Al Qaeda aka AL CIADA (The CIA Duh) in Iraq targets Iraqis

by Al Qaeda aka AL CIADA (The CIA Duh) in Iraq Wednesday, Jul. 06, 2011 at 3:12 PM

The Global Gory Satanic Ritual Serial Killers of Langley, Virginia (The CIA) are continuing to strike with their typical Serial Killers Pattern in Iraq. Instead of Openly targeting Iraqis The Global Satanic Government's (The CIA) AL CIADA (The CIA Duh) Branch is Targeting Iraqis with Death Squad Precision disquised as Al Qaeda aka AL CIADA (The CIA Duh) Terror Attacks.

In The Global Satanic Government's (The CIA) Post 9-11 War on Islam, The same War on Islam which began with The Global Satanic Government's (The CIA) AL CIADA (The CIA Duh) 9-11 Gory Satanic Ritual Serial Murders of Civilians in America, The Global Apostates of Hell From Langley, Virginia (The CIA) are doing Targeted Gory Satanic Ritual Serial Murders of Iraqis, not with Openly with The US Military or Devil's Drone Strikes, but with Covert Style Death Squads disquised as Al Qaeda aka AL CIADA (The CIA Duh) Terror Attacks in Iraq. This CIA Program of Cutting Up, Hacking, and Mutilating of The Innocent in Iraq, serves the Purpose of Continuing The Global Satanic Government's (The CIA) Post 9-11 War on Islam, by still Intentionally Targeting Iraqis with CIA Gory Satanic Ritual Serial Murders, while diquising The CIA's Hacking, Mutilating, and Cutting Up of The Innocent of Iraq as The Work of Muslims, through Al Qaeda, better known as AL CIADA (The CIA Duh), in Iraq, while at the same time having The Devil's Lip Service CNN NBC ABC CBS FOX BBC make calls for more "Security" in Iraq, and thus creating a Pretext for continued US Devil's Forts in Iraq. Gory Satanic Ritual Serial Murders like Today's Al Qaeda aka AL CIADA (The CIA Duh) killings of at least 35 will continue until You The People, Figure Out That The Real Terrorist are CIA and FBI (Faustian Beelzebub Inquisitors), the same FBI that is continually doing Fake AL CIADA (The CIA Duh) Terror Alerts through The Devil's Lip Service CNN NBC ABC CBS FOX BBC, thus continuing The Post 9-11 Campaign of Fear here in The Homeland. And of course The Human Toll will continue to rise in Iraq until both Iraqis and Americans figure out that this IS NOT THE WORK OF FANATICAL MUSLIMS, BUT WORK OF FANATICAL SATANIST PRETENDING TO BE FANATICAL MUSLIMS aka Al Qaeda in Iraq aka AL CIADA (The CIA Duh) in Iraq.