Public Education Activists: Answers to very important PSC 2.0 questions

by Robert D. Skeels Thursday, Jan. 27, 2011 at 11:13 AM 90026

Very important information for defending public schools from outside takeovers during the PSC 2.0 advisory votes.

"Problem posing education does not and cannot serve the interests of the oppressor" — Paulo Freire Pedagogy of the Oppressed

California Charter Schools Association Charlatans are a vehicle for vouchers CRES 14 Para La Comunidad volunteers were out this weekend and this morning encouraging parents to participate in the PSC 2.0 advisory vote, and of course to vote for the public school plan (Local District 4 and Echo Park Community Partners Design Team Plan) as opposed to the privatization plan proffered by the outside corporate charter-voucher company CNCA. We will be leafleting for the remainder of the week.

Several parents have asked us important questions about eligibility to vote, whether they needed ID, and more.

Fortunately UTLA's website has the answers to these questions and more

If you are defending a new or PI school from Flores-Aguilar's corporate charter-voucher takeover resolution, familiarizing yourself with the content of the above mentioned documents is paramount. If you are a CEJ, UTLA, or other public school supporter wanting to volunteer in these last few weeks to defend public schools from outside takeovers, let me know and I'll try to direct you to the most appropriate organizer.

Also on is the voting calendar, public schools on the corporate chopping block, and much, much more. Please avail yourselves with this valuable information.

Advocating Public Education

Robert D. Skeels, Coalition for Educational Justice