9-11 not remembered, in LA, anyhow

by 1 9-11-rememberer Wednesday, Sep. 11, 2013 at 9:20 PM

Are people in LA so complacent and uninvolved with the stories that were used as the 'causes' of why USA still continues to invade, interfere, and play war games….. and kill people in the middle east ? Are “9-11” and irrelevant set of numbers now ? ….long forgotten, got tired of the symbols, was too long ago and now tired of the same old questions, lies, and 'theories'? huh?

Something wrong here in LA ? Searched but found No results on google search, no events listed on KPFK or Indymedia calendars, and no one is talking… is silence is a good protection to NOT KNOW and NO LONGER CARE ? hmmm

How easily – the American People – have become diverted from the most recent “serious cause” after which the many following non-wars and multiple massacre killings were claimed to be “reasonable” and “necessary” - in the Mid-Eastern regions. Yep, the Reason / cause for military interventions, ongoing today, to be used against the names of anyone called “those terrorists”.

Remember ? Yrs ago, Bush with his cohorts claimed that the NY towers were hit and “Americans killed !” because of ‘terror” of course. That means someone had to be behind to be pulling the strings of terror, and they were called a general-all-inclusive-term: “terrorists”, of course.

And they can only be identified by those with govt badges with access to ‘classified’ information and weapons. And they will surely be disappeared, killed, eliminated by the military. Or are “renditioned” out of US lands. And all because there were so many US people killed in 2 NYC towers… and maybe some were also in a 3rd falling bldg - that was not hit by planes but fell anyhow.*

And the official 9-11 Commission closed the door on all alternative evidences, studies, views, facts, explorations and ‘theories’ as being non-official, thus invalid. Remember ?

And today in Los Angeles, the only 1 source to be located saying anything or questioning the govt version of “truth” of “what happened in 9-11 ?” is a group of 4 people who will be attending in Hollywood with a banner [see their MEET UP page] and no one else ?

no where else ? huh ? No one is saying anything because silence is obedience, and that is the safest way to live in 2013? in Los Angeles ? huh ?

Notice that this LA Indymedia calendar, the KPFK radio events page or programs on this topic, all are blank re 9-11. And the MSM are barely if at at all mentioning this fateful day, as it was so long ago and not as relevant as the DISTRACTIONS at this very moment = thus not covering any possibility of remembering …admitting where we began this mid-eastern-incursions militarily. Silence. Blankness. Gone. Google or search for events today to honor or remember or question what happened on 9-11. in LA. nothing.

Instead talking pundits parsing the prez’s talk last nite [9/10 what a convenient time to insist on all the media attention]. The constant talk about taking over Syria in the interests of American security. huh ? The mentioning but not giving importance to polls saying the greatest majority do NOT WANT ANOTHER WAR or military incursions, anywhere ! Not NYC, not Syria, not….anywhere.

[see a recent anti-war rally here : https://www.facebook.com/events/404701396296159/409519182481047/?notif_t=like]

and there was a 9-11 billboard truck driving around the Hollywood rally and has photos taken too =


So…..Did ‘they” win ? No, not the terrorists, not those wearing white turbans and recognized by brown skinned male faces, looking wildly malicious. The ones who decided Our story was “true”, told, finished and that no more to be said about “it” are dominant.

Even if the family and survivors of those who were present in NYC on that destructive day are still quibbling and arguing and demanding …but now it is mostly about the size of rooms, where memorials are placed, and such furnishing issues, not about the house itself, not the weisshaus, or the groups that live in govt offices, those who may have also helped determine the tragedy.

The further tragedy, besides the death and maimings of humans on 9-11 in NYC, is that we seem to have been wiped clean, most minds blown out, and memories clamped into position, but only 1 position only allowed.

The tragedy is that no one now seems to CARE ENOUGH to question, to join together to say Los Angeles is as involved as New York City was - even if we are also just an easy big target [tho luckily and maybe with a bit of NSA and Homeland Sec services’ help too, tho “sorry, that is classified !” ] LA has not admitted to having a ‘terrorist attack’ ….yet.

The tragedy is that also that the questioning of “what happened? “ has diminished, closed down actually. Given enough time, history [his-story] is re-written, censored, edited, and only 1 version of events is left. This happens everywhere: victors write histories and keep the documents to prove “they know” and any other alternate stories surely cannot be actual or valid.

Here the NSA and their helpers & contractors not only have access to most of our documents and writings and sharings…but they can also improvise their version and cross out ours any time it is needed, and for whatever purposes…i.e. war mongering, corporate profit gainings, corrupting cronyisms….whatever….

And stories are defined for other ‘good’ reasons - maybe even for merely ‘simplifying our lives’ so we have no worries other than what Mass Corporate Media tells us to believe, thus is believed. Of course, no one ever lies to us, or changes stories to fit their owners, or corrects-the-old-version to satisfy their payors. Of course, it happens, but who is to know ? Even our precious internet is suspect now, with legitimate hackers working for major IT corps [like army ‘intelligence’ corps and military-complex-corps, sort of like corpses still effectively stealing what they can.]

So here are a few places, to look at [if anyone is interested at all, who knows, some might

be ? ], if they are on and can pay for the internet - and if not on line, oh well, let them not eat cake or bread or anything to feed their minds because the ground is bare- so just treat it as if the 9-11 of the past is now all irrelevant.

Oh yeah ! Isn’t Syria and Libya and Iraq and Afghanistan all parts of the Reasons given to “TheAmericanPeople” for why we must protect our “security interests” way over there …? Was it not the planes, towers, terrorists of 9-11 that convinced everyone to retaliate and “kill them before they kill us”…more ?

Yep. Another non-war is coming. Another bombing ….but not ‘boots’…. is arriving ‘over there’ yet again. We heard it on news. Heard Al-Assad on PBS-Charlie Rose. Heard the boots….coming…

This interesting video is on utube. There is more on line if anyone cares to at least, without a group to join, demonstrate, protest together with view and read:


and maybe this list https://www.google.com/search?q=911%20blogger&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a#q=911+groups+&rls=org.mozilla:en-US%3Aofficial

Original: 9-11 not remembered, in LA, anyhow