10 Year Since 9/11 Inside Job

by 9/11 Was An Inside Job Sunday, Sep. 11, 2011 at 2:17 PM

September 11, 2011 is the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 Inside Job, the American Reichstag Fire, perpetrated for the same reason the Nazis burned their government building, the Reichstag: to perpetrate war and fascism so as to maximize profits for the capitalist class, the primary goal of capitalism, the greatest profits being in oil and munitions. Only a labor movement capable of carrying out a general strike can finally put an end to the private profit system, thereby saving the earth and humanity.

September 11, 2011 is the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 Inside Job, the American Reichstag Fire, perpetrated for the same reason the Nazis burned their government building, the Reichstag: to perpetrate war and fascism so as to maximize profits for the capitalist class, the primary goal of capitalism, the greatest profits being in oil and munitions. Only a labor movement capable of carrying out a general strike can finally put an end to the private profit system, thereby saving the earth and humanity.

As we saw it happen on our TV screens, we saw NO AIR DEFENSE. That can only mean it was an INSIDE JOB. If you need more, we also saw CONTROLLED DEMOLITION of the Twin Towers and Building 7, and Building 7 was not hit by any plane, and it fell some 7 hours after the Twin Towers, at 5:20 p.m., also in its own footprint in less than 10 seconds, no resistance, in small enough pieces to be carted away immediately, which it was, thus illegally removing the evidence from the crime scene. The same happened with the Twin Towers. Thermate, a military explosive substance, was found in the dust. Many witnesses heard bombs exploding throughout the 3 buildings, especially in the many basements. Fire cannot cause steelframe buildings to collapse. The planes were built to withstand planes hitting them. The buildings were closed many times before 9/11/01 on the pretext of fixing wiring, which is when the demolition explosives were set. In charge of security were Pres Bush’s brother and cousin. There were no hijackers on the planes; the planes were on remote control guided by the US military. 9 of the so-called hijackers were alive on Sept 12, 2011. Osama bin Laden, a long-time CIA agent on a kidney dialysis machine in 2001, was the prearranged fall guy, and he died in December 2001. The phone calls allegedly made from these planes were all staged; when you call your mother, you do not give your full name, as one person allegedly did as your mother knows your voice with any syllable you utter.

As to the Pentagon, it was hit by explosives and possibly either a missile or a small military plane on the side of the Pentagon that had undergone construction and which housed bookkeepers about to reveal the enormous till-tapping taking place, the stealing of our tax dollars for blood for oil wars. No plane landed in the hole in the ground in Pennsylvania as there were no bodies there said the coroner. The plane alleged to have crashed there landed safely at a Cleveland airport. The 9/11 Inside Job was perpetrated by the US military, under the direction of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice and Giuliani at the behest of the ruling capitalist class whom they, and their Democratic Party political twins, represent. It was a pretext for war, a false flag operation, just as the Gulf of Tonkin incident of 1964 was a LIE, a PRETEXT FOR WAR, and the US government has admitted the Gulf of Tonkin incident was a LIE, that cost the lives of 3 million Vietnamese, 1 million Cambodians, 58,000 Americans and thousands of other people, all to maximize the profits of the war machine.

The military-industrial complex was faced with the loss of their profiteering racket with the demise of the Soviet Union in 1991, not having anymore communist bogeyman as an excuse for stealing from the public treasury to enrich the capitalist class. So, 10 years later, on 9/11/2001, they carried out this long-planned military operation to perpetrate war and fascism. The profits from the oil in Iraq, the Caspian Sea near Afghanistan, Libya, and everywhere else in the world, is the motive. ONLY THE US GOVERNMENT HAD THE MOTIVE, MEANS AND OPPORTUNITY TO CARRY OUT THE 9/11 INSIDE JOB. Only the US government and the capitalist class which it represents benefited.

