Give Obama A Chance???

by Fred Snider Sunday, Jul. 24, 2011 at 5:31 PM

This may seem like a comedic, tongue-in-cheek rant, but I'm very serious. It's the government that's become the sad, bad joke....

Over the last few years, I've heard many people say to give Obama a chance, & lament how he came into such a big mess, that he should not be expected to fix everything overnight.

This sentiment overlooks a lot of rational observations.

First off, you can't even enter a dog into a show without producing it's papers, yet the guy somehow got to be president without any real proof of proper citizenship.

Now, years later, they may have finally thrown something together to that effect....

Secondly, what business did he have even running for the job, if he didn't have any real plans on how to fix much of anything, & over nearly 4 years?

It wasn't like he got the call the night before, telling him that he was taking over as the guy in charge, & to do the best he can....

He must have been aware of the terrible state of the union before he got his dumb name put on the ballot. What made him want to inherit such an awful set of circumstances?

What was the true platform for his campaign: I'll take the blame for everything? Even the BP oil spill. What about Jon Benet?....

Almost everyone on the Planet knows that every 4 years, we get a new president here, & you'd think that somewhere in our Great Country, there would be a few more qualified people with some good ideas, to use the years inbetween to prepare to take care of some of the messes, at least....

How did we even get stuck with the 4 buffoons that were somehow put before us?

I heard that Palin practically did get the call in the middle of the night, the day before.... "Huh?.... McCain who?" Operator: Senator McCain. In Washington D.C. Will you accept the charges? "Uh,... I suppose so..." McCain: Is that for the charges, or for running as my Vice President? "Ummmm,.... I guess both...." McCain: Are you sure you can handle it? "Mmmm,.... It's 2AM.... Sure...." McCain: We need to look so bad that Obama looks good. I'm playing Shakes The Clown. "I'll put on my shortest skirt...."

McCain appears to be in fine health recently, but during the election process, he seemed to be more of a trembling Parkinsons sufferer. Who could imagine voting for that?

Biden blasting his pal in the face with a shotgun....

Look at the faces of every president since Kennedy. Except for Bush, Sr., are any of them suitable to put on our currency? Again, where do they get these clowns? The butts of so many jokes from almost every talk show host.

What other president besides Clinton got locked in the Whitehouse with past prezzes, then came out saying how much help they were? Again, what business did he have even running for the position, if he needed their help, & if he's acting on their advice, why do we need him there?

I heard that threats of rioting caused Bush not to take his 2nd turn, so they had to use the next stooge. He proved to be good at taking the punches, so they gave him an encore performance.

But back to Obama....

Third, the one thing that he did get real busy to work on right away, was pushing that fraudulent "health care" scam on us all, no matter how many times it got voted down. Has anyone really benefitted from all of that effort? Besides the man who camped out in the Oval Office until it was done, the SEIU prez, Andy Stern, who left SEIU shortly afterwards, proving how much he really cares about our Country's health.

I don't know if anyone has ever read the whole manifesto yet, but I have first-hand experience with their peoples' ability to concoct pages & pages of vague legalese, that leaves so many loopholes to avoid any real responsibility. You can review a lot of evidence of their flagrant & blatant corruption of many politicians, & our Justice System in my URL here.

So he proves to devote a great deal of his time & efforts to handing our Country over to criminals.

Fourth, somewhere by a freeway in Minnesota, a billboard was put up, calling Americans to prepare for war with our government. You'd think that would be seen as subversive activity, but it was not removed, & I never heard of anyone being prosecuted for it. You can find a photo of it by putting the key words in Google's search engine. You can also find mention of Obama telling a million U.S. Soldiers to prepare for war with our Citizens, by doing the same thing.

Obama told Glenn Beck to stop saying bad things about him on Fox News, but he didn't use the FCC to simply put a stop to it, like they did when some talk show host made a derogatory remark about a Black Woman. Who sets the priorities here?

Number 5, is how we can't afford to fix things here, because we have to borrow billions to destroy things on the other side of the Planet....

How does he merit the Peace Prize??? I can't keep track of how many military operations he has going on in how many countries, overtly & covertly. Has any other prez dabbled in so many wars at once? Give him the Ignoble War Prize....

And who's paying for all of those planes to spray something over so much of our Country, almost every day, without letting any of us know what it is, or why? Some had another plane flying next to them, showing how the smaller plane's contrail dissipates right away, while the other one's hangs up there all the way across the sky for a much longer time.

So there's apparently plenty of money available for all kinds of other stuff, but children are starving here in America. And our patriotic Soldiers who got cancer from being sprayed with our Agent Orange are left to suffer & die without proper care for it.

And of course you voted for that! Or for the people who are doing all of that, without letting you in on the Big Secrets....

They are not serving American interests as best as they can, & they are obviously catering to illegal special interests, which is Taxation Without Representation, & unconstitutional. People who cause or allow Americans to suffer & die, while lying to them & stealing from them, are unpatriotic. They should not even be allowed on any ballot, & should not be tolerated any longer, let alone given any more sympathy.

By now, you might be asking yourself, "So, does this joker have any better ideas?!", to which I reply, "Yes, I do!"

Back in '08, I found the Peace & Freedom website, saying that they had all of the official paperwork done, but no candidate, & asking for volunteers. I volunteered, but got no reply. They went with a few others, who got a very small percentage of the votes, & accomplished absolutely nothing for our Country. They'll probably do the same next time, as they've done a number of times in the past.

Ironically, even though they know full well that they'll never get anywhere near the more-than-50% that they need to put a Socialist prez in power, the current prez is acting like a Socialist in many ways, right?


What's going on is the theft of an awful lot of your money, & that's Capitalism in it's crudest form, masquerading as Socialism to divert attention from the truth.

If the government is caught lying a lot, & they say that they are Socialists, can they really be believed? Just because they say what you want to hear, does not make it the truth.

My intention was never to actually be the prez, but to get in on the debates, & say what needs to be said, not dodge the most important issues, or allow the others to.

My platform was to be: Total honesty, integrity, incorruptability, & full disclosure. None of the others could even pretend to be any of that.

If they even tried, they'd be killed, & I am prepared to risk my life for our Country. I've read where it is not just our right, but our duty as Americans to do so.

I'm not anti-government, I'm anti-corruption. I'm not hiding in a compound with any guns. I contacted the Whitehouse & the F.B.I. about this, & they did not reply.

Are any other Americans prepared to even try to reasonably put a stop to all of the threats befalling our Country from within, with any better ideas?

If they threw me a gun & told me to go off & blindly obey some general who is safe in the Pentagon, I would not do it. I have better ways to serve our Country.

I see evidence that God is on my side, so I can prevail, much like Moses, against the tremendous odds.

Many of you do not believe in God, & that's O.K., but there is evidence to support my contentions. Fanatics ignore evidence. I do not.

Mr. Alex Jones has a website called InfoWars. It lists many travesties, but has not succeeded in having much done about most of them over the years.

I possess information that can help to actually win the InfoWars, a bloodless revolution, but he does not reply to my offer.

The media does report on many fanatics, but not even the National Enquirer will publish my observations & insights, which is why I self-publish here.

If you put my e-mail address in Google's search engine, you can review a lot of the evidence of my extraordinary abilities.

So let me know when you're tired of making excuses for putting up with the charades, & try not to post a bunch of anonymous, thoughtless, baseless, smart alec potshots here, O.K.?

Original: Give Obama A Chance???