they stuck my ship in the middle of known radiation in 1983.

I will support a military dictator if he can guarantee I will not be harmed when I seek VA or government healthcare. I would fight to the death for that right including in a nuclear war or executing those who tried to stop us in military executions or assassinations. Once you are in a nuclear blast zone, it makes no difference if your testicles are cooked again.

Daily Foreword June 13, 2014: Considering the lies of the USA now leave many of us poor and as slaves to others and our children maimed due to toxins or warfare manipulations, we have to assume that the true leaders of the USA are dead or silenced. Unequal laws and unequal justice and lies and deceptions by those in control of the government and the media leave us outcast and beat down.

I am Kurt Brown former FDIC bank examiner in 2000. Since 2001 my shoulders are deteriorated by forced injections by a gestapo sort at LA VA Westwood who was part of the international entourage of torture labeled as health care at the LA VA Westwood in Los Angeles. He injected me forcibly with the permission of the local international gestapo in control of the Los Angeles Courts and approved of by the Gestapo sect in control of a portion of Washington D.C. .

I would consider a barrage of nuclear bombs across the USA to be a mercy killing, but I was taken into a nuclear blast area in the Pacific by the USN in 1983 and was left maimed. Then I was maimed further after the assault made on banking in the USA through law changes in 1992 and in 1999. Due to hostile acts upon the federal banking regulators, I believe many veterans were hired and hostile forces within had us removed. The regime in power is a pack of liars in some of their more corrupt layers of government bureaucracy much like any gestapo sect around the globe.

Daily Foreword June 10, 2014: The nuclear bomb was 1500 to 3000 miles from San Pedro either going West or to south West in 1983. In memory recall and in calculations I have discerned that the nuclear bombs flash over the horizon in Los Angeles which I and my girlfriend witnessed in 1983 was in the distance at 1500 to 3000 miles. We Our ship traveled at maximum 30 knots usually. Therefore we motored our gas or diesel engines a total of three to four days before we hit the hotspot, A radioactive area at sea in which bubbles were still coming up from below. I was told to take a washdown. I had no idea of the ramifications. I believe that we lost in some way. Maybe the day I signed up for the US Navy. Many hate you in Lo Angeles like an invading force and slice each other and us to pieces when they can, of course D.C. pulls the plug, so who is control now spike? Who cares. We are headed for a meltdown in many proportions. The formal command structure and the informal command structure are alleged to be different in our society. That may save us or it may be a whimper of one or the other in its passing.

In comedy, I have proposed a sitcom on our vessel as viewed from my dark side, that of comedy in war and peace. USS Reid FFG 30 became the Dier Fag WW 03 after the captain became angered over his name being on a list of homosexuals passed around by the government and those who he claimed had the intent to demoralize the men. The captain is alleged insane, much like Marlon Brando in Apocalypse Now. But I have followed him and his insanity like the journalist from the movie Apocalypse Now and I think is more sane than John Wayne. I am the Quartermaster and the two things I wanted from the Navy was to get my teeth fixed and to be the journalist for World War III if it went down.

I know whats going down with the captain the boat the war the illusion and the delusion and the boat's loaded with missiles and bogging down on departure from Long Beach Naval Station until tugs pull us out to sea on several occassions. The "Dicks" as the called them in D.C. cut the power on the boat remotely several times. They cut the power when the captain unloaded the arsenal on the targets he had chosen with select international commanders. The informal President said, "You better watch the f-ck out man, this is a trifecta war on three levels, the mind, the matter, the Messiah.

Daily Foreword June 9, 2014: Ironies as I unfold the time from recovered memories. Like a burn victim whose legs are covered in gauze and whose mind is held in a halo of spikes, the USA and I awaken from the terrible plights and fights and spikes.

In reality I remember being taken off of navigation duties before the nuclear voyage in 1983 out of Long Beach California Naval Station on the USS Reid FFG 30. Not much later into the voyage, the captain gave me the option to jump ship onto an island where we had been going back and forth nearby. His words were, "I can't believe after Vietnam they are taking me into this sh-t". I was a risk taking indifferent and suicidal young man of no fear really but on that day for a moment I wanted to be back on the bayous of the Gulf Coast. In 1999 a war was breaking out at the FDIC Roseville also in my opinion as an older man, a fellow FDIC bank examiner, fled and told me to quit. I did not flee but stayed. I think I had forgotten about the nuclear bomb 14 years earlier. Did they do something to us in 1983 or have I just now realized the impact? I do not encourage others to have the bulldog mentality of life or death because in modern war they leave you maimed and labeled and your future children disfigured.

A sadness hit me and then indifference as the USS Reid FFG 30 set course for the deeper ocean in the Pacific Ocean heading away from Southern California. In a way, I was glad I would not have to set sail on the USS Reid again if we were killed. That is the upside to Bullsh-t. I seem to remember looking on the radar screen and asking if nuclear haze would show on the radar. I looked at the radar screen and a wall of haze was to one side of us as our diesel engines were at full throttle. I was then given bullsh-t duty for asking questions.

We had a power outage on one voyage, all systems went down. We were sitting ducks. I did not know if it was a drill. I wondered if we were hit or if D.C. shut us down due to our missile silos firing off missiles. On the nuclear voyage or before that one we were so loaded with missiles that our boat drug bottom and pushed up silt as we departed the channel at Long Beach Naval Station. A huge African American was the engineer below on the engines and the power station for the ship. I never understood how a 7 foot 6 inch man weighing 500 pounds could make it through the hatches and doors below in his work area. I would wager he or others are really sick with cancer if they touched the contaminated water from outside the ship. I would wager he is dead if he was exposed very much. I would like to have him wrestle Sheriff Jack Snatch The Fairy Possum Tillman of Mobile Alabama in the afterlife and I want to watch. I betz a whole quarter on the big guy, 100 to 1 odds, I betz on Godzilla (Music). A signalman of higher rank once told me everyone on the boat was insane. Ode to a dier fag also my dier friend as it was official that it was a ship of fags as listed on the government computer that was thrown overboard with the handguns and rifles and such. I may have a Meet-Up in Los Angeles for those who feel they may be radiation victims. Desperately seeking photos and eye witnesses from 1983 in Southern California when the nuclear bomb went off within view of Los Angeles where I witnessed the flash with a witness. Attorneys are invited for those Tort Claims also. Is it insane to be a sweet carol? Toot sweet carol?

Daily Foreword June 7, 2014: I do not believe most or any thing of what I hear from the USA government and others. However due to the nuclear bomb I witnessed in 1983 from Los Angeles California and hotspot viewable in the Pacific Ocean when my ship arrived over bubbles from below and radiation, I have to hear what the government has to say and then analyze from my own experiences and observations. Because the government never recorded or reported the nuclear blast, I have to make further assumptions based on these facts.

I saw birth defects and the effects of possible radiation in the North Gulf Coast area of the USA during the 1960's. Did we have a nuclear bomb unrecorded as well? I would say a 50% probability.

