the house of cards

by Murdock Todd Cote (Doc) Thursday, Dec. 05, 2013 at 5:16 PM

the American Card Game

The House of Cards
By Murdock Todd Cote (Doc)
The house of card’s America has become a card game between the conservative right wing nut jobs of the Tea Party and the Republican new world order and the Democrats. In the middle are we, the disenfranchised, the no work, and lately the no future if the New World Order and the Tea Party have its way.
They say we have no money, no way to do anything that needs to be done. The reason we have no money is people who had jobs, don’t have them, you cannot pay taxes, when you cannot find a job that will pay a good wage. You cannot have a family of your own when you have no way to support them. We whom are at the center of the wheel are being told this by one side and that by another; too find the truth from either side that is hard to find anywhere. A wise man said just before the first American Civil War, a house devided shall not stand that man was Abraham Lincoln another man said he who builds his house on sand will see that house crumble before his eyes author unknown.
What I do not understand as human’s as kid’s we all built houses with playing card and we all knew that the slightest wind or movement would make it all come down like an earthquake. Then is the Tea Party human is the new order human playing with people’s lives in the name of creed, racism and hatred. America is like a box of lucky charms or a rainbow of many colors. Each color relying on the whole as one nation, yet they continue to build their nobility and their castles on shifting sand of hatred and fear and mistrust.
Men like Ted Cruz, John Boehner. Mike Canter and Paul Ryan and our own Governor Paul Lepage have shown nothing but contempt for anyone different from them or how they call God. Or how they live or there circumstances. Men and woman who do not have jobs, made homeless, because some ape’s in the congress gave the store away, by outsourcing everything Manuel to country’s that if you open your mouth you find a stairwell and yourself being thrown down them. The others are the poor, elderly and the disabled. You know no one wants to be poor, you become poor when some ape in congress allows thousands of jobs to be flushed forcing the number of poor to the highest in years.
I have been around a long time and I know the difference between reality and bull shit. Yet the numbers keep climbing every day and every hour. Do they care one bit, only a two letter word no they do care one bit. As for the Elderly, they could give a flying screwball in hell if they freeze or have healthcare oh yeah if they sign their homes over to the state, and or the province. As for the disabled just as bad or even worse, second class citizen according to the new world order and the Tea Party.
We needed jobs and they flushed it in the name of profits, futures flushed. These men are with honor they have no nobility, no honor; they have built their idea of an America on Shifting Sands and it will fall like the house of cards they have built. A nation of lies, fear and hate of race, religion, circumstances; circumstances that they created, no they did nothing that is what they said, the democrats are to blame, the Muslims, the LGBT community, or the black’s and every religion who do not fit their moral picture of what constitutes a good American or human being.
Shifting sands, crumbling castle falling slowly to the ground because of their vision of a perfect world, they think they have the perfect solution by using hate and fear to run a country. A country built with no foundation is not a country, a country divided will fall; and would they care. These artiecs who build their castle on shifting sand these foolish idiots who enjoy hurting people so they do not open their wallets or think they do not have to pay, well don’t care has been their status quoi thus shifting sand and no foundation for their new world order, their vision of a new America. A country built on sand and will fall to pieces.