John Dingler's "Ten Prosecuted Whistleblowers

by John Dingler, MFA Thursday, Jan. 09, 2014 at 8:09 PM

Work inspired by what I learned at Occupy Riverside and at the 28ers

John Dingler's "...
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I am outraged by the corrupting influence of private wealth in political campaigns; It negates the one person one vote promise, giving more weight to the one vote backed by unlimited wealth, diminishing the weight of the vote cast by the normal citizen.

Those who donate the most, write the laws used to prosecute those who exercise their freedom to blow the whistle. So I decided to produce a series of ten works which I titled Ten Prosecuted Whistleblowers.

Big government charged each with espionage when all merely informed the public about corruption and crimes. Chelsea Manning, for example, was tortured and imprisoned for exposing multiple Pentagon murders.

To show that big money stifled their freedoms, I enclose them in design motifs -- cornices, acanthus, text, numbers, scrolls -- found on paper currency which help determine the overall shape and design. µ