by Fábio de Oliveira Ribeiro Tuesday, Mar. 22, 2011 at 1:22 PM

The ferocious animal left of Brazil.

Obama began the oil Libyan War in Brazilian soil. He made this to intimidate Brazil.

In a diplomatic way Obama told the Brazilians:

"We will attack Brazil in case you want to defend the petroleum that you discovered in the Brazilian coast."

In Brazil we have a name in Tupi for Obama:


"Me only

in this village I am

as his guardian,

I making it to follow my law.

Of here I will visit other villages far.

I intend to agitate the whole villages."

Fragment of a text written by the Jesuit José de Anchieta in 1587. In that text GUAIXARA speaks who he is and what he intends do. GUAIXARA is a wild Tupi demon, he tormented the Tupis (Brazilian native ones). GUAIXARA made they to fight and to practice the anthropophagy. Anchieta intended to convert the Tupis to the Catholicism and he and he wrote in Tupi:

Xe moajù marãgatu


aipo tecopicaçu.

aba çerã ogoeru

xe retama momoxiabo?

Xe anho

co taba pupe aico

çerecoaramo uitecobo.

xereco rupi imoingobo,

que çuj aço mamo

amo taba rapecobo.

Aba çerã xe yabe?

Yxe çerobiaripira,

xe anhanguçu mixira

Guaixara çeribae

quepe imoerapoanimbira

Xe reco iporang ete,

naipotari aba çeitiça,

naipotari aba imõbica,

aipotacatu tenhe

opabĩ taba mondica.

Bae ete caugoaçu

caõy moyebiyebira,

aipo çauçucatupira,

aipo anhe yamõbeu,

aipo imomorangimbira.

Çerapoan co moçacara


caõy mboapiarete

ae maramonhangara

marana pota meme

Moraceyae ycatu

yeguaca, yemopirãga

çamõgi, yetimãguanga

yemouna, petimbu,

caraimonha monhanga.

Yemoirõ, morapiti,

you, tapuija rara,

aguaça, moropotara

manhana, çiguaragi

naipotari aba çejara


ayoçub aba coti,

taxererobiar, uijabo.

Outenhe xe peabo

abare yaba cori

Tupã reco mombeguabo.



xe piri mara tecoara

xe irunamo ocaibae

tubixacatu Aimbire

apiaba moangaipapar

Obama is the incarnation of GUAIXARA in USA lands. Our ancestors defeated indigenous GUAIXARA and we will defeat this American GUAIXARA.