Tempe Orbit Bus Thefts

by Tempe City Council Wednesday, Apr. 30, 2014 at 12:26 PM

A really SMART way to prevent car thefts - Leave the key in the ignition????

In the past at least two of the Orbit buses that the city of Tempe uses to give free rides to people with has been stolen.

The royal rules on the Tempe City Council implements some new security measures to stop this problem of the mini Orbit buses from being stolen.

I was taking some photos to document the problem and discovered that the Orbit bus drivers leave the keys in the ignition all the time.

Not only do the Orbit bus drives leave the key in the ignition, but they also leave the buses running ALL the time.

And on top of that the Orbit bus drivers could not remove the keys from the mini-buses if they wanted to!!!!

Get this the keys to the buses are WIRED and BOUND to the bus shift lever.

Not only do the drivers leave the key in the Orbit buses at Tempe Transit Center, the keys are wired to the transmission shift lever making it a trivial task for thieves to steal orbit buses

I am sure that if you go ask the Tempe Police for one good method to stop the Tempe Orbit buses from being stolen that you should remove the keys from the ignition when the buses are unattended.

Not leave the buses running with the keys in the ignition like the Orbit bus drivers do.

But hey, let's not expect the members of the Tempe City Council to use any logic and reason in this issue.

But the folks on the Tempe City Council have come up with a secret method to prevent people from stealing the Orbit buses while they are left with the keys in the ignition, running and unattended by the drivers.

The "secret method"??? Don't tell this to anybody because it's top secret and we don't want any more of those Orbit buses to be stolen while the drivers leave them unattended, running, with the keys in the ignition.

When the drives leave their Orbit buses unattended they now go to the back door, where the wheel chair ramp is and twist the handle half a turn.

Secret anti-theft devices on Orbit buses at Tempe Transit Center. The drivers turn the handle on the back door which prevents the bus from moving until the handler is fully closed. Cocking the handle turns on an interlock safety device which prevents the bus from moving

By twisting the handle on the back door that turns on an interlock device which won't let the bus move until the handle is fully closed.

Of course if you ask me a much simpler way to prevent the Orbit buses from being stolen would be for the drivers to turn them off and remove the keys from the ignition when they leave the buses.

But let's not expect the Tempe City Council to use any common sense on this issue!!!!

As I was taking the photos the Rent-A-Pig at the Tempe Transit Center approached me like I was some sort of criminal and asked me what I was doing.

I told the moron cop, that duh, I was taking photos of the bus!!!!!

The rent-a-cop ended up telling me a was an angry man for document the government morons in Tempe City Hall!!!

I guess cops think anybody that makes fun of the tyrants the pay their wages is an angry man!!!!