Why Germany Must End its Deployment in Afghanistan: A War Built on Four Lies

by Jurgen Todenhofer Friday, Mar. 18, 2011 at 11:05 AM

The war in Afghanistan is based on four lies, including the premise that NATO allies are there to fight international terrorism, writes conservative ex-parliamentarian Jürgen Todenhöfer. It's time to end Germany's military engagement, he argues.

The first lie says we're there to fight international terrorism. Even David Petraeus, supreme commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan, conceded in May 2009 that al-Qaida is no longer operating in Afghanistan.

The second lie is that we're there to defend our civilization's values.

The third lie is that we prioritize civilian reconstruction over military activities.

The fourth lie is that we're in the Hindu Kush to prevent the return of the Taliban for good.

to read Jurgen Todenhofer's article published in: Spiegel Online, 2/18/2011, click on


Original: Why Germany Must End its Deployment in Afghanistan: A War Built on Four Lies