by Fábio de Oliveira Ribeiro Friday, Jan. 06, 2012 at 11:31 AM

Bad times for Americans, good times for all other people.

Who are the Obanana's opponents in the next election:

Romney, Santorum and Ron Paul are the main protagonists of the macabre spectacle mounted by the American right. They are what is "best" on the worst case scenario that the USA can offer the world in the next presidential term.

Among the seven junkies who dispute the wave of Republican presidential candidate we have:

- A Mormon filthy rich.
- Fundamentalist evangelical (Christian fanatics).
- A candidate who vowed to bomb Iran if elected.
- A woman who looks like a worse copy of Sarah Palin, that mentally ill leader of ultra-conservative Tea Party movement.

All pre-Republican candidates are legitimate representatives of "Americanism", ie, the American Nazim. Among Democrats the "Americanism" also exists but is mitigated by some religious tolerance and secularism.

Obanana lost all the important support that won before the last election. The kids have wanted the closure of Guantanamo does not forgive him because he turned back. The gurus who support Wikileaks not tolerate because of the imprisonment and torture of Bradley Manning. Pacifists criticize him for giving in to temptation of militarism and raise military tensions with Iran. And the unemployed ones look askance Obanana because he promised to create jobs and put billions of dollars in failed banks providing the dishonest bankers cash in millions of dollars in "bonus" .

The Republican victory in the coming USA presidential election is almost certain. So the question is as follows:

"Christian fundamentalism will destroy America?"

Well ... I will not risk any response or prediction. I can only say one thing about this: I will not complain, nor crying, nor pain if Christian fundamentalism destroy America. After all, for me this is a good time for "los gringos" empire fall into the trap of fundamentalism and be destroyed once and for all because of internal contradictions and external wars that the same cause.