According to the CIA report the Soviet government in 1983 allegedly viewed their electronics which registered a missile attack from the USA and inbound and in the air. No missiles were being fired at the USA silos so the Soviets allegedly did not fire missiles in return. The Soviet man reading the radar allegedly saw large clumps of high level clouds resembling missiles on radar. We had fired some missiles on a prior voyage on the USS Reid FFG 30 the week before the nuclear blast I witnessed as a flash, likely an explosion from underwater, when I was onshore in San Pedro California. I witnessed a similar cloud anomaly on USN radar in 1983 while navigating the California coast and Islands on the USS Reid FFG 30 where fog banks would appear as land masses. As an aside, Would nuclear haze register as a land mass or incoming missiles on radar?

The bubbling up from the ocean from the obvious point of impact and the radiation was pointed out by the USN servicemen on the vessel and I and others have paid dearly. They should have told us everything and had us wear protective gear on the nuclear voyage. We are nothing. Their wars are likely covered up lies. The victor slitting the throats of those who had fallen and the victors lay silent laying plans and actions. Many years later in the year 2010, " Why are you here?", the obscene plasticine rabbi asked me.

I as a former USN Quartermaster and later a FDIC bank examiner should have said, "So I can learn to recount things after having a stroke and enduring the American holocaust". But the funny thing was, many memories were gone at the time and the stroke and its cause and exacerbation was soon to be remembered. I was about to be taken from a stroke condition in which I am still going back in time in memory. When we recollect things and events we go back to another time and place in our minds or others minds. I have recovered much thanks mr rabbi and friends.

I often wonder if some of our sailors were executed at the base prior to the nuclear voyage. A court martial in a sequestered base or a sequestered or conquered nation? A strange skit by apparent English sailors or Italian was on our ship. A man who looked like our fire control technician who I suspect was executed, strolled through the dining area with two large men in drag. An English voice said, "What the bloody hell?" And they strolled through. And another voice said, "If you say anything we will kill you.". I thought it was a joke. I think it was the hair pin to point to an execution and a covered up identity of a dead man. Perhaps. It has been a long time since 1983 and many wars and battles since for me.

It is my belief the electronics of systems and radio communications could be taken and redirected and various targets hit in various methods. Outer space is the deciding factor with control from inner space to assure a constant feedback scenario. In terms of weather prediction and those radar blips, I predict in California and in Oregon a 40% rainfall scenario from the time of crossing the center of the Milky Way Galaxy in 2012. I deduced this from observing a space satellite photograph of the solar system in 2012 and the density of the clouds on the previous side of the arm of the Milky Way Galaxy and the density of the clouds on the current side of the arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. The absolute drought ended in April of 2014. Henceforth 40% rain or less is my estimate for the California and Oregon areas. God removes the nipple from the mouth of mankind to encourage leaving home and going into space exploration. A time to be. Ser. Sell. Sold? Sheep out, overboard. Can sheep swim or do they just float upside down, like us? In comedia, a dier fag never swims, he just floats and farts and trolls and vomits and croaks. Singing Like a cannon ball jelly fish, "Pump My Body To the Top". Music youtube. Some sing like Stone Temple Pilots Dead and Bloated. (music youtube link)

Daily Foreword 6/6/2014 : Looks like Lucky Devil Day. Today I recall and reflect on all of those women young and old in our lives and I recall the woman in particular who witnessed the nuclear blast in 1983 as I viewed her in the window and I wonder if she is still alive in 2014. We view things differently when older. I was fond of The Doors in the early 1980's and the song LA Woman seems to fit the memory as it was that lovely day of the blast. She said, "It looks like y'all lost" when I asked why she did not want me to go to work the following USN work day for me. Shape is forme in French. I should have stayed in my own nuclear sour patch on the Gulf coast in the Mississippi mud, perhaps a Thatch hut for the toothless in La Fourche Parish with the Four Bucks. Even though I would have done it differently, fleeing the USA to travel the Earth, like Jim Morrison would agree, What a long strange trip it has been.

Daily Foreword June 5, 2014: I once was terminated from a federal banking regulator in San Francisco, the FDIC, after I filed an EEOC complaint. I told the persons at the meeting that I would shine a light over their heads. I as a journalist like doing that sort of thing. However I did not know it would be in the memory recall of a nuclear blast I witnessed from California in Los Angeles in 1983 on a hill near the Harbor. My ship went out and found the hotspot afterward. Was I hit in the head before I slept after the long nuclear wash down shower at sea? Two government men were there? All militaries are obsolete unless in space, cicrcum dictum encapsulating permeating. Meaning within and without, all control subdued to the higher power, the key word is the higher power even if translated from below or from within.

Daily Foreword June 4, 2014: It is my belief that a trade was made to have some USA servicemen executed in 1983 at the end of the Falkland Islands War. I see a strangulation of a military outpost and sequestering of personnel for set date execution. I detail odd things about a possible execution of one man who is listed below in the daily foreword notes. I a Quartermaster was offered death in 1983 most likely in the exchange. I was on the USS Reid FFG 30 and was offered duty in the Falkland Islands on the USS New Jersey or the USS Missouri, I can't recall which. I was told I would not have to come back. I do not fear death and would have taken the bullet for the missile control technician as he was younger and had more promise. I am nothing more than the wolf on the ridge.

It is my belief that I would have been labeled as killed enroute or some other nonsense. That is likely what happened to some USA service men during 1983. "My grandpappy of the lighter skin tone side of the family said in Alabama, 'Poarch Nigger that war ain't ours.'. My grandpappy Brown was right about the war and he saved my life. The part about Poarch Indian and part porch Nigger was my ancestry according to that grandpa and he was a direct descendant of General Andrew "Stonewall" Jackson but was a prison guard or police officer in Alabama. The war part was actually a warning by my father. He saved my life three times, first I almost choked to death on a hard candy, second by telling me not to drink from a strangers bottle, serial killer Randy Kraft's bottle later in life, and thirdly when he told me it was not our war, the Falklands War, so I did not jump in to the death seat. To play the devil you have to wake up and alert your naïve young.

Yesterday a protestor was arrested at Crissy Field in San Francisco with some alleged bomb making materials. Four C batteries, a green substance (?), and an electronic control panel for alleged remote detonation. It was in a square box that represented, PARC GLOWA, a catholic miter hat to a child, meaning square head square hat parc glowa, a polish translation. In true Hebrew and Pig Latin, AWOL G, C RAP. I believe he was trying to draw attention to the nuclear blast in the Pacific in 1983 and the robbing of the banking system in the USA since the 1990's. We can not believe mass media when the true terrorists hold seats of power in the hated modern third world prison state of California and the USA in general. The protestor looked funny being arrested, like a goat on a rope surrounded by police in the twilight hour of the evening near the Golden Gate Bridge. The poor guy was likely forcibly injected for his protest.

The green substance was ink for the USA mint to make more money for their government friends in the higher seats. The four C batteries were for a flashlight to shine over Uncle Sam Sweet Carols F-DIC heads. The circuit board was to show how radio communications can be cut in war. I would gladly oversee banking in the USA Treasury and FDIC but I would have to terminate and execute some known felons in power who are our enemies in powerful government seats in the USA. The time has come for war but we are beat down without a chance. In humor as in war I see big feet Ted trying to get herself a movie contract and looking like a goat. If only it were Ted and not some poor guy in deT.

Daily Foreword June 3, 2014: The class action lawsuit for intentional and neglectful radiation exposure of sailors on the USS Reid FFG 30 can not be handled by a law firm. However, if others saw the flash in Southern California in 1983 and if they later had autism, downs syndrome, and recessive diseases and radiation illnesses, you may have a Tort Claim against federal and state government or a personal injury claim.

