by fabio de oliveira ribeiro Saturday, May. 07, 2011 at 9:26 PM

The film was celebrated by the "professional critics" of movies, but it doesn't pass from a grotesque aggression to the Brazilian life way just as the same is seen by the Americans.

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I watched the film today and I will detach here some aspects that I consider relevant.

When it arrives in Brazil the FBI guy says the Brazilian policeman that he should not harm the American operation. In the film most of the Brazilian policemen is to the Brazilian thief's service. There is only a honest policeman in Rio de Janeiro and it is exactly her that FBI recruits to help the Americans. The headquarters of the it Rio de Janeiro Police shelters the safe where the Brazilian thief keeps the dirty money that will be stolen by Torreto and his team. In certain moment the American policeman is helped by Torreto and friends to combat Brazilian thieves. In the sequence the Americans combat together the Brazilian corrupt policemen.

The film sells the known and disastrous idea that the American Law always operates extra-territorial effects. It is this beginning created by the Diplomacy of the USA that, implicitly, it justifies an agent of FBI to come to Brazil to arrest the American thieves. It is this also that it allows him to confront the Brazilian thieves (there included the corrupt Brazilian policemen). It don't make a mistake. The film justifies in an artistic way the ideology that generated the serious international incident that it happened recently (the violation of the air space and of the Pakistani sovereignty during the operation accomplished to execute Osama Bin Laden).

The action scenes are well executed. The filmings show the poverty and the urban wealth of Rio de Janeiro. However, the city of Rio de Janeiro, and his social and cultural life they are not present in the film. Rio de Janeiro is just a stage where Americanism, with their values and clichés, it was staged for the Americans. The conflict among the American thief full of virtues and the rigorous American policeman is solved by the union of both against the Brazilian thieves and Brazilian corrupt policemen. The American moral superiority is emphasized in a subtle way.

The beginnings that operate in FAST & FURIOUS 5 they are very known. Through the film it happens a symbolic appropriation of another country/city (Rio de Janeiro/Brazil) for Americans with the exclusion of the elements of the local culture. Then there is a depreciation of the imitation of Brazilian culture that was created and the valorization of the virtues of the Americanism. Everything happens as if wherever Americans act his moral superiority is solemnity-evident. The result is a sophisticated artistic aggression. I won't prolongate myself more on this and I send the interested parties to the work Orientalism, of Edward Said

Brazil that takes care. The History demonstrates that every American symbolic, artistic and journalistic aggression precedes another type of much more destructive aggression.

Original: FAST & FURIOUS 5