At home, in addition to the deliberate destruction of the sectors of the economy which does not serve the interests of the war machine, the ruling class is perpetrating fascism everywhere including at the airports were rapists and child molesters sexually attack women and children; military checkpoints and sexual attacks on people by government agents are now at stadiums, school dances, on highways, trains and buses, hotels, shopping malls.

In October 2001, Congress passed a fascist “Patriot” Act without reading the 342 pages, the length clearly indicating that this Act was written years before the 9/11 Inside Job. Every single congressperson who voted for it should be recalled immediately.

The pretext is the CIA fiction called Al Qaeda; the reality is that the ruling class is trying to stop a labor movement which must be built quickly to put an end to this madness. Our entire society is being destroyed by the ruling capitalist class, who apparently have so little concern for the planet on which they live too that they are poisoning the earth with nuclear power and weapons, so-called depleted uranium, white phosphorous and all other chemicals they use for war to maximize their profits. Our school system is being deliberately destroyed and militarized by Democrats and Republicans together. Only socialists and Green Party candidates are worth your vote.

The 9/11 Inside Job is a good example of why you must always assume the government is lying until proven otherwise. Any basic criminal investigation demonstrates that 9/11 was an Inside Job. So too does the work of the Architects, Scientists and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. The government’s conspiracy theory is obviously a fraud, as the many DVDs, websites and books below verify. All variations of the government’s lie, such as blowback, revenge, letting it happen and the like are simply retelling of the government’s lie. The capitalist class is incapable of telling the truth or serving the public good. No millionaire can represent the 80% of us who sell our labor for less than $77,000 a year, and the Democrats and Republicans Parties only represent the millionaires. The US Congress is made up of mostly millionaires, the leading presidential candidates of both parties are millionaires, and both parties are paid for by the same capitalist corporations to maximize their profits, the primary goal and law of capitalism, a bankrupt social order.

The scapegoating of Arabs and Muslims by the US capitalist class is the same as the scapegoating of Jews by the Nazis. The Nazis stated at Nuremberg that they got many of their fascist ideas from the United States. The USA is of course a country built with the genocide of Native Americans, enslavement of Africans, and the exploitation of the labor of people of all colors, including child labor. There is no American Dream; everything labor has, labor fought for.

For all these details and much more, please view and read the following;
DVD that is a Must See at http://loosechange911.com/
and http://www.loosechange911.com/loose-change-911-an-american-coup/


San Francisco Bay Area site that combines the economy with 9/11 Truth:

http://www.brasschecktv.com/videos/the-911-files (The 9/11 Files)

http://noliesradio.org/ which has announcement and picture of Building 7 just before controlled demolition although not hit by any plane and a picture of Dr. Steven Jones, a physics expert, who found thermate, a military incendiary substance, in the dust of the demolished World Trade Center):
Every Weekday – 1 hour – at 3pm Pacific * 6pm Eastern * 22:00 GMT
9/11 Teach-in
Don’t Miss our Sunday – 911 Teach-in Marathon – 5 hours every Sunday
9am Pacific * 12 noon Eastern * 16:00 GMT – Sunday.
a compilation of all 5 previous weekday shows.

heard at 94.1 FM, KPFA, Berkeley, CA Wednesdays at 1 p.m. and on WBAI, New York, 99.5 FM, Fridays at 9 a.m. and online at:




http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=15601 (Griffin: Bin Laden died Dec 2001)
http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=24622 (Dr. Pieczenik: Bin Laden died Dec 2001 of marfan syndrome, genetic disease that shortens life span.)
http://911blogger.com/news/2011-05-06/michael-ruppert-proof-obama-lying-about-killing-bin-laden (DNA sample not possible in time frame given.)
(Roberts, 8/4/11: The Mysterious Death of OBL: Creating Evidence Where There Is None)







(Fiction Film on Bin Laden “death” appearing 1 month before 2012 presidential election-further proof that it was a campaign publicity stunt to boost a failed presidency.)

