Five Unelected Old Men On "Supreme" Court Ignore Will Of Hundreds Of Millions of Americans

by SNS Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2013 at 3:12 PM

Over a century after the direct election of senators it's time to elect our Supreme Court justices and limit their terms

Five Unelected Old M...
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Five old and unelected
men on the Supreme Court
nominated by falsely elected
presidents and approved
by a disproportionate Senate..
five old men
who sit on the bench
for as long as they wish and use
their 'prolife' gavels
as murder weapons while
they rubber stamp illegal
genocide wars around the world,
approve secret torture,
and obey their plutocratic
have screwed the
elected legislators
of California who have
tried to make slaughterhouse
conditions less brutal.
Regularly these 'justices' ignore
the wishes of hundreds
of millions of Americans.
We elect senators and representatives
and some judges and presidents.
It's time to elect 'supreme' court
justices. The Supreme Court has been
'the mark of a dragging foot on the
sands of time' since its inception.
Who is guilty of contempt
for this court?
The entire world.