The people of California are more stupid than those in Alabama. I have decided to leave. I have a script for one of those sailors on the Reid listed as Homosexual on the computers thrown overboard, "Oh to be a Dier Fag and to feel California Queer, the sorrow, the radiation castration misconfiguration agony roe. How Dier to Gaf like Fag and to only pull up rigor mortis for the future". I hope those who intentionally harmed me with forced injections when I was seeking federal government healthcare and those who blocked me from federal employment after my torture before court are executed or that I am paid for their intentional damages. We are enemies until paid or they are executed at the top who control the needle pushing on the innocent, and I do not care what happens to them and I do not recommend in assisting the enemy in any faction. You are likely better off in gangs in the gang infested areas. Sometimes you or I are also better off dead. Life is but a dream. That is a true Reid GAF.

When the chips are down, and in distraction games in war, for larger attacks, all of the new weapons are brought out. We saw the USA ruling regime fall in 1983 in Los Angeles per my opinion and the fact that the nuclear bomb within viewing range of Los Angeles in 1983 was not recorded or reported may indicate we have been over run, or awash. A true weapon of war would control from space in our era and cover large areas, cooking electronics and thumping human minds. I would consider global war to be a mercy killing of the maimed mankind we now experience. We will go out with a whimper. You are better off to be in gangs than in the military, or neither.

Daily Foreword June 2, 2014: The fact that I was put into a nuclear detonation area in 1983 by the federal government while in the USN, and due to the fact that I and numerous other sailors on the USS Reid FFG-30 were exposed to what amounts to nuclear flack, and because the government was negligent in not giving us protective clothing for the voyage to find the detonation point, I feel we are entitled to a settlement in a tort claim due to willful negligence. The fact that some of our sailors were likely executed in Long Beach in `1983, it was deliberately done to us to maim us. We saw the blast from San Pedro and a fellow sailor who was likely executed, 51 percent probability, a Fire Control Technician who handled the guidance systems on missiles, told me a nuclear bomb had detonated in the Pacific before the voyage in 1983 from Long Beach California's, Terminal Island Naval Base. The bomb was to the South West and the portion I witnessed looked like a camera flash and was likely a nuclear explosion in the ocean. I have only realized the true impact in health to the sailors exposed and even worse the impact upon our children conceived since that time has been devastating. We deserve payment. I recommend radiation checks be done on beach sediments in Southern California.

The second area of warfare I was placed in the federal government was in the federal banking regulatory industry. I believe that the killing continued after I was hired in 1999 because it had happened prior in 1992 in the FDIC alleged suicide of a FDIC Regional Director in San Francisco. My Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) boss was almost blown up in a fuel explosion in Rocklin California as he slept in 1999, he and his subdivision. The neighborhood was evacuated. When my boss came to the office a war must have erupted soon after. We rank and file FDIC bank examiners were moved to another side of the building away from the two bosses offices. Soon, a fellow bank examiner who was older and wiser quit and urged me to flee. Someone had likely been executed in the offices. 51 percent probability due to the sweating the man who fled was exhibiting. I know fear in warfare among the worried sect. I have always welcomed death as an adult but savored life. In others words, I do not care if the Earth comes to an end or if the sun rises. Who gives a flying f---. Beware in California and federal employment in general. The USA is awash and all generals who could help us have fled or been killed. That is the way I see it. It was not my war then nor now. Some places are lost causes and rectify themselves, usually when executions occur of more ape like or more advanced or similar sects.

Daily Foreword May 27, 2014: I was born maimed and recovered much from what I can see. Amazing the memory recall after the government tried to knock out my brains. How many times to almost die dear God? How many times must I be placed at point? A trump card for me is played with every bad hand. It is dealt from the bottom of the deck by God's hand and I usually do not see it coming. The devil may hold the cards but I know the trump card when it is dealt. Recently I was a boarder in an insane roommate situation that triggered my memory on the war of 1983 and the Nuclear bomb viewable from Los Angeles Harbor's San Pedro in 1983, just up the hill from Point Fermin Park. The neighbor was cooking or the roommate was cooking the neighbor in 2014. The odor made me think of the smoke stack incinerator on the base in 1983 and the sound of gun fire like executions as we were departing shore. I saw the insane roommate with a large red bone in 2014 while wearing a dirty cross dressing looking gown, a T shirt, and she or he had either the bone above the elbow and below the shoulder or the thigh bone and fetched it from the backyard to take it back to where they were doing something with bones outside. She or he in a rubber butt suit has the body of a mud wrestler with those big feet teD. Cannibalism is like war even if a human is fed to a dog.

I like to unscramble the riddles in the metaphysical vein and state for translation into the more physical and mercurial vein of our lives. Recently I was writing the popes banker and the words from the Polish language came up "Parc Glowa", which means Square Head. The Popes hat is a miter shape but his head is square and the hat looks square to children. So the words came out from the dead children, spoken by the veterans of wars and such, those who should have fled, "Parc Glowa". Parc means square and glowa means head in Polish when translated. To decipher we invert, Glowa to AWOL G and we in invert Parc to C Rap. Therefore AWOL G, C RAP. The rap is sweet carol crap compared to meeting with nuclear waste in the modern war zones. Its all in the cryptic child in you and me. A Square Glowing Hat on a Square Head In The Park, PARC GLOWA.

A strange thing happened on the USS Reid FFG 30 some time around the nuclear voyage. A man walked through the ship who looked like my friend the Fire Control Technician and my prior roommate in a government apartment before launch of the USS Reid FFG 30, I now call the USS dieR FAG WW 03. The man who looked my roommate came through the dining area with two large women, unusual for him. I thought they looked like men in drag. Someone told me, if you say it does not look like your roommate I will kill you. I thought it was a joke. I think it was a predecessor for things to come. I may search him out to see if he was executed. First I have to find his name. Beware of the imposters in real war. The real girl with the crystal slippers if executed may have the hair come out like Madam Medussa El Capitan.

Daily Foreword May 26, 2014: It appears that even Craigslist is being held up by censors these days if you alarm people to the radiation from recent nuclear explosions and a request for a Barter, exchange of your tumor removal services for my services, that of Kurt Brown alias Saint Ram Bone former USN Quartermaster who was sent to find the "Hot spot" in 1983. We did, I had to take a shower, a nuclear wash down in 1983 and was viewed there by two men and it was recorded in the captains notes we were exposed to high levels of radiation. The USA is awash from all indications just as I was told in 1983 after the "almost silent" global war. Remove my nuclear tumors, be a nuclear martyr. The request to barter was placed today on the Craigslist in Los Angeles Barter Section on the Westside. Know the enemy within by the boundaries and abuse placed among our population within. the USA.

A comedy, I contacted God's Bankers, the popes bankers. The devils read it every day anyway at the Federal Banking Crimes Syndicates in the USA. I pictured the Pope as the Obscene Plasticine Christian Monk. Obscene for not having children, plasticine for letting children play with him, and Christian monk because he too is of a reform sect that is worth holding hands with. The Popes bankers eyes bugged out like goggled eyed Gar as he reads of my horrific tale and gets to witness manifestations, perhaps simulated in his mind. Technology, physiology misfires, or the real thing? I would like those tumors removed plac glowa. That is Polish for square head. I suspect the tumor when removed will look like my distant inbred kin, the Sheriff who I busted, Sheriff Jack "Snatch" Tillman the Fairy Possum, but I will call this tumor when born, Mole Head Brown, just like Rust Head Brown from my leg, a leg and torso born Mob AL, BOD.