Go to Socialist Viewpoint at
for videos and articles on the 9/11 Truth Movement including, in Volume 9, No. 3, May-June 2009, “Exotic High Tech Explosives Positively Identified in World Trade Center Dust” by Editor, Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, which also has this article at:
http://www.ae911truth.org/info/51 based on a scientific article at
by Niels H. Harris, Jeffrey Farrer, Steven E. Jones, Kevin R. Ryan, Frank M. Legge, Daniel Farnsworth, Gregg Roberts, James R. Gourley, Bradley R. Larsen.
See also:

http://911speakout.org/?page_id=222 (physics tutorial)
http://www.ae911truth.org/ (architects & engineers)
http://stj911.org/blog/ (Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice)
http://www.historycommons.org/project.jsp?project=911_project (911 timeline)
http://v911t.org/ Veterans
http://mp911truth.org/ Medical Professionals



1.Crossing the Rubicon by Michael Ruppert
2.9/11 Facing Our Fascist State by Don Paul (Excellent research all done in 2001-2002; obviously an Inside Job from the beginning. The evidence is in this book.)
3.Waking Up From Our Nightmare by Don Paul and Jim Hoffman (Good color photos & research)
4.Cognitive Infiltration by David Griffin (2010) (The title is an insidious phrase promoted by an alleged lawyer appointee of Barack Obama, Cass Sunstein, promoting an illegal activity, joining and disrupting 9/11 Truth Movement organizations instead of open debate, providing evidence for the government’s conspiracy theory, which does not exist. Sunstein-Obama are openly promoting fascism. This book does reiterate all the evidence for the 9/11 Truth Movement in 156 pages plus 477 footnotes.)
5.The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7 by David Griffin (2009)
6.Osama bin Laden: Dead or Alive? by David Griffin (2009) (Bin laden died in Dec 2001). See also http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=15601
7.New Pearl Harbor Revisited by David Griffin (2008)
8.The Hidden History of 9/11, ed by Paul Zarembka (2008), articles by David Griffin, Jay Kolar, Zarembka, Don Trent Jacobs, Nafez Ahmed, David MacGregor, Bryan Sacks, Diana Ralph, with Appendix by Bertrand Russell: 16 Questions on the JFK Assassination (teaches how to investigate a crime)
9.The 9/11 Conspiracy, edited James Fetzer (2007), articles by John Austin, David Griffin, James Fetzer, Jack White, Judy Wood, Joseph Firmage, Morgan Reynolds, Rick Rajter, Elias Davidsson, Peter Dale Scott, John McMurty plus excellent photos
10. 9/11 Contradictions by David Griffin (2008)
11. The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions & Distortions by David Griffin
12. The New Pearl Harbor by David Griffin
13. Debunking 9/11 Debunking by David Griffin
14.Painful Questions by Eric Hufschmid
15. The Iron Triangle (on the Carlyle Group) by Dan Briody
16. 9/11 Revealed: The Unanswered Questions by Rowland Morgan & Ian Henshall
17. 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA by Webster Tarpley
18. Body of Secrets by James Bamford (Good on Operation Northwoods)
19. The War on Truth by Nafeez Mossadeq Ahmed
20. Towers of Deception by Barrie Zwicker (with DVD enclosed)
21. 9/11 and American Empire edited by David Ray Griffin and Peter Dale Scott
22. Flight 93 Revealed by Ian Henshall and Rowland Morgan
23.The Terror Timeline by Paul Thompson
24.Welcome to Terrorland: Mohammed Atta & the 9/11 Coverup in Florida by Daniel Hopsicker
25.The Big Wedding: 9/11, The Whistleblowers and The Coverup by Sander Hicks
26.The Terror Conspiracy by Jim Marrs
27.Inside Job by Jim Marrs
28.Forbidden Truth by Jean-Charles Brisard & Guillaume Dasquie
29.Pentagate by Thierry Meyssan
30.9/11: The Big Lie by Thierry Meyssan