Orange County Judge Releases Victims' Information to Elder Abuser

by KST Sunday, Sep. 18, 2011 at 2:35 AM

An Orange County Judge endangers the life of an elder abuse victim. Will her abuser finish her off this time?

Friday, September 16, 2011, in Courtroom L60 at Lamoreaux, in a virtually unnoticed hearing , the elder abuser who starved and dehydrated the elderly woman at the head of the Public Guardian scandal received a gift from the court. The judge allowed the assailant access to his elder abuse victim's personal records. These records contain information on her whereabouts. The elder abuser had once said his victim would be dead before his victim's family got him out of her house. Now a judge has given him an opportunity to end her life if he so chooses. Nobody was present to represent the old woman’s side but documents showed that she was not a party to the action in which her records were being sought. The notice was faulty and relatives and attorneys were out of the county. The woman was disabled by the abuser and was unable to attend.

Friends say the victim has very little money. The abuser wrote checks in the thousands to himself on the old woman's account. He has a high pay job but this hasn't stopped him from trying to take her remaining assets. Last January he got the judge in L60 to agree to let him sell property owned in equity by the old woman. The supportive judge has granted him access to her current bank records and checks. With this lucky break the man will be able to forge checks on the woman's new account.

Friends of the victim believe the Lamoreaux Justice System should be overhauled. Woman are considered second class citizens there. Violent abusers regularly get custody of minor children at Lamoreaux. They violate restraining orders and receive kudos from the court. Women have no rights and no standing.

The elder abuser didn't stop with the old lady. He abused his wife and there is substantial evidence he committed child abuse against his youngest child. His abuse has reached out into the community. He has a history of sexually targeting little girls.

Original: Orange County Judge Releases Victims' Information to Elder Abuser