Daily Foreword May 19, 2014: I am a genetic or malformed but functional anomaly. My perception is like that of a cat with a shortcut wiring to the eye and mind, as opposed to the average human. I believe I have perceived two separate sets of executions while in the federal USA governments employment. The first was on the USN naval base Terminal Island Long Beach 1983, possibly, after a nuclear blast of some sort viewable from some parts of Los Angeles in 1983. The other execution or executions was at the FDIC Roseville California in 1999 and possibly in the gutter row FDIC satellite office in San Francisco 2000, not the FDIC headquarters, possibly. By cutting and redirecting communications and taking key points in the chain of command, or possibly mind control and subjugation of another level, we are taken hostage and killed. I have recommended the banks leave their doors open when federal bank examiners are in conference and in the rooms. The ambient temperature does not care if the bank president sweats. To symbolize the current victors in war, I see the analogy of wrapping a mans head in gauze and a gun pointed to his head and held in the outside assailants hand. When the gun is fired, nothing is heard, possibly only a red spot if that on the gauze. In the same way, teeth were found at the Terminal Island Incinerator at the USN Naval Base between Long Beach and San Pedro California, and the birth defects and tumors I have witnessed and the bubbling up from the ocean in 1983 I witnessed from the USS Reid FFG 30. The gun goes off and people scramble for the media lure of "guns are bad". A nuclear bomb goes off and a peep is not heard. Remove the gauze San Pedro. I saw the blast, I witnessed the radiation, and I have been put on the cross and may die of tumors soon. I have no health care. I look to God for miracles but I know what it is, "On Earth it shall be as in Heaven". Let us hope heaven does not maim me repeatedly.

Daily Foreword May 15, 2014: God designs life and to us nothing is as it seems, so we hope. I once witnessed a lovely young woman standing at a glass window and she witnessed a nuclear blast in the distance. As I pondered this thought I thought of a Japanese woman in Hiroshima and a nuclear blast there. Later come birth defects by design. Progress? I like French music some times being a homeless French aristo-cat and, later in life told I was an abortion survivor, on the French streets of Louisiana when a child left its mark. I laugh at folly, I design it, follow it, mark it. Youtube Music Serge Gainsbourg song Elisa French, about lice in his jungle hair, comedy of love. English translated Lyrics to the song linked here.

Daily Foreword May 14, 2014: As I look back in time to 1983 and the nuclear bomb I and my girlfriend witnessed from a mountain top ocean view window in San Pedro California on 36th Street, which peered to the South and the West, I remember my amazement. Had the blast been closer, she would have been blinded by the window's glass shrapnel, as I was laying on the couch and saw the flash. Later I went down to the street below and the alley way to see if an automobile could make that flash in the reflection of sunlight on an automobile to our window. I should have gone AWOL from the USN at that time. She said the next work day, "I wish you would not go to work today". I was working at Terminal Island and on a USS Reid FFG 30 USN vessel. I asked her why, and she replied, "It looks like y'all lost, from what I saw yesterday". She was a Los Angeles native and had no southern accent but a sense of humor about a possible loss of a war. I would have died for her.

I should have stayed at home as she warned. She saw the entirety of the blast. It had dire consequences for me and my offspring to follow by going to sea on the next voyage. My priority was not in that nuclear blast or the likely executions at Terminal Island the following Monday, if memory is correct, and if my hunch is correct regarding a missile control technician on our vessel who warned me of the nuclear blast as he was in an entourage on base leaving a briefing or court martial, and another sailor warned me of the blast when I arrived onboard the vessel. Both men disappeared after telling me of the blast I witnessed the day before. I often have a nightmare or memory recall of a man running to the shore calling my name telling me that we had lost the war, and then he was shot with a silencer by men with rifles. The executions were concealed if done, in trailers with buffer walls, opposing trailers, executioners on one side and the executed on the other. A nightmare is that they belonged to a cult, a cult of God, per a discussion with one of those who left the ship and my own derivation. . Is that part a nightmare or a truth? Perhaps a seeded direction for a war that was never followed but silenced or muted at least.

When we were launching for the voyage from the Long Beach Naval Station Docks in 1983 on the nuclear voyage, I remember the difference on the base, the silence, the void, and I remember two blasts of rounds of gun shots coming from the base as our ship left the dock, sounding like executions on base and some were jumping ship if I am not mistaken. The smoke stacks of the incinerators on the base at Terminal Island were billowing white like steam. Cooking bodies? I was told by one older sailor that he too had gone to Screw U. Meaning to jump out of the ship over the side if I wanted, he would understand. I pondered the idea later of mind control at sea and the delusion that one would be at the dock while we were really at sea. I think we lost that one, that ships balls club the USN of 1983 at Terminal Island if not the entire USA.

As an aside, It is funny but Martin Woods aka the Whippoorwill of Hermes Forensic Solutions of London and formerly of Wachovia Bank's audit division in London, said about Mexico before the war broke out there in 2008 or 2010, "Don't vacation in Mexico". They were killing each other in Mexico due to the banking wars and internal struggles and the Casa Di Cambio fiasco with Wachovia Bank and the loss of a huge part of Mexico's Domestic Revenue. California in 2001 was the same for me. I was taken behind closed doors and eventually maimed with forced injections. I begged them for mercy. They gave me no mercy and moved ahead like a rapist with a needle before a "kangaroo court" session in Los Angeles Superior Court with those in the background who are involved in federal banking crimes and restructuring of the banking system. The war wages on. Other veterans were killed at the federal facility a few years earlier. Ho Chi Minh City with a little bit of Mexico thrown in for the torture part with likely other more sophisticated players in this game of war. I always sit to the end to watch I suppose.

Genetics engineering can make better weapons inventors of man but the cannibal bonobo bloodline is in all of them, and they act as sadistic cannibalistic apes accordingly if not in their right mind. We will see more to follow and genetics degradation will follow on Earth among the captive populace of Earth's gravity unless mankinds energies are put on space colonization. Eventually it all comes out the same in the end according to my Parasitology Proctor who I would train under years later when I was in medical school.

I was exposed to radiation on the next voyage leaving Long Beach Naval Station in 1983 after my girlfriend warned me not to go and we were somewhere in the Pacific Ocean and not too far away from Los Angeles California when I was exposed to radiation. I have not been compensated for radiation exposure or tumors from 1983 or the stroke from forced injections in 2001 and 2004. My topside shipmate, Signalman Robert Karlson of Ketchikan has symptoms similar to Multiple Sclerosis, his Central Nervous System is shot through. Some may think they have Lupus symptoms, red rashes, when nuclear exposure is experienced, as a Hindu VA doctor said once, with a mumble about my radiation exposure.

I was taken from Navigation duties after radiation exposure in 1983, a bubble from below the surface of the ocean that the Captain and I witnessed from the bridge wing while staring down at the ocean at night, and I was told to take a nuclear decontamination shower by a Signalman who came out on the bridge wing afterward with a small handheld signaling device, a flashlight for morse code. Because our beloved Captain was a Vietnam veteran, I commemorate this song from 1963, Youtube, Surf Rider.

