Obama Wants Lynne Stewart Dead

by Stephen Lendman Wednesday, Mar. 13, 2013 at 1:57 PM

police state

Obama Wants Lynne Stewart Dead

by Stephen Lendman

Lynne's 73. She's gravely ill.

Obama killed Chavez. He wants Lynne dead. Unjustifiable longterm imprisonment assures it.

She's a breast cancer survivor. It reemerged. It's spreading.

She's dying. Vital life-saving treatment is delayed or denied. Expert private care can save her. She needs it now.

This alert supplements a circulating petition. It repeats information in it.

It's urgent!

Sign it!

Circulate it!

Tell others!

Tell them to do the same!

Save Lynne!

Demand justice!

Free her!

Save her life!

Release her now!

Do it today!

Vital surgery was delayed 18 months. It was done to kill her.

Lynne's operating physician called her condition "the worst he had seen."

Breast cancer reached Stage Four. Cancer Treatment Centers of America says multiple body parts are affected. Areas may include bones, brain, lungs, liver, and/or elsewhere.

Lynne's disease affects her lymph nodes, shoulder, bones and lungs.

It's treatable. Women diagnosed with Stage Four can live many years. Key is getting effective treatment on time. Immediate care is essential.

Lynne's daughter practices medicine. She said:

"Under the best of circumstances, Lynne would be in a battle of the most serious consequences with dangerous odds."

"With cancer and cancer treatment, the complications can be as debilitating and as dangerous as the cancer itself."

Federal Medical Center, Carswell, TX provides deplorable care. Treatment involves shackling. Ten pounds bind Lynne's wrists and ankles. Chains connect them.

Weeks pass to see providers. Results take weeks longer. Hospital conditions are shocking. They include shackling wrists and ankles painfully to beds. It's standard practice. It's brutal. It's medieval.

It's cruel and unusual punishment. It violates constitutional rights. It's unprincipled and unconscionable.

Patients like Lynne aren't flight risks. They deserve better.

America's 1984 Sentencing Act grants prisoner rights. They include reduced sentences "for extraordinary and compelling reasons."

None rise to the level of life threatening illness. Lynne deserves compassionate release. Delay assures death.



She worked tirelessly for justice. She's a role model for what's right. She deserves compassion in her time of need. She deserves that and more.

Original: Obama Wants Lynne Stewart Dead