Pacifica IS also KPFK, so let's not ignore what going on

by kpfk loyal volunteer Saturday, Mar. 29, 2014 at 5:42 PM

Pacifica is struggling with who is it's new Executive Director with much dramatic flurries, acting outs, resistances, alliances, and stories barely coming out, even on internet. A few reports of happenings is being sent out to the 'rest of us' by Tracy Rosenberg, a former termed out PNB member. We here in LA are playing dumb and treated as if we were even dumber...muted actually. see her site for other stories and commentators too.

Pacifica is an entity that is separate from KPFK..but that doesnt answer the questions of what is happening to both, because they are intimately connected matter what you call 'it'.

Like Pacifica-people hate "corporations", while not admitting a non-profit corporation is one too. So definitions confuse and give permission to act out and demand too. Pacifica is a group of a few people who like to be 'leaders' and are selected, pretending to be elected, but PNB members represent whom ?

The recent KPFK website requesting all to sign petitions on line with just a few words and without actual factual information/ history/ herstory included is to pad and stuff a pretend-list to look like it could be legitimate.

A poor way to prove that the latest attempted termination [ of PNB's exe director now] under such dire and secret circumstances and without names named is unreasonable request.

Someone somewhere wrote there was a 1 vote majority on PNB to fire the recently hired exe. Is this true ? Out of how many votes ? Out of how long an internal discussion?

to claim a MAJORITY is a joke, when it is 5-4 and when it is 246-244 or when it is 1 to what at PNB?

And The many obfuscations on any other articles re this most recent firing on PNB found on line sound like revengeful spites publicized as part of someone else's campaign - called negative advertising elsewhere.

What's different about people at holy Pacifica corporation and it's radio-stationed children ?

That same question has been asked of the LA LSB members too repeatedly with no one on bd able to give a 'district' or community that exists in real life that they 'represent' they only speak for themselves which makes the whole process dubious and contentious.

Must be same at other stations, no doubt. LA is not worse but more open to be questioned that some other localities who have other reputations anyhow.

Pacifica IS a group of people who have positions in which they exert POWER and PRIVILEGE and sometimes have very biased, slanted, extreme political versions of reality. PACIFICA is the holder over the local stations in some confusing ways with bylaws that often need clarification or revision by a parlimentarian , that can uncoil the tight wrap held by a few people with titles.

Pacifica is an entity and can raise money and like any non-profit can pay it's staff and operations and legal costs and not pay taxes, what a deal ! And was it not a few years ago that Pacifica was taken over as if it were a company-store, that some wanted to sell away for other reasons of their own choosing ?

With lawsuits then hard fought to bring the corp back into it's more original intentions. Remind us of how mergers or usurpations happen to non-people too. It's sorta like being abducted, kidnapped, stolen and maybe then sadly arrive to this state of upset-affairs ?

Problem- a letter signed by 9 PNB members out of 20 [per site that has intrusive banners that prevent reading of page but guesswork is that ea station has 4 reps - tho none of those reps report to the local station fully and do not represent any group of any size of member/sponsors]...9 write to ask vendors etc to continue to trust an organization that by any visible on line articles looks like a mud-slinging-contest.

Who would be foolish enough to believe these 9 have a majority or the power to promise anything ? Someone please explain how a few make up an authoritative position unless they have fancy titles that give them that power of position ?

How confusing ! and more confusing are the loyalists of various factions making on line statements that cannot be checked or fact-proved either. Would a land-earthquake help the situation ? Or a flood, mud slide or anything that looks real instead of seeming to be a farce theater?

Where are the rest of the 20 PNB members on all these fighting and police calls ? [while having unclosable banners for donations and whatnot ] lists 20 members and are they all taking sides or agreeing to what 9 or 8 of one side does or claims ?

It is confusing when it is not even 1/2 nor 2/3 nor a majority that takes action or seems to 'represent' the whole. Is this not correct that there are 20 active PNB members who are equally responsible for cleaning up this fight-club act ?

Please, anyone !, share with the rest of us ignoramuses who only pay and pay and pay and search and cannot understand - what is happening and what is legitimate in terms of numbers acting for the whole body ? Am I just confused? then many many more are more so.”