The Global Satanic Government (The CIA) is subverting Egypt's Revolt

by The CIA Subverts Egypt's Revolution Tuesday, Feb. 15, 2011 at 10:51 AM

Just as The Egyptians are celebrating the exit of The CIA's Trojan Horse in Egypt (Mubarak), The Global Apostles of Hell (The CIA) are quietly sneaking another CIA Trojan Horse (Sulieman) in Power in Egypt and Dismantling The Parliment and Constitution and Setting up a CIA Military Junta in Egypt

So now that The CIA's Trojan Horse in Egypt has resigned you would think Egyptians have won their freedom. Well think again. During The Revolution The Global Apostles of Satan (The CIA) quietly snuck their Old Intel War on Islam Torture and Renditions Chief (Suliemen) in Power as VP. And now that Mubarak is out of Office and Egyptians are celebrating their victory over Mubarak, they, the People of Egypt, need to take not of the fact The Global Satanic Government has simply replaced one CIA Asset with another CIA Asset and is quietly trying to set up a Military Junta to carry out their Post 9-11 War on Islam in Egypt. The Old Egyptian Government is being replaced by a More Centralized CIA Military Junta. And the CIA is working to subvert The Popular Revolt against Tryanny in Egypt and Appoint another CIA Tyrant.

Original: The Global Satanic Government (The CIA) is subverting Egypt's Revolt