Liberals Are Being Dishonest On Gun Control

by Spade Spoke Monday, Jan. 21, 2013 at 1:22 PM

There are few things more dangerous to a nation’s citizenry than when its leaders decide to turn on their own or selected groupings of their own people. Tyrants should be feared far more than various types of weapons—especially when tyrants have no restrictions on their selection of weapons. The progressive idea of the 2nd Amendment was a notion that common people should have the right to defend themselves against tyrannical governments (including and especially their own who could turn on them). THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT AND ITS CURRENT DYSFUNCTIONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH ISRAEL DOES NOT WARRANT TRUST ENOUGH FOR THE AMERICAN CITIZENRY TO HANDOVER GUNS TO THIS CORRUPTED STATUS QUO.

Liberals Are Being Dishonest On Gun Control

By Spade Spoke

[Note—if you agree with this essay and think it is important feel free to share, email, post, publish, etc.]

There are few things more dangerous to a nation’s citizenry than when its leaders decide to turn on their own or selected groupings of their own people. Tyrants should be feared far more than various types of weapons—especially when tyrants have no restrictions on their selection of weapons. The progressive idea of the 2nd Amendment was a notion that common people should have the right to defend themselves against tyrannical governments (including and especially their own who could turn on them).

Yet this argument gets far too little mention from liberals like Amy Goodman’s DemocracyNow.Org, Pacifica broadcast of her Global News Hour War and Peace Report. Rather than being fair and balanced about this important consideration she and her colleagues have heavily weighted their show’s reporting and commentary to a supposedly “mainstream” and supposedly “sane” agenda of allowing this government to heavily restrict the types of weapons common people can own (thus ruining any ability for independent Americans to be able to protect themselves from their own corrupted government (and its enormous arsenal of weaponry and resource—none of which liberals attempt to restrict).

As crucial and as extremely relevant for a truly fair debate on the gun control issue, is for liberals (but also for all in the middle and on the right of America’s majority) to be “honest” about just how corrupt the American Government and our America culture truly is. This is where this debate needs to go—and must go—because the American government is really very corrupt (and has been for a long time). Why would aware Americans trust the Washington D.C. Establishment or the Mainstream Media (or pretenders of independent thought)?

So this debate is not about labeling hyperactive vigilantes like Alex Jones as paranoia-pushers—because the fact is Alex Jones is right on “many” of the details that he makes people aware—even if his overall schemata of a globalist-takeover plot seems far-fetched. When you study highly regarded academics like Daron Acemoglu (MIT) and James Robinson (Havard) Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty you realize that many forms of established power work to the detriment of sharing power and wealth with others (and often act in repressive and undemocratic manners—that is they become extractive and parasitic). Their book shows us many, many examples of this contemporary and historical reality. Or if you read the likes of Kevin Phillips Bad Money: Reckless Finance, Failed Politics, and the Global Crisis of American Capitalism you realize the finance sector is indeed exploiting people. These ealities described by academics may not equal a calculated conspiracy of sorts that some populists may label but the effects are much the same.

Our United States has “many” extractive and parasitic forces consolidating power and wealth—so Alex Jones is more than sane and accurate than what a “lot” of the mainstream and middle class assume (and more importantly know) as they have been seduced by too many false perceptions from this same mainstream). “Just because you are paranoid doesn’t mean they are not out to get you.”

Furthermore, this gun control debate is NOT about the NRA. And yes they certainly have a big stake in it so it is fair to report on how much of a stake they do have. But it is not primarily or even secondarily about whether schools should be protected by armed police or teachers. (Schools can volunteer to get metal detectors run by non-police if they chose to.) The NRA is shooting itself in the foot if this is the best response they can come up with.

Rather this debate needs to focus on the important matter of THE PEOPLES’ RIGHT to protect themselves from the American Government. There is an enormous fear to vocalize a truth: the American government is not just one of the most corrupt governments currently in existence, but is likely one of the most corrupt countries in history. This is what NO ONE wants to talk about, or acknowledge, for fear of rejection, reprisal, ostracism, persecution, imprisonment, torture and death (all activities our people are more than capable of). The United States should be the last countries people should trust—especially when it comes to such important matters as them wanting the people to handover their right to self-protection from this same government. NOBODY argues this case and yet this is the seminal matter.

