Anti-Iranian Media Bias

by Stephen Lendman Wednesday, Oct. 02, 2013 at 6:37 AM


Anti-Iranian Media Bias

by Stephen Lendman

US major media bias is longstanding. It's over-the-top attacking America's enemies.

Scurrilous misinformation substitutes for honest reporting and analysis. Doing so is standard editorial policy.

Lies, damn lies, and scurrilous ones repeat with disturbing regularity. Syria is wrongfully vilified. So is Iran.

Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) provides a vital service. It's a credible media watchdog.

It exposes media misinformation, bias and censorship. It features truth and full disclosure. It does so because it matters.

In 2001, FAIR called Fox News "the most biased name in news," saying:

"When it comes to Fox News Channel (FNC), conservatives don't feel the need to 'work the ref.' The ref is already on their side."

Far from being "fair and balanced, we report, you decide," Fox is "precisely the opposite." It gives conservatism a bad name. It's way over-the-top doing so.

On September 30, FNC host Bret Baier's Special Report featured right wing columnists Charles Krauthammer, Kirsten Powers and Jonah Goldberg. So much for "fair and balanced."

According to Krauthammer, Rohani "says (Iran never) work(ed) on (developing nuclear weapons) and isn't working on (them) today."

"So, he starts with a double lie, and then we are to believe that his next statement (about) never construct(ing) one is true."

It "looks like we are the supplicant, and we're going to give a lot away which I think will leave Iran in a position to go nuclear in a very short order."

Powers claimed there's "every reason to believe that the Iranians will mislead. And very well may be up to no good."

"(W)e haven't been talking to them, and they have been moving closer towards…building a bomb or so we believe."

According to Goldberg, "all this talk about concessions from Iran - these aren't concessions that we are talking about."

"It's compliance by treaty and by UN resolution. They have to give up their nuclear program. And we talk about it as if they are doing us a favor by having these conversations."

William Kristol co-founded the Project for the New American Century (PNAC). The Foreign Policy Initiative is its new incarnation. Its agenda supports imperial lawlessness. It reflects old wine in new bottles.

Kristol is a prominent board of directors member. He's also Weekly Standard editor. Separately, he told Fox News "(t)he clock is ticking."

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Original: Anti-Iranian Media Bias