I had a tumor immediately start to form where I touched the railing when I was leaning and looking over and have combated tumors of various sorts ever since on my body. Now I see much cancer in the California highlands in the adults and on the coast I see birth defects of the young born after 1983, in particular those children from the 1990's.

I have also witnessed an increase in incidences of recessive genetic disease, on the Gulf Coast near the oil spill areas of 2010, Cystic Fibrosis and I would wager much sooner, like the Bay of Pigs fiasco of Cuba era, radiation exposure of Naval port cities in the South East USA leading to symptoms such as web feet, meaning toes grown together as a clump rather than as individual toes. Even Boston due to its clam chowder consumption has likely released increased incidences of recessive genetic diseases since the World War II era, likely due to radiation and chemicals in runoff, including triggering Bloom's disease. Some children in California are in worse condition and I have seen a gradient of concentration of birth defects pointing to the South as more severe birth defects such as autism have been observed in Southern California. I am trained in genetics, medicine, chemistry, and to some extent nuclear physics, and statistics, and how to carry and fire a gun.

It is funny, I had to quit carrying guns in 2001 by California (really federal) court order after working at the FDIC in California in 2000 and seeing mayhem and likely covered up murder there and afterward while doing journalistic work on government corruption in 2001. See former Sheriff Jack Tillman of Mobile Alabama on 4-3-2001 try to have me killed while he steals money and my gun permit. It is on camera as 12 deputies met me there at noon and I brought a suit and a guitar to play a bed flea ridden medley for the Possum Man Sheriff on Comcast Television at a city council meeting as well and was stopped by the thief, the Possum sheriff of the Village of the damned himself, Jack Tillman, forced to resign if not forced to be jailed and terminated in 2005 when I got back to him from the Probation Exile for legal gun ownership and the torture and maiming that a federal syndicate or invading internal army targeted me, including giving me a stroke from which my memory now crawls out. I begged for mercy and got none. There is no need for mercy in true war obviously, Jack and Federal war criminals have none for me, even when I begged not to be forcibly injected, although Jack was not there for that one. The ole one two punch will get you on the ropes.

To me the modern war at the top level is to basically abduct the minds of all involved and cut all communications except simulated communications. This is likely what was happening at that time in the USN and on the naval base. I remember someone in a dream or in war telling me that they used our radios like two scythes to cut us to pieces. When the minds and communications are overtaken, the human work machine changes gears and becomes enslaved and likely death follows for the captive populations or they or we whimper in misery. I have no healthcare, only government torture, as I have experienced in federal healthcare in 2001 and federal directed torture labeled as state hospital healthcare in 2004. No one cares really at the top of government. I used to fear nuclear war, now I see it as a passage to the end, where it all comes out the same, in the end.

I am a savant. I use medical training to design traps for criminals in the trillion dollar USA rackets, and I have found there is a lot of persuasion in war and bribery and difficult to stop but ascertainable if you stay for the wars and survive.

But that is no longer my concern as in due time those who harmed me and possibly executed others in the USA will also be executed. Some of our people were killed at Terminal Island Naval Station perhaps, executions after the nuclear blast and immediately after the launching of my ship from the dock of Long Beach Naval Station at Terminal Island, my nuclear voyage of 1983, the USN Dier Fag Ship GFF 03 bound for WW III, I jokingly call it, in reality the most modern ship of 1983, the just launched USS Reid FFG 30.

But don't we all die in the usual ways. Radiation and warfare, knocking of the dog to the ground sometimes without a bullet, sometimes without a sound. Its a Wisconsin Swiss Cheese Bullet Riddled Whale of A Tale as to where the missile control technician lifted off to in 1983, the executions at Terminal Island or the missile silos beyond?. The movie Catch 22 catches it in the throat compared to the Real Fag Ship Dilemma, Dier FFG World War 03, based on the USS Reid FFG 30 in 1983.

Daily Foreword May 12, 2014: California is a place I urge the young to avoid if they are from the lower castes of the Eastern and Central and Gulf Coast USA. Avoiding government is recommended, including employment. I do not have healthcare because I bet on the USA VA to give me health care and not abuse and torture. The Judge who set my bail for 1 million dollars in Los Angeles on May 1, 2001 was paid under the table by war criminals of the international sect.

The VA where I was forcibly injected by an agent was not mentioned by the DA who was paid to attack me in court and a judge who sat in the shared cannibals chair. I now see Cro-Magnon capitalism as their method, cannibalism with a twist. You can not invest here. A war broke out in 1983 and the USA has had some factions come to power who had some service men assassinated. Ask MANCUSO. OS U C NAM. I met him in 1984 after the nuclear bomb in the Pacific and he likely witnessed the executions or knew of them at Long Beach Naval Station terminal island. The Shadow of ugliness taunts him or perhaps he was not there at the time in 1983.

IN California the name of the game is to keep some people out just like Alabama. Many have turned to predation of others on the Earth, as if something new.

Daily Foreword May 9, 2014: To ease the PTSD one experiences and the wave of memories a comedy today: Its the People's Court with Doug Lewelen and the case of the Dier Squid who came to see World War III in Los Angeles in 1983 and almost did according to the radioactive quartermaster and squid Kurt Brown now alias Saint Ram Bone or Angel Bone as known to alleged serial killers he has crossed. First we have the teeth found at the Long Beach Naval Station incinerator, Gold or Platinum, those war dogs choppers are done. The judge enters and after introduction as you see in the post below of the evidence, the judge asks, what about the girl with the crystal slippers. Did you find those? My attorney of the Four Bucks law firm replies, "We only found her teeth sir, no crystal slippers. The judge asks, No Crystal soles? My attorney replies, only souls and teeth sir? The judge asks, "so there were soles, crystal soles?" The deliberation goes on for hours in the punch and judy show of soles or no souls"

As an aside, I considered the South East USA to be a Village of the Damned and I fled to LA when young in the US Navy. I never saw a war time experience before. Imagine if you will, smoke stacks billowing on shore as you leave in your naval vessel through the port to sea and as in a dream the gun fire erupts onshore. Executions. Bitter sweet, I am your F-DIC Nuclear Pop Sickle. The postulate "Is it insane to be sweet? Es una locura ser dolce? The entire USA could be hit, diminishing IQs in a game of warfare for the superior and inferior human mind, like a game of chase. Beware of California. They play a game called blame anyone and put them in prison. If you are investigating war criminals in government you will be targeted by those at the top of the game. In hindsight I was placed into a position to observe employees and assassinate as in the USN. I have never killed anyone. To get that target you have to go way up the line and in a branched operation, however the void has to be filled. Treachery is the name of the game, mind control is sublimation of warfare. You don't feel anything but bliss while your body is set ablaze. In nuclear war at sea, very often the heat and the blast will come from below. I can not believe they took us into radiation without protective clothing. The men who handled the bilge water or were doing the pipes were likely exposed as well. As Hole's song goes One Above and One Below, Violet (Music youtube).