If we The People truly had a trustworthy government with a trustworthy track record it would be one thing, but this is not at all the case. Those people, like President Obama, who claim they want to hear from all sides on the matter, are not getting this message. It is being suppressed. Instead we are being told there is no legitimate reason to want to have semiautomatic and automatic weapons—that one only needs guns for sports hunting and hand guns for protection against criminal intrusion. Everyone is just supposed to assume that government itself is not any kind of potential problem (as if it were some trust-loving father figure).

And one of the reasons this argument is being suppressed is because there are OTHER MOTIVES involved in taking away guns than simply making America safer (whether President Obama, most politicians, and most Americans know it or not). Meanwhile what we are currently stuck with is a tyranny of a naïve majority, using the semblance of a demagogue’s passion play to excite the masses of presumed victims, while they “hail” our great and supposedly trusted leaders on, as they use the foil to claim NRA and everything related is the bad guy, as if this were merely an issue of pacifists against corrupted motives of gun thugs. The NRA may have several dominant motives that are self-interested and even arrogant as intent—but these are not the important issues now as U.S, history unfolds.

Study the “real” history of American foreign policy and you see one act of undemocratic exploitation after another, one illegal war after another, one form of extortion, murder and torture after another. No one can ultimately be safe from this government (even if much of the dirty work has been done by surrogates and proxies). Chris Hedges, astute social and political commentator, and Pulitzer Prize winner, also author of several important books including The Death of the Liberal Class, wrote on Oct. 1, 2012 (website TruthDig.Com) an article called What Is Happening to Muslims Will Happen to the Rest of Us. Somehow Americans think they are impervious to the fates many other people have suffered throughout history (see online video Innocents Betrayed) or that magically our bad guys are not quite as bad as allowing what happened with those baddies in Germany or Russia.

How can any sane person possibly trust the American Congress or the Executive Branch (or the two major political parties married to special interests as not particular democratic or republican) to make laws banning guns for we The People, while not being suspicious that this same government (or some version) will not one day persecute, imprison, torture and kill some of its own people? How much Kool-Aid have people been drinking?

Sometimes paranoia and extreme opinion is sanity. One thing serious people should realize—when people are angry you need to listen to them because people get angry about what they care about and what they perceive as important (even if their issues don’t resonate or seem important to others). Mr. Alex Jones might seem a bit mad—but he was dead on when it came to asking Mr. Piers Morgan why he and media company wasn’t “indicting” pharmaceutical companies about violence in America due to the side effects of medications—clearly a culprit at least as culpable as the NRA? (Look at the smear campaign against Tom Cruz when he suggested people didn’t need medications—how fair and balanced was that?).

Why are so many Americans naïve about history in general and especially about real American history? Why are Americans so willing to trust their own government, culture, and mass media? Don’t they realize how many times we have been lied to? Yet even many eventually came to learn they were lied to about the Iraq invasion and its illegal occupation (which Israel had a great deal to do with making happen). And they could easily know, if they did some research, the U.S. was strongly and primarily instrumental in over-throwing a democratically elected Iranian leader Mossadegh back in 1953 (yes he was socialist and yes he nationalized Iranian oil and kicked big western oil out (or are we ‘not’ suppose to think that oil is Iran’s oil but instead automatically belongs to western corporations?)) and equally the U.S. helped put a brutal Shah in power in Iran and kept him in power for decades—while their notorious internal security service SAVAK tortured regularly (as supposedly trained by agents from the CIA and Israel (according to Jesse J. Leaf former CIA analyst—see William Blum’s Rogue State: A Guide to the World’s Only Superpower and his Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since WW 2 or his Freeing the World to Death, etc.)).

And we should note there has been a strain in history of U.S. and Israel torture. And the reason that is relevant is because right-wing Israel and Zionists has every intention of manipulating our country, people and resources into another major war—this time with Iran (irrespective that other recent interventions primarily “for” Israel have been declared disasters, and more importantly have hurt a lot of peoples’ welfare, safety, besides destroying the infrastructure (international crimes), while many people became displaced, homeless, murdered, or cruelly tortured and then murdered (and again Israel (via the U.S.) has already played a significant part in motivating these outcomes to become realities—just like we are currently fighting Charlie Wilson Wars in places like Syria, Libya, etc. for who?).

Take away Americans guns and then go to war with Iran. Yeah that sounds simple enough? If protests get too demonstrative—well too bad—what are you going to do about it? Besides this could be a really big war (as the manipulated war in Syria from American leadership (most U.S citizens would not normally care about) is just a prelude to going into Iran for both oil and for Israeli interests).

