Attacks and Infiltration against the Occupation Movements

by Occupy Wall Street Thursday, Nov. 10, 2011 at 6:15 PM

Occupiers are doing a great service to American but they need to look at within their midst for police provocateurs and criminals taking advantage

America's owners don't know what has hit them. At first they thought Occupy Wall Street was just a protest that would go away. It hasn't. It has gotten bigger and continues to get bigger and bigger.

To fight the situation police are infiltrating the movement and dressing as occupiers. So are well paid tools of the upper class. A little provocation and the police come out in full force, making arrests, and using tear gas and rubber bullets. When you see individuals advocating violence, expect that they are infiltrators. The protesters are about peace, not violence.

Among the provocateurs who have shown up in Orange County at Occupation and Peace Coalition events is a man who made his fortune defrauding women, particularly the elderly, tricking them into letting him have access to their funds. He has a history of child abuse and beating women bloody. He and a man accompanying him like to push their way into girl's shower rooms, refusing to leave though the girls are naked and ask the men to leave. He is 6'2", 225 pounds, with grey curly hair, grey eyes and goes by the name of Mark. He is the subject of a stay away restraining order that resulted from violent attacks on one of his victims. He has a history of being a sharpshooter and has come at women with knives and other weapons, demanding his way. He has reportedly made over 100 terrorist threats under P.C. 422. More than one victim has come close to death. He is just one added burden for parents and women to watch out for as they try to take back their government in Orange County.

Occupiers are the heroes of our society. If America succeeds, it will be because of them. These heroes need to be alert for those who want to see the movement fail, such as police and the violent child abusers mentioned above. Be vigilant and win.