Daily Foreword May 8, 2014: As my memory returns from a stroke by forced medical torture at the directive of government officials, some of my memory is blank over time, uncertain. Facts are easy to recall in highlight moments but things afterward are not. To preface this statement, I would like someone to find out if the Fire Control Technician who fired missiles from the USS Reid FFG 30 in 1983 is still alive and I would like to determine if he was executed for those missiles fired. He was being escorted to his execution or to a nuclear silo after a court martial or briefing on the base. I worked in Hazmat at the Long Beach Naval Shipyard in 1991 and was told that many people's teeth were found in the Long Beach Naval Station incinerators when the base was closed. I tend to recall some gunfire at the base once in 1983 that sounded like two sets of executions and also the smoke stack of the incinerator was billowing if memory recalls.

The rocket scientist is a plankowner of the USS Reid, meaning he was there when it was launched into service. I steered the boat and was of lower rank but we would work together if in a real war. The USS Reid like the USS Starke had a blind side and a missile could come into the rear without his guided missiles hitting them if our aft was not away from aggressors missiles. After he told me of a nuclear bomb detonation in the pacific in 1983 and after witnessing the flash a day or two before while on my girlfriends couch in San Pedro, I saw him being escorted across the base and he was told not to talk to anyone after he told me of the nuclear blast. I call him the Girl in the Crystal Slippers jokingly in other posts due to his clear soled shoes and his going to the Hollywood area for entertainment when not at Long Beach Naval Station.

We were not gay roommates and I believe we were put together as roommates in an apartment before the launching of the ship for a reason. The reason was two fold, to discuss war strategy on the vessel and so I can discuss the situation as it prevailed once the ship was launched. I am serious about the possibility of execution of USA Servicemen at that time at the remote base of Long Beach California Naval Station at Terminal Island.

A roster of homosexuals was found on the ship and I saw the computer with the list and guns being tossed into the sea by our gun safe keeper who was also the computer programmer and on the list. The gun safe keeper confided in me before his arrest. A Spanish looking MP at Long Beach Naval Station arrested him and took him from the boat. I developed odd tumors and moles after coming in contact with nuclear toxins at sea in the Pacific on the next voyage in 1983 after speaking with the Rocket Scientist who was being escorted across the base. The next voyage required a decontamination shower. I should have slept in the shower. You can't wash enough to get the radiation off. I had and have numerous tumors and spots develop soon and still developing after exposure.

I do remember that after being at sea and sailing for several days after the nuclear exposure and my washdown, that, if my memory is correct, the captain had stopped the ship. He said, "Kurt you can go ahead and smoke a joint now, the Germans won't mind". I seem to remember two sailors saying, "Hey, the captain left us a joint" and I recall a half of a joint. They then went on the bridge wing. I stayed in the pilot house, which is covered in metal. If my memory on this is correct there were two ships in the distance on the starboard side with their lights on as would be on a small fishing vessels inner cabin at night. One ship was 45 degrees from our stern and the other was at 135 degrees. I seem to have blacked out at this point in memory or time erased it. We were rarely allowed to sleep while at sea. We may have been exposed to psych ops as the entire city of Los Angeles seems to have had its mouth taped shut about the explosion and the flash my girlfriend and I witnessed. My girlfriend saw all of it from our window overlooking the ocean at the highest point on 36th Street in San Pedro. I saw the flash from the couch but not the black ball on the horizon. It seems to me she said there was a black ball and then the flash, which was like a camera flash at high altitude. I witnessed the flash while laying on the couch. The sky was cloud free and it was close to noon the day of the explosion. That evening was nice, my girlfriend seemed young and joyful, and I was relieved all Hell had not broken loose. More was to come when I returned to Terminal Island as I mentioned. As Marlon Brando would say, "In only one eye is the one eye man ass kiss king, or queen if you are among a bunch of sick skull f--kers." It was diabolical, depraved, and hot as Hell, I will tell you that.

Daily Foreword May 7, 2014: The doors of all federal bank examinations should be left open at both the banks and at the banking regulators. Drugs, gasses, new machineries, could incapacitate bank examiners. A regional director was shot in his head at the FDIC in San Francisco. When I was working in San Francisco an argument broke out at the FDIC satellite office and I was not sure if the Bank Examiner in Charge was tampered with behind closed doors. In Roseville California FDIC a boss was almost blown up in his subdivision along with him. We were moved to the other side of the building, us lower level bank examiners, and then a bank examiner quit and urged me to quit as he fled. He saw something in the offices. I have given up on the USA and our form of Capitalism as we practiced it in the past. We are in an age of high tech warfare and as usual we have subjugation and predation. I don't remember on the FDIC application the statement, I am Garbage I Will Die For You.(music youtube)

In another matter, in 1983 after I had been exposed to radiation in the Pacific and after I showered, we sailed at full throttle for days and I was taken off of navigation duties. Later when we stopped, the Captain said to me, "You can go ahead and smoke your joint now, the Germans won't mind". That is the Captains weakness. He believes what he sees. I see Parallax, delusion, illusion, amnesia and paresthesia. In a coordinated fight things are often not what they seem. On the other hand, those radio-active tumors I have smart a bit. I was basically told to flee the USA after 1983 but I trust no one.

Daily Foreword May 6, 2014: I have been brain damaged since birth but I recovered most of my faculties in a normal way over a life time. Ironically I have had my brains knocked out literally, and likely more ways than one, either in war or in medical torture several times. I speak of the Falkland Islands War and forced injections and basically torture after federal banking regulation work where I was placed where people had been killed and many more were about to be killed. I was knocked into a coma and as my mind comes back I recall more and more.

I theorize on the disadvantage of banking deregulation. I have come to the conclusion that from a medical perspective when finance and blood flow are considered equal, that it makes no difference if it is one central bank, the heart, or many banks, pools of blood in capillaries. However when the blood stops from the heart the banking system without capillaries may die faster if under one flag. However if many nations or banks are there and independent in finance, then the pools of blood are more guaranteed to exist or not to exist at all. After all, mankind is a predator. So the dilemma becomes, what happens in the real world. Overcrowded India, Debilitated Easter Island, Devastated Bikini Atoll, that is the future of the Earth.

The only equal or superior I have ever met in war was my captain. I picture him and I at the table with a bullet wound to the head and a band aid over each of our wounds. "Pass the catsup Nevil" he would say, "I have a bone to pick from your eye." I would reply no, "It is a piece of my tooth knocked out while trying to stop a sheriff from starving inmates." (A reminiscent Scene from the movie Fierce Creatures, Nevil the assistant to the corporate head would be appropriate at this point .)

There is no mercy in war. There is at the core no mercy in the human species. Queer speak is something I play with. Like a child in Hell plays with the devils favorite alphabet to kill him or it repeatedly if allowed. Heaven Beside You (Music youtube).

Daily Foreword May 4, 2014: In 1983, my girlfriend and I witnessed a nuclear blast from her second story apartment window in San Pedro California at Los Angeles Harbor area at the top of 36th street during the day. She saw the entire thing. If I recall she said she saw a black ball on the horizon and then a bright flash. Now that my memory is returning from a stroke by government approved torture when I was actually seeking medical care, it seems that someone else told me on the USS Reid FFG 30 they saw the flash and they said I was at home with my nose buried in my girlfriends pillows. A missile control technician from the boat was removed from the boat for re-assignment or court martial. He was told not to speak to me or anyone on the base as he was being escorted across the base and told me of the nuclear bomb in the Pacific. Did he go up in the smoke stacks of the incinerator at Long Beach Naval Station after being executed?

