Living without Borders Encuentro in Las Vegas, NV Feb 12th & 13th, 2011

by Rita Sanchez Sunday, Jan. 30, 2011 at 7:29 AM Las Vegas, Nevada

The Living Without Borders encuentro will be held on Sat, Feb 12 and Sun, Feb 13, 2011, in Las Vegas, Nevada, on the campus of University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Living Without Borders / Viviendo Sin Fronteras is an encuentro sponsored by the United Coalition for Im/migrant Rights in Las Vegas, which will bring together activists and community members, for a weekend of discussion, action, and entertainment devoted to freedom of movement and migration, raising consciousness, and organizing in our communities. This year’s encuentro will be devoted to the theme of In Spirit as One: En Busqueda del Mundo Zurdo. Register at

Living without Borde...
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This conference was developed to inspire participants to dismantle oppressive divisions within society, eradicate discrimination, and mobilize the community through transformative education. It is a radical and leftist conference and the only one of its kind in Las Vegas, Nevada.

This year’s theme is inspired by Anzalduistas, borderlanders, Zapatistas y Arizona libre.

With the passing of oppressive laws such as SB1070, we are being forced out of our homes, terrorized and denied our basic human rights. The violence against our brothers and sisters is unbearable. Ya Basta! El levantamiento de Arizona has reminded us that this is the people’s territory and that migration is a human right. We must continue uniting and resisting racist and inhumane laws. We will not allow any border or law to continue dividing our families. We must stand in spirit as one en busqueda del mundo Zurdo/in search of the left-handed, alternative world. El mundo Zurdo, the left handed world is a visionary place, a world where the queer/ jotería, muxeres rebeldes , the colored, the poor, the physically challenged and the undocumented can coexist and work together to bring about revolutionary change.

In spirit as one, we acknowledge esos movimientos de rebeldia que tenemos en la sangre, that connect our struggles en todos lados de las fronteras. En busqueda del mundo zurdo levantaremos nuestra consciensia collectiva y viviremos sin fronteras. As we go in search of an alternative world, we raise our collective consciousness by sharing our stories and reclaiming love in our movements. Our activism and will to create social change must be rooted in self-love, spirituality, liberation, dignity and justice.

“We are the queer groups, the people that don’t belong anywhere, not in the dominant world nor completely within our own respective cultures…Only together can we be a force. I see us as a network of spirits, a kind of family”

-Gloria Anzaldúa

To present, table and register, please visit

SAVE THE DATES February 12 and 13, 2011

Original: Living without Borders Encuentro in Las Vegas, NV Feb 12th & 13th, 2011