Los Angeles privatization pushers take second biggest slice of reactionary Walton pie

by Robert D. Skeels Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2011 at 7:44 PM
rdsathene@sbcglobal.net 90026

A list of the usual local privatization suspects took the second biggest slice of Walton blood money.

"[T]here should be no education marketplace." — Dr. Diane Ravitch (celebrated education professor and author)

In Los Angeles privatization pushers take second biggest slice of reactionary Walton pie I take the Valerie Strauss piece discussing where and how funds from the arch-reactionaries of the Walton Family Foundation were divvied out to various entities engaged in the privatization of public education, and put the spotlight on egregious local offenders.

The list includes: Camino Nuevo Charter Academy, Parent Revolution (née Los Angeles Parents Union), Green Dot Public Schools, California Charter Schools Association, and Inner City Education Foundtion.

My favorite quote:

[C]orporate charter chain Camino Nuevo Charter Academy (CNCA), which claims that it wants its students to become "agents of social justice with sensitivity toward the world around them" is on this list. Camino Nuevo Elementary School #3 got 0,000 from the right wing extremists at the Walton Family Foundation who also fund anti-gay, anti-female, anti-union, and a host of other reactionary causes and organizations. Seems to me that you can't teach the principles of social justice if you're taking money from organizations whose entire purpose is to perpetuate and exacerbate injustice.

Published on Schools Matter, please read it there and share widely.

Original: Los Angeles privatization pushers take second biggest slice of reactionary Walton pie