I was away from the window but saw part of the flash on 36th Street in San Pedro at the top of the Hill with an open view of the ocean. To me it looked like a camera flash but from the horizon and at higher altitude and fast. I could only see part of the flash and not the black ball. I wonder if it was reported at that time? The Argentinian vessel the Belgrano was sunk by the British Nuclear Submarine the Conqueror on May 2, 1982, and it allegedly signaled the end of Argentinian Naval resistance at the Falkland Islands. However as in all wars, its not over till the bell rings. Was that war a distraction or trap for a greater war?

When we went back to sea after seeing the unrecognizable nuclear blast from San Pedro California I was later subjected to nuclear waste of some sort as I had to take a shower as I a Quartermaster, Kurt Brown, was contaminated at sea in the Pacific. The Captain on the USS Reid and I saw a bubble come from the bottom of the ocean as we stopped and looked overboard and he told me to go shower immediately. There were strangers in the shower area overseeing the wash down. I have not been compensated for the tumors or my exposure to radiation. Were we all injured in some way and how many of us were killed in executions that year in Long Beach California Naval Station at Terminal Island? They still kill veterans at LA VA Westwood in 1999. I was left maimed in 2001 after investigating government criminals. When you come to California, you should realize the gangs will accuse each other of crimes so the opposition can be removed.

You must remember that if you ever go to court in Los Angeles. Many times if you are a threat to their gang members in FDIC banking oversight and Treasury Banking oversight or those who control them, such as corrupt drug dealers and money launderers and arms dealers, then you too will be harmed.

Daily Foreword May 3, 2014: They are back. This is a true joke. I rent multiple rooms in homes or take care of them sometimes like a boarder for hire in Southern California. Recently my roommate who appeared to be a dude in drag to me who was a roommate, went next door to visit a single neighbor lady, someone in the psych field I think. The neighbor lady sounded concerned and alarmed at first. Then I heard nothing. The next day or a day or two later, the dude in drag is heard talking. I look around and do not see him. I am sitting having my coffee on the lawn staring at the neighbor lady's direction. Then the dude in drag roommate comes out from around the corner and is in a dirty shirt, and she is big with really big feet. She then picks up a huge red bone in our yard and it looked like raw meat. She then goes back over to the neighbors direction. Then she comes back and goes into our boarding house to shower I suppose. She was dirty like a mud wrestling match. Did he or she kill the neighbor lady? I have not seen her and I am concerned that the other friends of that person has moved into her house. An actor who answers the door might be the neighbor lady. They are all actresses and actors in Southern California when running "professional rentor" cons.

I heard digging in the neighbor lady's yard and was told it was likely a gardener. I wanted to say it was a grave digger. I moved out and all tenants were vacated and then I went back to the house. An alleged cop had moved in. She looked like the mother of the dude in drag. Were they evicted like rats and came back to the home? This time the dude was not in drag and he was a contemptuous dude of same age as dude in drag with same large feet. The dog they had before also was changed in color with haircut but recognizable due to its kink its tail and other behaviors. The person who rented the home after I left was gone and not there. I hope the neighbor lady is alive. I hope the bone was not some poor schmoe who fell for the dude in drag or challenged him. Silence of the Lambs has a similar character. I have seen a nuclear blast in the Pacific in 1983 and felt its radiation, I have met a serial killer in Southern California before, Randy Kraft in 1983.

Daily Foreword May 2, 2014: A video by myself on Youtube discussing a nuclear bomb in 1983 in the Pacific and missiles fired from the USS Reid FFG 30 in 1983, and the possible execution of one of those men and many others at the Long Beach California Naval Station. Gold teeth were found in the incinerators when it closed according to some information I got while working in the Long Beach Shipyard after the Navy Base closed.

I Kurt Brown was maimed for gun ownership and the government allowed Chinese manufactured assault rifles to flow across the border into Long Beach Naval Station after it closed. Columbine High School was one of the victims of those guns imported from China. I do not mind military executions of the war criminal sect in power in the USA and internationally. Somehow it is refreshing to consider.

The trick of the California governments ruling Mexican and Gestapo sects, both predatory and vicious, is that they like to accuse people of heinous crimes so that those people can be thrown into prison. We are enemies in California and Alabama among various sects and the government is a free flowing target for takeover.

Daily Foreword May 1, 2014: The place to find sanctuary is not in Southern California or in Northern California if you are from the poorer parts of the USA. Overt discrimination, overcrowding, prisons for profit, drug kingpins, government criminals sanctioned in private controls as spoils of war. A Mexican mafia and a gestapo stripe of the old reichs with their hands and their snouts empbraced to welcome you to the Bear State. DC allows them to be the Mafioso while the Mafioso really may rise and kill D.C. According to some, they have your head between a cork screw and a hard place if you even consider working in government.

I would consider California a Mexican Federal Prison For Profit Jurisdiction really but there is the international fang in the scenario. Predatory cannabilism capitalism, its a fang in California, Alabama, or D.C. They are attacking us who are veterans in many cases on the West Coast, and many are hated worse than an invading enemy both in the civilian and government sectors. I welcome global warfare since I was tortured for serving on the USN Dier 03 (Reid 30) in preparation for the next world War. Soon the entire earth rolls in its own pain. How many have been killed and tortured in the Falklands War in the USA era and since that time?

Vietnam should have told me to run or WWII, etc. Were the incinerators used to torch bodies killed and executed in Long Beach California or at sea in 1983? Was someone killed in Roseville California's FDIC office in 1999? Donna Tanoue was the FDIC Chairperson from Hawaii and my hairy Barbie doll of a boss was almost torched along with his subdivision. They are all conduits, whores for the money, at the FDIC in 2000, and I welcome global war to end our suffering. I do not have healthcare and since they gave me a stroke I do not have much of a conscience when it comes to asking God for a mercy killing of the human species. I was warned to run from the FDIC in 1999 by a fellow employee who knew of an assassination in the office, most likely.. They had killed someone in their office most likely, they being whom? By whom? Whose dead? The FDIC head was killed in the early 1990's in San Francisco. There is hope in life after death but there is not hope in death in life.

The oddest wars are those where people are executed. I picture this scene, Long Beach Naval Station 1983 or a ship at the sea, Dier 03, those being executed are of high rank. The higher rank of our ship killed some fighter pilots or others with our missiles, they claim. While those called homosexuals on the computers mentioned by our gun safe keeper are drug around in sheets while the victors in the siege do as they will with those who are drugged or maimed by other means, including myself, the lowly Quartermaster. The words incinerator seemed to spell the end of the day. I seem to remember being told to do this odd thing or was I out of it, perhaps in a dream, perhaps at the executions. We had fired the missiles, we immediately and soon steamed back to Long Beach Naval Station, the men were quarantined and taken from view, a nuclear bomb was reported to me, and later the man who reported it to me was executed on the base and then incinerated and the smoke stacks blew white steam of the vaporized bodies. The scenario described is possible truth, War is a major headache whether at the USN or at the FDIC.

Perhaps the teeth found in the incinerators at Long Beach Naval Station when it closed in the late 1980s were large metal dental bridge work utilized in war and not just in teeth. I had the unnecessary huge metal dental work put in under suspect circumstances possibly Deflecting frequencies that would have modulation at some hertz frequencies problematic for incapacitation efforts in war personnel. Of course there is the scenario of the dream of where someone placed their air over my face from an oxygen mask to show me the radio and to say that this how they did it, using the radio like two scythes.