Whoever is in power (and it’s not the President as singular and temporary ego) has the important cards because if you really think citizens have power with the ballot you are beyond stupid. Barark Obama as intelligent as he is (and people should not underestimate this man’s acumen) has spent too much of his life coming to terms with his personal uniqueness and blackness—but he has not spent enough time understanding the greater capacity for evil that hides behind the greatest capacity to project trust—namely religion. He doesn’t understand that Israel wants to be the lion and expects the rest of the world to be the lamb. He doesn’t understand that a real Universal God would never have told a Hebrew people to dominate or assume it was OK to kill the inhabitants of Canaan—because such dogma could only have come from a certain tribal “God”, as decreed by inter-tribal warfare, and therefore this supposed kind of sacred creed was nothing more that war propaganda saying: “Our ethnocentric people own this land because “our” Yahweh said so, and he also said we could kill off its current inhabitants of Canaan”. Barack Obama doesn’t understand that the Old Testament and Torah (and quite frankly the New Testament) are humanly created tools of propaganda (or if he does he doesn’t act like it).

This is the trajectory we are expected to follow—more war for Israel while our economy collapses. Wars to prop up a form of government antithetical to our own declared values of equally for all regardless of ethnicity and race or religion. This is the corrupting force that is tearing our society apart.

Instead our President finds his mission to follow another path that creates divisive alienation. A lot of independents voted willingly for Obama his first term, and reluctantly in his second, but one can conclude this man has too much of a sense of deluded self-importance and moral mission to something grandiose. Even he cannot deny that is married to the machine (a machine that ultimately doesn’t give a damn about him). Now he is willing to put his life and career on the line for what will NOT make Americans safer—until this government gets cleaned up.

Practically everyone knows that Israel has been deciding our foreign policy—at least in the Middle East. We went into to war with Iraq for Israel. This was all able to happen because of 9/11. (And it is NOT at all clear who was really behind 9/11, but people who doubt conspiracy theories about 9/11 the most, and choose to instead believe the official story, do so because they are “afraid” to learn more truth—they are ones who have not done their research. Instead they proudly think they already know truth.

This is the crux of our American problem—and unwillingness to look at our criminal past and present—and instead wanting to focus on crimes people who are not in power might commit (even if the statistical averages are very low). It may be true that in the month since Sandy Hook killings 900 Americans have died at the end of a gun but the U.S. has a population of at least 350 million people. When you do the math that equals one in 400,000 and likely many of those were suicides. (And by the way suicide should be a human right in which suffering and despairing people ought have the means to die in dignity.)

Amy Goodman and her colleagues know our government is corrupt to the point it should not be trusted. In fact she and her crew do a good job reporting on a lot of it. And yet they do not tell their listeners to connect the dots. Rather people are still connecting the dots Mainstream Media coolies had pointed out long ago and them showed them how to connect them. Why the disconnect?

It is precisely those people who have been the most courageous in reporting truth—including Alex Jones—yes the ugly truth—that have the most to loose. What about the people who were involved in the 9/11 Truth Movement? What about all the attempts to control the Internet? If this government starts spying on, and concentrating dissidents for various reasons, such as for potential cases of martial law then what power can save them through justice (and it is not at all unlikely North Com has contingency plans for potential concentration of large groups of people in “classified” locations). Rebel groups of dissidents have been spied on, disappeared, killed en masse, tortured, etc., all through history, and all around the world, ad nauseas, because as Chris Hedges reminds us mankind is a beast and savage (even if social idealists act as too willing to trust the people who run this government as the answer is too credulous to fathom).

The American government, and its corporate counterpart, already spies on us without warrant; they can already detain us without giving reason—indefinitely; they can now use the U.S. military to create martial law and concentrate people; they can even kill Americans if they are labeled terrorists; and now progressives want Americans to give up our last resort to any kind of defensive power to defend ourselves?

Why is it so hard to say it?


Leftists and rightists both are playing a Bolshevik move on a blind and dumb polity. We have a right and a duty to have real debate aired on this issue. What happens when either Israel or the U.S. attacks Iran (or engages false flag operations to commence hostilities as they are so readily expert)?


If journalists and the American citizenry want a safe country then they can start with fixing the government first and their assumed domination over the entire world.