California is developing reality shock of the new third world. Banking deregulation, wars while many are unconscience, and I was told I was an abortion survivor after age 46 by a doctor who could not verify it with my parents. They may have harmed me in war and call it an abortion attempt. When your head is between a cork screw and a hard place, time and place are void.

Daily Foreword April 30, 2014: In terms of modern warfare in my life and the highest tech war of the Falklands War in 1983 and the Nuclear bomb that was detonated in the Pacific according to a Fire Control Technician who told me of the bomb in 1983, and his disappearance afterward. I do know of a nuclear bubble at sea after he told me. I am concerned that some were executed because we on the ship may have shot down some planes or missiles. An eye for an eye would have allowed the Terminal Island Naval Facility in Long Beach California to have been used for executions. I have been maimed since FDIC employment and my investigations on that agency and other government officials. I was told once that gold teeth were found in incinerator at the Long Beach Naval Station. It was after the base closed. I recall from dream or fact the sound of executions, military executions. There was the first shot, and then a volley of shots, first far away and then close. I wondered about that situation. It was rumored that Reagan had been shot in 1983 also. Gipper. Rep Pig?

Daily Foreword April 28, 2004 : The hidden numbers among the obvious numbers often seem inverted. I call this the Quatrains blogs but here I will speak of my own inner seeking with the numbers now that I am out of the past. I joined the Navy to seek world war III feeling better to burn in the torch than to languish maimed. I may have witnessed its lighting and extinguishment below or an ongoing show of might makes right among the monkey sects. Many languages invert words and numbers, reverse them. USS Reid FFG 30 backwards is Dier from WW III. In 2003 things got dire for me when I was in forced exile after investigating criminals in government and they were literally eating my life alive in more ways than one, criminals all including Sheriff Jack Snatch The Fairy Possum Tillman in 2003 as a known thief and Sheriff and the FDIC continuing their butchering of failed banks or failed banks butchering them, I am not sure which was most egregious in their crimes.

It was odd to have a foreign ship in our port in 1983 and once a British vessel entered and their military sailors came to the bar in Long Beach for enlisted men. A USN sailor said they had "Inked" us "Inc,ed" us. A fight broke out and I was not in it by choice. To dye with a chemical is to ink as well. Dyer Dier all of that change. Was it a way to make us appear criminal so others could be executed among us and others could be promoted among those not us. I often wonder if some of those men were executed for firing those missiles while at sea in 1983. A nuclear bomb went off I was told. Rasmussen knew the cat with the big fat pussy. I only saw a bubble and now have tumors. what a 50 megaton? I am not posing on either side of the British or Argentinians. As my father said, It is not our war. So much for soul searching for the better half. Many times nations are taken over at the top half.

Daily Foreword April 27, 2014: In memory recall of several events and in analysis, I have determined several things. I suspect that some USN servicemen were executed at the Long Beach California Naval Station or on one of their ships in 1983 at the end of the Falklands War. Of particular interest to me is a missile control tech, I will call rocket man. He was from Wisconsin, born around 1962 or 1963, and he told me of a nuclear bomb that had gone off in the Pacific. He was the ones who fired missiles on prior voyages in 1983 from the USS Reid FFG 30 stationed in Long Beach California, on Terminal Island. The ship was built at Los Angeles Harbor in San Pedro and was launched and tested in 1982. Terminal Island would be the perfect place for executions at that time, surrounded by junkyards and ships and auto storage for international shipments and a federal prison. A single shot fired, then a volley of shots and "clear" was heard. Perhaps in moving vans outside of the cafeteria with bullet catching rubber to absorb ricochet or perhaps at sea. I have been tortured so if he pops out of the box, that rocket man, give him some Wisconsin cheese on his plank he owns from the USS Reid FFG 30. Bodies could be incinerated there in the base incinerator. A popular song during that time was by Missing Persons, Words (music).

I sometimes speculate on weaponry and how things are done in a real time war environment. I would speculate that the victor in any recent conflicts could have used the radios like a pair of scythes on other weapons systems. I had to take a shower the night of the voyage in the USN on the FFG-30 and exposure in 1983 and men were there not of our crew to tell me to take a longer shower. Could you be hit or myself in that environment. Yes. My brain could have split while they were being executed and while I slept that night. It is just conjecture on any of their deaths. FDIC Regional Director executed in his office FDIC Improvement Act of 1992 era. Suicide? Laughable explanation. Thomas Crane Wales executed in his home, banking frauds judge Seattle, murdered 10/11/2001. Anarchist? Plausible explanation but likely money targeted removal of problem areas for some who are in the game of war and banking wars.

Randy Kraft the serial killer of 67 estimated and I met in 1983. He wanted to chew my bone but I have an Angel bone. This Angel and Marilyn Manson obviously denied Randy Kraft our tasty treats. Some people eat sh-t and know it, others don't know it. I see Marilyn Manson the Queerest of The Queer (garbage music) for 1983. His phrase then and now, "You will see" is ominous. My father said I would see sickness among our shipmates at this later age, and I have seen much more.

How many of our children were born with deformities from this event of war in the Falklands Islands war era, 1983, has not been reported and the data has not been collected.

I smelled a neighbor woman's house next door recently in Southern California and wondered if some crazy I have known had killed her and cooked her in her oven. I hope to see her breathing and not a craigslist actor or actress with meat under their nails and living in her house. Picture this, the digging dog brings the bone and it ain't a dog and the bone ain't cooked and here comes the evening clown in an dirty dirty diggers gown. I used to know a crazy kid, burrow, burrow, everywhere.

The missile control tech from Wisconsin would go to Hollywood from Terminal Island, wearing his crystal clear soled shoes. Many of us were listed as homosexuals on the computers which were thrown overboard by Eric the Red or Van Gogh as we knew him, the programmer and gun safe keeper in 1983. We were either in Long Beach Naval Station or Todd Shipyard in San Pedro. I would say Rocket Mans shoes were queer, those crystal slippers I called them, but he had some very lovely women. I recovered from a stroke in 2010 by federal torture in 2001 and 2004, and was seeing the middle period of the banking wars at the FDIC in 1999 when I was hired. They know I have no care if I live or die, that is why they hired me. I don't run, I back up some times. Sometimes I put a light over their heads and say I hope you wake up dead, that is how I feel from way back when.

In other matters, I have determined that craigslist killers usually stalk their victims in packs. I saw where one woman is getting fame for it by herself. I see the Earth from the stand point of a murder survivor, many times over.

Salty salted saltine Royales for my Wisconsin friend if he breathes or no, and for that Karlson in Ketchikan, if we would have known. we could have jumped ship. I remember when I went to wash down after the nuclear bubble I and the captain witnessed, and I was tired so I was allowed sleep. Time and place are distant now. How many were executed? Both in the Falklands War era and the banking wars. Desperation without moral guidelines and chemical induced psychoses is what I see much of the USA is suffering. Who won?

I was tortured and maimed by the federal and state government in Los Angeles in 2001 when seeking healthcare. I need tumors removed and will accept donations of money or surgical expertise to remove a tumor near my neck. I also need one removed from my leg again. It may be down in the bone and I will not amputate. I will accept pain meds if the condition deteriorates further. You can email me at zkurt555 at yahoo dot com